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Posts posted by Pandora

  1. I don't see why some of you guys think that you can't have an intelligent conversations with girls, you act like they only like clothes,etc...

    Actually, I do.

    I don't want to imply that they're dumb, far from. But they're interested much more in alpha subjects which are, IMO, not really subjects you can have intelligent conversations about.

    Wait, that's totally wrong. Uhm.. how to word this.. Well for instance: liking a political party (yeah, we've got loads of 'em here) and not even knowing what they stand for. They know one thing and think they're great. I'm possitive that if they actually knew what the party stood for they'd hate it. The lack of the ability to reason things themselves. They can learn good, but it has to be 'as is'. Implying that what they're going to be asked is what they've learnt. They can't use the information they've got and reason other stuff out of that.

    Now I'm only talking about the girls in my class. Obviously not every girl is like that (thank god).

    So yeah. Only thing I've noticed they like to talk about is how much they need their friends, their vacation, how they didn't like doing something, talking about flowers and about clothes and everything else that requires no intelligence at all. I'm not saying that that's wrong. But sometimes you want to actually really talk about something.. discuss something. Not just 'ah, how cute' and everything else that basically has the same meaning as that.

    But then my class pretty much sucks.. We've got this kind girl who's pretty hot too, but she's an absolute retard. Just a little... weird. Like suddenly making weird movements for absolutely no reason at all (and that's not a sickness BTW).

    Hey but fuck. Camp is coming soon (yeah, 7 months away :P) and that actually is the place to get someone. Granted, I've got enough self-knowledge to know that I'm not the most handsome person there is, so I'll have to play it different and still be me (I hate people who fake their personality). As far as I know, we'll be on boats. No idea how that will be, but probably we'll have a few boats which will... Shit. Come to think of it, I really hope we WON'T have a few boats. That'll mean that we're separated.

    Ok, assume we've got one boat. Limited amount of rooms. Boy and girls won't share rooms but they can go to eachothers rooms anyway. We're bound to have a evening when you need to get a date for some event.

    What is the best way to do this? There's this girl who's going on camp too I think, well.. you can see what I want to say.

    Thing is that I think she might be a bit to far out of reach. To talk with her now and then. Never had any problems with (like I do with most) and is very friendly. Infact she's the cause of me being 'camp-king 2007' last year, though she doesn't actually know that.

    I'll be 15 then and I think that's the age to actually have a gf, or at least close to (I am NOT talking about sex BTW). So you guys being the people who already have a GF might be able to give some good advise.

    I've got no idea what girls like and hate about me..

    I think they'd hate my "you're responsible for your own life" attitude..somehow. My temper.. though I never get annoyed with girls I actually like (obviously..). I'm working on that though. It's actually paying off. I never thought it would, but it really does make a big change on how they threat you. I tend to have a 'I don't care' voice, even when I'm actually facinated. So I try to sound a bit more cheerfull, but I don't fake happiness though.

    Then, like... Uh, lol. I don't know. Maybe my way of talking? Usually people find it funny (especially when it's having remarks about something or someone). Don't know if that's something possitive or negative though. I guess a combination of the two. So possitive.. I don't really know.

    Anyway, just give some starting tips.

    @MrLlammaLlamma: lol@those tempting moments. I never can resist cause I never thought I really should, though did have doubts. I'll keep that in my mind ;)

    Welcome to my boring life, where social contact is as lively as my hamster (hint, hint).

  2. Old music...

    *enjoys listening to 'Smells like teen spirit'* ;)

    that wouldnt happen to be one of your mock GCSEs would it? i really hated them, they are totaly pointless

    Nope. We don't have those here either. Well actually we do. Just another name. But we're still just get normal exams. I'll get those GCSE's in 3 years time.

  3. Graphics are important to next gen gaming

    Meh, I'm still for gameplay over graphics. Love Nintendo's artstyle.

    Anway, if you are the type of person who will hire or buy movies I'd go for the ps3. Simple as that actually. HD-TV is a must for the 360 and PS3. Otherwise all the text sucks.

  4. Compliments.. I always do it wrong (how much can one fail.. can't even just give a compliment). Or at least I'm getting the idea that I'm doing it wrong. Always sounds to me like I'm saying it on a way the one could take it as a sarcastic comment..

    But I'll try though. I think it should kinda help. Especially clothes since girls are so fond of them.

  5. Ok, get something straight. The mod only unlocks it. Hot Coffee was already in the game, but the code to activate it was taken out.

    Now that mod gets it to work again. But Rockstar removed the files for Hot Coffee, so there isn't anything to unlock anymore.

