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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. I just read that they're only sending around one proton beam tomorrow and not doing the other thing for months.
  2. So God couldn't of created the big bang right?
  3. First of all, they can't prove God didn't exist, I don't think you guys are thinking at all. Look into a religion before you just make random theories about why people don't want it to go off... Connor that's really ridiculous. Now, this has been news for a while now, it was supposed to go off in May, but it didn't, it got delayed until now. It could indeed make a black hole and stuff, and it might not. In all honesty, what the fuck are we doing this for if it could do this much trouble? Also, Thomas, THIS has never been done before at this level, there's been other colliders but this is the largest.
  4. Happy birthday you fucking dickhead.
  5. You guys need to realize the general population of teenagers though. I must say, in my town at least, most of them are fucking idiots/punks etc.
  6. ... you guys realise this is being/will be fought in court, right? http://www.savetheinternet.com/=faq http://www.google.com/help/netneutrality_letter.html Etc. I see some really stupid responses here... It's actually happening right now.
  7. Nothing really, you back from vacation?

  8. Well SORRY!!! I'm dyslexic. Jeez, it's not like I make fun of you for being autistic. And it's not like he made fun of you for being dyslexic.
  9. Yes, just recruit your gang and let them get in. You mean the bus, am I right?
  10. That right there is called a bird.
  11. Well, right click and "Run as Administrator"
  12. Do you have the shitty Vista UAC turned on?
  13. Sort of. Not really.

  14. Are you Asian/Italian by any chance?

  15. Or you can just end the process. Ctrl + Alt + Delete "Processes" "samp.exe" and end.
  16. Yes and we're going to live online I think as well for a few years.

  17. Yeah just end the process, happens to me when I close the client.
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