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Posts posted by Pandora

  1. Sucks?

    I've got no idea how you managed to get a card that has a 384 bit memory interface in a 640 MB model. The GTX got 768 MB ;)

    I think you mean the GTS 640. Well, to be honest I think that wasn't a very good choice actually. Great card, no questioning that, but the GTS G92 is a- cheaper b- faster. In many games it in fact is the fastest card. The GX2 and X2 don't scale great in all games, that's why.

    What is the speed and latency of the RAM? 2GB doesn't really say much..

    So I didn't rate yet. I can't. It would be like judging a book by it's author.

  2. World in Conflict. I love that game, but if you hate the RTS/RTT genre you probably won't like it.

    Orange box is practically stealing. You got something like 5 games (right?) for the price of 1. Good graphics and great story too. Very unique.

    Crysis could be an option too. Best buy has it for just 20 USD, but you'll need a powerful computer to run that game though.

    UT3.. supposed to be a good game, but I really don't know to be honest.

    And if you're very slow in making a choice, may I suggest Spore? I think you'd like it. Though it's only going to be released in Q4 if I'm not mistaken (or Q3... something like that..).

  3. At the moment 1 EUR is worth about 1,55 USD. So buying stuff from shops from the US is worth it. Saves me at least 100 EUR.

    Newegg is pretty cheap, but I'd want to know if anyone here has ever had products shipped to Europe (from Newegg of course) and if everything went OK.

    And what would the shipment of a 9800 GTX cost? It's shouldn't be a very large package. Size of a small monitor I think.

  4. Typo, I meant the 9600 GT. That is if you've got a budget. Just 170 USD.

    And BTW, some other benchmarks I read showed the 9800 being slightly faster than the 8800 GT. They didn't use the standard benchmark utility built into Crysis though. Rather then doing that they actually went through a level and the calculated the average FPS.

    How is 8600GT a bad card? Great for it's value and as Righty said, it's a great card.

    Compared to ATi's midrange card the 8600 didn't have such high performance and was overpriced.

    And you always have to compare stuff to other products. On itself the 8600 is a good card, but ATi just had something better to offer for a cheaper price and for that reason it isn't exactly a good choice.

  5. I wouldn't go for an E6600. E8400, yeah :)

    Also a Geforce 9600 is, in my opinion, a much better choice than the 8800 GS. And it performs better than the 8800 GT in Crysis too. On top of that the card is far from expensive. It's 150 EUR here, so probably the same but then with dollar sign in front of it for you (or Canadian dollar sign.. if that exists..)

    There is this one major downside about this E8400 though..

    It takes a loooong time to arrive. I've got all my parts now, with exception of the graphic card (That will either be a 8800 GTS G92, 9800GTX, or a 9600GT (and then I'll upgrade to the GT200/G100/D10E when it's released)), but the CPU is only expected to arrive on the 8th of April. Intel has promised to have a steady supply of these things by the end of March though..

  6. I can't find the god damned remote to open the garage door with.. My dad's mad about that. I must have placed in some awkward place, but I just can't remember where...

    If I don't find it, my dad won't reimburse some money for my PC..

    The amount he was going to give me being 1875 USD, I better find that stupid thing quick. But... I don't just can't find it!

  7. I would personally prefer a 8600GT since it is a great mid-range card with only about $40 extra that you gotta pay.

    Do NOT do this. Get a 9600GT if you're on a budget. Seriously, I'm actually considering one. Uh, I mean two. Just would like to compare it to the 9800GTX first. It's going to be pretty cheap if I buy it in the USA. 270 EUR there compared to the 400 EUR I'll have to pay here. Just 15 more than a G92 GTS costs here.

    I've ordered all my parts. All have arrived except for that damned CPU and they're only expecting it to come at the end of March... >_<

    Good thing being that that gives me the time to wait for the GTX too, maybe get that thing.

    If you've got the cash: go for a 9800 GTX:


    Looks sweeeet.

    Another option would be the 3870X2. But I just don't like those dual GPU cards. They usually just scale bad (with exeption of COD4).

    Come to think of it, the 9600 have just came out. Great card, bit worse than the 8800gt but makes up with the cheaper price.

    How about: a little less awesome.

    And by the way, it actually performs better in Crysis than the GT does. God knows why..

    Edit: and I'd either go for more or for faster RAM too. Or a combination of the two.

    RAM is extremely cheap these days. You can get very fast 2GB strips from Crucial for just 55 EUR (I was shocked when I saw the huge price drop.

    Very late edit: I'm an ass. I said 9800 GT. I meant 9600 GT. Edited it.

  8. I'd definitely go for the 80MB one.

    But I heard of a 40 and 80 GB version too (60 is EOL, right?). I'd go for the 40. If you ever need more you'd just be able to buy an extra HDD. They aren't expensive at all.

    And I think (not sure) that the 80 GB version has the emulation capability for PS2 games removed.

  9. Windows has some feature that will ignore keys pressed soon after eachother. It's a pretty useless feature that should be able to get disabled (of course) in the control panel.

    I might be wrong though, but I thought Vista did implement that option.

  10. Yesterday evening a boy (14 years old) has fucked the shit out of 2 girls. The latter of them, Isabelle, reported this yesterday at the LSPD. "And then he wanted me to bend over" the girls says filled with hapiness. "I couldn't believe what was happening, but it was. He just did it, right there.

    For more on this see page 17.

  11. I got a dog about two months ago, for Christmas. Only three months old.

    Two days ago she went missing. When I brought her her food in our backyard the puppy just wasn't there. So we went looking for her, turned the house upside down and asked all the neighbours, walking through the neighbourhood and calling her name. We also ringed the animal shelter we adopted her from [their number was on her name tag, so we hoped if she was found they'd call the shelter] and asked them to let us know immediately if there was a reported stray with ours' description.

    This morning we received a call from the shelter; a neighbour down the street found a puppy drowned in her pool.

    We're picking her up later this afternoon.

    Just hope it is another dog (though it's still sad).

    I had a puppie once... but had to leave him. He wasn't really my dog. Just a dog who lived in your front yard. When we moven to the Netherlands I had to leave him there.. Lassi. Couldn't pronounce the 'L' and always called him nasi. Sweet dog. Stole my sliper, my bel, my cookies and other things, but still a very sweet dog.

  12. Fuck you, fool.

    Go back to kindergarten if you can't talk any sense. Nintendo games own the shit out of almost any other game out there any day. Cartoony game? Go play LoZ TP, fully. Then come back here and give your opinion again.

    GTA is cool (I think that actually is an understatement), but certainly not the best game ever. That title already is in Nintendo's hands.

    So STFU and only come back when you become a bit more.. mature. You really aren't behaving like how a 19 year old should.

    Oh, and may I ask why they don't deserve it? Because they're to successful, perhaps.

  13. Thefact that I can't find the Hate! topic anywhere :P

    Just buy a normal MP3 player, drag and drop FTW!

    Normal mp3 players are ugly though. I generally hate the look of apple products, but their iPods are pretty neat.

    @TM: IE7 has a spellcheck.

    My FF does not.. uhm, can someone give me a link to a good spellchecker for FF?

    TV adds.. damn, for a day or two American TV is funny, but after that it just becomes down right annoying to have commerials every 7 minutes. Did lol a lot though.

  14. ^ linguistic guy... lol i'm poor in learning languages, i only know 2 languages

    today is a day, my former crush intercepted me while i'm walking and i accidentally told her "sexcuse me" lol! i ran far away, i hope no one hears that except her

    Actually I'm more into the beta side. All my bad marks are for languages :P

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