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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. So guys, stop the argument here or we'll have to lock it. No more responses regarding the last argument.
  2. I thought you would steal him from me.

  3. Georgia is a state. Like, Massachusetts or Florida. Also, this is a funny because we have this annual sasquatch hunt on Saturday where someone in the family dresses up as Sasquatch and scares the little children in the family. Yes, you heard me.
  4. But we're married...

  5. Looks like spam to me or someone trying to hack you. I wouldn't let them.
  6. Is that even a question? Thought it was obvious by now...

  7. If you want those shitty Vista permissions off do this: Go to Start > Run > msconfig Click the "Tools" tab at the top. Click "Disable UAC" and click the "Launch" button. Restart the computer and try again.
  8. C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\data\script
  9. I haven't got kicked once actually, only time I've gotten kicked was because of Punkbuster and some API Windows error.
  10. Tons of players, have only seen a cheater once.
  11. So they predicted as well. How awesome.
  12. (8:09:39 PM) Chris: i wanted them so that i could give them to you (8:09:42 PM) Chris: as a present (8:09:45 PM) Chris: so youd love me (8:09:50 PM) Chris: i thought it would be sweet Lawl, again.
  13. Since I'm pretty sure you can't shift up and down in GTA IV then no. But you can probably disable it somehow by redefining the controls maybe?
  14. Why would you want the cars to be seen... I don't understand. I mean in some circumstances yeah but in most I can't think why you'd want them to be.
  15. I lol'd. I don't know, I have a bad feeling about this game, but I could be wrong.
  16. Holy crap! That's a lot of money! It costs almost my own PC upgrade. Not for a guitar...
  17. (4:06:16 PM) Chris: Will my penis be able to run GTA IV?
  18. Gotta agree. It's not gonna happen.
  19. Push the analog stick forward very little and then right when your NEXT TO the ramp leading onto the plane turn onto it. It's not hard at all.
  20. Stop asking for people's opinions then, you're a horrible writer and deserve to be shot. Kind of rude, but lol. And what he said wasn't?
  21. Those aren't "normal" police cars. I have actually never seen those before. And I'm not talking about a ticket, I'm talking about real criminal shit, like pulling in front of someones house at night un noticed.
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