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Posts posted by Pandora

  1. Raymond, wtf! Gerard is gay, you can't say he's straight. Jace & osiris., Rape is bad, sometimes I get an urge to fuck them but never rape. Gay people can do whatever they like, as long as they don't wake me up while I'm sleeping :P

    Dude, that wasn't to be taken serious. It's just the thought of "damn it, I want to fuck you" when I see some very hot chick.

    Duh, I believe people who rape should be punished serverely, of course I'd never do it.

  2. In a little less than 2 hours I'll leave for some school party. Don't expect it to be very special though.. They actually want you to go in some costume, I tried to find a V for Vendetta mask, but came to the conclusion you just can't buy those things in Holland (damn it). Would have kicked ass if I could've gotten it. Well I don't think most of the people at school would find it that cool though.. They'd find it freaky like.

  3. *cough* Gerard *cough*.

    I'd edit your post if I were you Raymond. Some might get themselves worked-up about it.

    And it always just will be an urge. Seriously, I'd never actually rape. I'm a too big dumbass to even ask a girl out, forget rape.

  4. I guess I am the only fag who's account doesn't have admin rights.. I do have an admin account, but don't use it in general. Only for when I want to install stuff and play games I can't on a limited account.


    Anyway, I really don't have a clue. Best chance of solving it would be asking here.

  5. Finally effin yes!

    Yes to that damned computer. Before friday he'll tell me what he'll contribute (hope it's above the 1400 EUR, otherwise my plan is screwed). It'll be "possitively surprising".

    Also, no homework for a change. I win :)

  6. Actually, Jace I think it was when our school had a puberty talk where we learn about the other sex's 'features' that the woman said that Males think about sex or anything related every minute of their lives. We first got into that stuff at around the age of 12, well ever since hitting High School sex has been around everywhere.

    It started for me when I met this guy named Oscar who knew about sex. That was when I was 9/10 I think.

    But then I was rather early.. I've only had the huge urge starting when I was 13,5. To 'damn it, I need to get laid' feeling.

    But I'll resist. I've got enough will power for that.

    Porn started at the age of 11.. Soft porn, like only boobs. Didn't find vagina's exitening yet. But that has changed *laughs like an idiot for no reason*.

    I'm starting to look more at how pretty a girl is than how hot she is. Two completely different things. And of course personality.

    BTW, when I said rape I in no way meant to say that I've even considered any such thing. Just a way to express what I meant to say. Hope you all understood that and aren't thinking that I'm some maniac of some sort.

  7. Is normal starting 13 actually. Every boy will get some urge of 'exploring' it around that age.

    If I was an animal I probably would have raped. Having some sense and understanding the immoral part of it and the consequences means I don't and will never rape.

    Probably that didn't sound like I wanted it too, but I hope you got the idea.

    When I'm at school sex pops up in to my mind at least every 2 minutes. At home that just be once an hour. Usually when I'm bored.. or of course when I see a very hot girl.

    BTW, your have to be 13 if you're an American citizen, other wise you need your parents to approve.

    I think this covers it. Haven't read it, so I might be wrong.

  8. PS3 is not a PC >_<

    It's a powerfull console, no questioning that. But PC's are generally more powerfull but much less efficient since games can't really get optimized and on top of that you're still running an OS.

    PC lags if you don't have good enough hardware. Now for games like Crysis it just sucks, but most will run pretty smooth. Just lower detail level.

  9. Uh, get laid? Yeah, like I'm 14 and think it isn't appropriate to actually have sex yet at this age and stories are fun anyway. Usually funny too IMO.

    And I don't think we've got anyone on this board who'd be too immature for some stories. It's not like there are <12 (age) members or anything.

  10. Actually the board states that 'we' (Chris) aren't responsible for the content posted by users of the website.

    Remove this post if you think it's necessary, but I think this topic is pointless. If members can't bother to read the rules then they won't bother to read this topic either. Besides, everyone in their right mind will know that they won't get the download anyway.

    and this isn't really an announcement BTW. No offense or anything. Just an observation

  11. The Pentagon is the main example; How, does a Boeing 757 disappear into a small hole, then make another hole at the other side and not leaving the nose behind?

    Or that the FBI arrived in minutes to confiscate any videos that recorded the attack...

    Or that there was a lack of debree (or however you spell it) at the site?

    There's many things but I haven't finished downloading the video so I can only watch parts of it before it stops.

    And all the eye witnisses, the blackbox and radar proof of independent people (not related to the government).

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