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Posts posted by Pandora

  1. @Huckleberrypie: or get a new computer :P Seriously though, E8400 is just 160 USD and god damned fast.

    @ azn: You have a damn good computer!

    No offense to azn, but an 7500LE isn't exactly a very good card (for these days).

    I want to order all the new components Monday. Might take slightly longer though.

  2. The itunes program in general pisses me off. They put so much pointless shit in it. The stupid sub bits, recently added, recently played, top 25 most played. Why the fuck do i need to know which songs i play the most, or which songs i recently added? Also, what is with the whole "my rating" thing. does Apple really think we are so stupid that we need to be reminded by our ipod which songs we like? But the thing that really drives me to murders is when not thinking i plug my ipod into my friends pc to charge it, his fucking itunes pops up and automatically replaces all my great music, with shit.

    Its so stupid.

    Second that. It's why I regret buying my iPod. Great little think but I hate iTunes. God damned piece of shit it is. I just want to drag and drop, simple. Nothing more, nothing less.

  3. I have:

    Processor: Intel® Core™2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40Ghz 2.39GHz ( OverClocked for: 5.60Ghz )

    Memory (RAM): 4047

    System: Windows Vista Ultimate 32bits

    Graphic Card: ATI RADEON SAPHIRE HD 2900PRO ( OverClocked )

    Disk Space: (C:) 102gb (only use windows files in that drive)(the more none windows files you put in system disk, the slower your PC gets)

    (D:) 400gb ( use it for games, movies, music, other files.... )

    How the hell can you get it running stable at 5,6? You got a LN2 cooling system running the whole time or something?

    BTW, your sis laptop should be able to run SA I think..

  4. I think that'd be Legend of Zelde Twillight Princess. Second round it isn't all the fun actually, but the first round is just amazing. Damn it, I felt like really raping Ganondorf and hitting Zant in the face.

    Truely an awesome story. Loved every minute of it.

  5. Modable, keyboard and mouse (fuck yeah! Uhm.. just doesn't work for games like GTA though..), better graphics, more control and people like me just don't want to get a 360 or a PS3.

    BTW, better memory? PS3 has 256 MB of fast memory. A good PC has 2 GB of fast memory. Drivers can be a bitch though.

  6. Money from that easy job + parents = +£700

    They give me a max of £400 pocket money for a year and all I've got to do is not fight. Simple as that. And then I get rather little compared to others.. it's just because of that job that I get some decent income. (BTW, I only 200 or so cause we always fight.)

    And then still money for events and stuff. Just ask my dad when he's in a good mood and he won't make a fuss out of it.

    Seriously though, such job is easy. I'd get it if I were you. Just 2 hours a week and you're done. Gives about £475.

  7. Well LCS and VCS didn't go onto the PC, and I was a fan of GTA for the PC, but not anymore, i like to play them on the XBOX 360 now. Plus in 2004 or 2005 I read somewhere on the web that SA would be the last GTA game on the PC, but I cannot find it has of yet.

    They didn't port pokemon ruby to Wii either. It's a handheld game.

    With $75-100 you can buy about 4GB of RAM, with $300 you can buy a powerfull graphics card ( 8800 GTS ) and with about $200 you could buy a powerfull processor ( AMD Athlon X2 6000+ ) ... And it would last you more than a console, plus you'll be able to play on higher resolutions and better framerate ...

    I'd rather have some fast 2 gig than these budget 4gig packs. Medium settings should be able to be done with a 8600 GT or ATi equivalent. 1 Gig of RAM should be enough for XP, 2 for Vista and a E6600 or AMD equivalent.

    I think that it would be around that.

    And otherwise MS will try to get R* to port it, but then of course it'll be Vista only.

  8. Because that vidya card can run Crysis at max settings, I'm sure there will be no problems with GTAIV.

    Max settings? Max settings needs a Ultra in SLI, even a HD3870X2 can't get it at a good frame rate (though it is playable).

    I'm sure you mean max in DX9 with resolution down, right?

    Unless you've got the card OC'ed you'll have about 17 fps with 1027 x 768 with AA and AF turned of and everything else on very high. That's not exactly playable.

  9. Uhm, TFY.. Why not get a small side job. Earns me 90 USD a month and it's just for fridays. I bring around papers. Pretty easy, just switch the TV on and start folding those damned things and after that have a evening walk. I actually like it, strangely.

    Lol, you guys have to learn to save (or invest). Seriously :P

  10. School's started, I'm getting less then 8 hours of sleep a day and I can't keep up with getting up at 730 every morning and going to bed by 12! And in addition I can't get on TGTAP as much anymore <_< .

    School homework is on my ass and I can't finish it all before Monday...

    Bleh I'm so busy I'm surprised I can get on at this time ><

    Bed at 12:30, get up at 5:40. OH SHI-!

    I can do with that. Usually I sleep for 14 hours during the weekends. Lately that's just 9 though.

    Now I'm going to learn 500 words of greek.. meh.

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