  6. It looks like you don't know what you're talking about (no offense there).

    X1900 XTX 3dMark 06 - 5148

    8800 GT 3dMark 06 - 11569

    Oh shit, that's more than double!

    X1900 XTX price (just quick google search) - $385.00

    8800 GT - $266.92.

    Only card that can somewhat compete is the HD 3870 for $229.99. But then if I had the choice I'd spend that extra 37$. It's whorth it.

    As said, ATi only controls the mid range and budget cards. They're lagging behind nVidia when it comes to high-end cards ATM.

    So now tell me, how exactly is the X1900 XTX value for money?

  7. It's not just a political view. It's an opinion on stuff and differs from the majority of girls.

    But then that's just people in my class and there really is nobody in my class who I like..

    Uhm, how to grab the attention of a girl you know but barely ever talk with. If I ever to talk with her it's cause she said hi, but then I'm just like 'hi' and don't know what else to say. It's always on these weird moments...

    In general I've got a voice that sounds as if I'm upset 24/7, so I usually try to get it to sound a bit happier at those times, but then it sounds incredibly fake. Wouldn't be surprised if they thought I'm actually not interested and just trying to act as if I am.

    Also, how bad is it to have a slight moustache.. My mom isn't allowing me to get rid of it. Now of course I could je say 'fuck it' and do it anyway. But then I'm losing a large some of money and I don't think it's really worth it.

  8. ...

    Ok. You do realise you can play GTA with an on-board GPU..

    So which ATi card is owning nVidia at the moment? To my knowledge, none.

    ATi is better in the mid-range and low-end segment. nVidia is the best for high-end cards and of course, goes with a high-end price.



    Say again.

  9. Jesus, some of you people act like getting a girl is impossible.

    It is if your nick is Jace. At least, any girl that has a great personality and is hot too. Especially the latter of those is difficult.

    I know a few girls who would, but they're practically whores.

    I think if your not yourself, girls WILL find out, you should never put an act on or anything and you shouldn't be afraid to talk about what you want to talk about, I know its easier said than done.

    I only get problems when doing that. At least, with the girls. Somehow really every girl has opinions that actually are slightly communistic. Totally the opposite of my ideas usually. Whenever I do state my ideas they (the girls. The boys usually agree) tell me I'm immoral.. Just cause I think the state shouldn't cover our asses for everything and people should be responsible for their own lives and the fact that I think death sentence is justified at times.

    I don't know if other countries have these terms, but in the Netherlands you have the right side and the left side in politics. Left extreem being communism, right extreem will be like the Nazi's had. Anyway, they're all left. I'm right, and so are most guys. They just don't give their opinions on these type of things that much..

    Shit, there I go again with politics. But really, it is about the best way to express someones genral opinion.

    Also, nobody has actually figured out who I really are. I'm totally different at school then at home. At home I'm much more open in negative emotions. Being able to flip from a good mood into a rage in a minute because I can find the cereal.

    Outside home I'll never do anything (except if I feel threatend). I keep my emotions for myself. Nobody has to know what I feel and I hate it when people do express their emotions (for stupid things. I can understand if someones going to be very depressed if their pet died or something worse then that). But crying in the classroom during a history lesson when they say that some army killed an x amount of people is kind of stupid. No problem with people finding it very bad. But those type of emotions are best kept to yourself. I never ever express anything about these type of things. Doesn't mean I'm not moved by them. I am. But I don't express it.

    Because of that people get crooked ideas of me. Think I don't have any feelings for these type of things. I do, but these things happen. If I'd let my emotions free at all time I'd be miserable day and night I guess.

    People die during war. It's 'natural'. As bad as war is, you can't revert what happend.

    Had an accident today. While gym I accidentally stood on someones foot. I moved and apologized immediately. But then I get told by something like 5 girls (there was 1 who did support me though) that I did that on purpose.. That I wanted that girl to have pain. What the hell? Why would I ever want to do that?

    I acctually don't know if it would have a possitive or negative influence if people really knew how I am.. Things like the latter I mentioned would probably be pissitively influenced. But other things (like my pretty strong anti-communism idea) would, strangely, have a negative influence I think. I think it's mostly cause they don't understand on what I base my opinion. Usually after explaining they'll agree and change their opinion.

    I can't really express myself right, that's why people get false ideas.

  10. C'mon. You can't be serious. The 8800 GT is obviously the best you can get price/performance wise at the moment. HD 3870 comes close though. But not close enough to rival the Ultra. And the 9800 GX2 is going to kick-ass. Though I would have prefered it using a full new powerfull chip instead of the same trick they did for the 7950 GX2.

    But there's hope. Maybe they'll be using a G100 (no idea how it will perform) instead of a G92 chip.

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