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Everything posted by SoLo

  1. Well, their is deffinately gonna be a return of the columbians and the haitians..Where their is a ghetto their is poverty, Where their is poverty their is crime, where their is crime their is gangs =p Vice city has a ghetto.
  2. maybe you start out in London...you do a couple missions//rob people to get some moneyand you fly into US..and you visit all the old citys and some new ones and do the whole "getting known" thing like in all Gtas..then you go back to london and unlock it for final missions of the game because some huge thing happened? so basicly US And London?
  3. no thats what happened last time in vc after diaz dies
  4. grand theft dinosaur? how do you boost a dinosaur?
  5. they dpn't live down their, anyways ive just had enough of the mafia i want to see something new. san andreas was new (the beging of the game) in the middle and end it reminded me of gta vc and gta 3 because you ran around doing missions for people.
  6. they came down to get their money they didn't live their and do their operations their they were from liberty city
  7. Dude..Bikes kicked ass! i would ride one whenever i got the chance!
  8. Omg their is NO mafia in Vice City! it's cartels and street gangs! so i would like to play as a Columbian Cartel/ Cuban gangster...that fits in with vice city...
  9. well i dont remember playing as one!
  10. Omfg don't you understand what the meaning of Grand Theft Auto? It means car theft! And let's keep it that way!
  11. Jack The Stripper I love you, you are frolicking brilliant.
  12. i would really like to see different year models of the gta cars...it would be really cool. like you guys know how the 1958 corvette looks soooo much different that 2006 corvette? well yeah i would like to see those improvements in th enext gta
  13. I wonder where those tunnels purposes are, maybe in GTA4 the tunnels will lead to a new city or a previous city
  14. Yeah i agree their should be more military Vehicles. But they should be extremely hard to get.
  15. Well, it's fun to gte places where your not supposed to be :~D
  16. i really hope rockstar dosen't so a foreign type of Gta...Most crimes happen in US.
  17. How about another state like SA was, or even a couple states, or even a country. now i think the 360/ps3 can handle that
  18. i totally agree. im so sick of this mafia thing. the mafia has been in GTA3, GTAVC (in the end) ,GTASA (in las venturas) and in GTALCS . Cant we get something new!? I'd really like to get some background on the mexican mafia theme goin on in Vice City!!
  19. naahhhh i think that would be in liberty city because remember in gta vc in the intro the forrelis are talking about expanding south and selling drugs and one of the other guys said "nah, sonny none of the families will touch that stuff!" so it's obvious that the forrellis were the only ones that got into selling drugs and that was in the 80s so i doubt vcs will happen in the 70s with salvatore
  20. Wow a gta game in the 1930s would be the gayest gta ever i wouldent even bother playing it, what you gonna do? jack a model T? there would only be like 10 models of cars in the game and they would all look the same
  21. I hope rockstar does something new, like being a member of the japanese yakuza or something
  22. dude having fake / madeup models of real life cars is what makes GTA so unique and it saves Rockstar a lot of trouble
  23. if you think about it , almost every car in GTA gets destroyed one way or another..so gas shudnt be that much of a problem like eating wasnt that much of a problem
  24. Lmao..Go to Gamespot.com and read the article on the Ps3...i think gamespot would be highly more acurate than channel 8 news
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