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Everything posted by rockstarrem

  1. I was just thinking the same thing, especially the boxart.
  2. Ahahahaha, the part with the grenade is awesome. Another awesome job by Brotha .
  3. I have to agree, it's nearly impossible. Even if they set a timer they could just re download and shit I suppose.
  4. I'll approve it this time, make sure to include screenshots. Re submit if you'd like.
  5. Guys, I don't think that's snow, I think its stars. I'd love it to be snow though.
  6. Shows us why we can't get girlfriends in real life
  7. Wow, I feel like a complete dumbass. Thanks.
  8. I think the permissions are fucked, I can't post .
  9. Glad I have a 360, but PS3 players won't be dissapointed, it's not the whole game your missing out on.
  10. Looks like Niko has glasses on.
  11. Wow, it's so cool that there will be guys on the back of the garbage truck. I wonder if we'll see them doing the barrels.
  12. Ah, I was under the impression they were going to at least release one in April. That wouldn't make sense though, so August FTW!
  13. Posted as news, thanks. You have been credited. Closed.
  14. Mark866 from our own forums has found that PSM3 has released tons of new info on GTA IV. Some of it we already knew, but most of it is worth posting. Source: mark866, GTA-Like
  15. Yeah, I hate all that "gangsta" rap. I really want a Heavy Metal station..sort of like V-Rock. Holy shit...he got banned???...what the hell did he do??? His three post aren't even bad. It's Hazer with a multiple account, he's also Permanently banned.
  16. I really want to see it, although I probably won't. Looks really good.
  17. Sarah Connor died before Judgement Day, yes, but if you watched the show it shows that the Terminator was once again sent back through time to stop her from dieing somehow. At least thats what she says. This takes place after T2 I believe. I need to agree that this show does look like it won't last, I'm not sure on the ratings, but yeah. I actually like the show, but we'll have to see.
  18. Rofl, it's New York City, or Liberty City in that case.
  19. Thank you for this, I'm using it right now. Your doing a great job creating these things, keep it up.
  20. Wow, that does look really awesome. The very dark grungy look doesn't go that good with GTA IV in my opinion, but that looks really nice anyway. Good job!
  21. Guys, theres volleyball, hockey, I mean everything... they're all pretty fun.
  22. You guys realize he doesn't check the comments right? :P

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