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BlackListedB last won the day on August 14 2020

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About BlackListedB

  • Birthday 08/08/1966

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    GTA IV
  • Gamertag
    Grande SlamMan
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    Minnesota, USA
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    Music, music, video, movies and their mediums (LD camcorders, disc, tape, etc.) Video games historically perspective, over my lifetime on this planet!

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  1. Just got algorithm assist in GTA6 breaking stories, one carried by my Win10 Landing Page, Index of MSN topics, by default you've seen Co-Pilot perhaps Influence Windows usage Anyway, GTA 6 still waiting for RockstarGames to come out with any substantial new content in that regard, but GameRant thought to point out GTA5 results and the years in-between timeline showcase characters that could resurface I thought I'd seen the game play-out, I'm revisiting GTA4 all this past year or so in fact, but now I find of three chosable endings in GTA5, one leads to open ended whereabouts for protagonists when we assume there maybe only 2 to play as this time, GTA6 rumored that even less a swappable game format may await in the future, I'd like better AI myself for inviting NPC to join you on missions or attacks, where control and death are not as substantial as sheer numbers! GR by way of MSN; Microsoft Network (MSNBC also related as MS took to WebTV starting out online endeavors) GameRant video found there, is just under 5 minutes and points out GTAOnline evolution that directly relates to Michael, Trevor, Franklin Clinton, and even Trevor sidekick Ron saying he'd gone Vinewood, so went their separate ways I don't play GTAOnline, partly as boycott to how they treat offline player fans, but also it's largely seems to steal the ideas behind former advisory Saint's Row I also you, what the hell happened to the idea of GTA clones, and Saint's Row? It's 2005 I feel a landmark for HD gaming and consoles to now, this year 2025 The echoes of long fought battles are immortal when they make it into a video game reference. One I recall in GTA Vice City in fact, a competitor game franchise True Crime parodied as True Grime What Happened to Trevor, Michael, and Franklin After Grand Theft Auto V? - Bite-Size Lore | Watch
  2. Woah is me, I passed up a $30 Alienware Area 51, the original forbearer of flagship gaming laptops that stood out for it's outrageous take on Alien Out of this World theme design, bucking the trend on what PCs should look like. The two models are essentially desktop replacement full laptop or notebook solutions, Work or Gaming could be done, the systems offered pre 2006 level Intel, for example in a definite beat back of AMD, in the chips war. What I am getting to is Desktop Replacement in general means more able to replicated the duties of a left in place home PC, or left at work PC Alienware offered the pre Core2Duo 006 crowd an AMD64 939 socket, as I understand it, capable of first mobile CPU dual core ever, and first 64 bit computing, but Intel finally stepped up their game overall. So on Intel side from Alienware, you got a last gen 478 socket Pentium 4 with HyperThreading, once Core2 came along, and Core Duo, the HTT aforementioned was locked in the CPUs for whatever reason. Dual HDDs, a graphics card rivaling Dell's own raved XPS M1710 at the time. Even two optical disc-drives, one slot bay option ... two Firewires, three or more noisey fans to cope, and a 4-pin in AC adapter that I believe was at least 150 watts likely. Dell bought Alienware and soon XPS, in the age of Ultrabooks...2013, took on new status, lower on the totem
  3. A girl gamer who never played GTA4, only 6 months ago or so, started sharing her live play through of GTA4 on YouTube, I had already delved back into the game that defined modern GTA to relive, as one does, perhaps with RDR, the original magic of a game long in development and even longer in idea waiting for technology advances to come to fruition It's funny in some respect because there certainly an argument to be made about Misogyny in these games, and even reports on a College Frat party like atmosphere at times within Rockstar Games HQ Obviously big chest females excite Roman Bellic, a prime example. hahaha Anyway, now Women gamers who may have taken more interest because of Red Dead Redemption authentic tales of 1900 era America life, now can see playing a female lead in GTA 6 as being something they hadn't thought about. Guys playing as a female lead likely to be off-putting for some, but I'm hoping we changed characters beyond even the two male - female proposed leads
  4. Addendum; To add, the Playstation 5 Pro is out and available at Walmart for instance, but costs roughly USD $700, the just under $500 standard PS5 and Xbox X choices, still too rich for my blood but I need the new consoles for a long gaming life I hope, still left gas in the tank. The problem is Rockstar's development time equals the life of console generations. I'm looking to get a ODD or DVD BluRay version PS5 used through eBay or Craigslist , Stateside
  5. I'm only gettin' older, to quote an old song, but the funny thing is, GTA4 is my thang at the moment due to RAGE and Rockstar divulging so much of this new generation of gaming, it was followed by GTA4 Episodes DLC, a novel and frankly, too little, too short way to expand the existing map game-play I'd noted online, sharing by the voices behind GTA and RDR for fans at conventions and podcasts, and additionally, server online game-play, I only watched these but they were very enjoyable. I'm goofing around with the Xbox360 for it's final year of a working capacitor based clock, it seems, it will reset all game save potential to 2005 after this year, bummer, big bummer, .... !! .... forced obsolescence
  6. Blacklisted, though invited to the old GTAForums, where I was Slamman, I'll re-introduce going forward... told by someone GTAForum declared Life-time ban, they gave me, withdrawn, but I found there's like minded fans elsewhere even if I thought we shared a common love of game, there's always Debbie-downers in the bunch who love rain parades. Spent my time with old console software and finding new entertainment value in it.... also, revisited both original trailers for GTA 4, it's roll out was not short on teasers or press, unlike this time, and prior to that even Rockstar addressed modding in the press, the idea early on to extend each games life. Ramping up PC capability but still nearer to 6 years behind today's latest tech. If anyone real is playing along, what hardware are you using with which game? Do you feel console CPU over GPU translates to better GTA??
  7. Found out myself, then via ancient forum Googled from 2008, Xbox with it's already horrible designed clock RTC CMOS retention of data, Microsoft opted to design a roll-over clock for these venerable first edition Hi Def Gaming consoles, to end their clock setting at December of 2025, a year from now.... less... the clock flips back to Jan of 2005! Great year to get your first on the market Sony PlayStation Portable BTW, but for any kept user profile XBL account status stuff, likely lost in a time machines UGH!!!
  8. Thanx to Rockstar, for....mucha nuthin... I guess My complaint has to be lodged.... Rockstar Games has went for pure Shark profit all in on Balllzak with GTA5 Online, a game in comparison, seems far too short on campaign [single player missions] then Online version-model morphing into some variant of Saints Row The argument is seen on Rockstar's Facebook comments as well as YouTube response from a disgruntled community. Unlike here, a forum slowly lacking even a few years back, it's waiting for Rockstar to move away from their own take on All Point Bulletin, David Jones own MMPOL The game from Direct Mind Access founder, that studio prior to Rockstar Games-North, David Jones; APB, was to be an open World third person online do anything Sandbox with missions sprinkled or similar formula Now thanks to the rabid, creative fans, we have a variety of Fall-Winter 2023 take-aways analysis of trailer 1, but nothing else to go on, eventually Online models can't be sustained as long as the shelf life of games themselves, or the consoles. A GTA-RDR model favoring both offline-Online when connected, preferred overall, in my case, I favor offline DLC expansion packs to make use of the main game frame-work; the maps Thanks to Ned Luke and Shawn F aka Solo, for making GTA5 interesting again.... offline No thanx to Trevor Philips!! hahaha
  9. Digging out old hardware, testing equipment, I got through early cutscene on the tried and true Xbox 360 version GTA 4 Sadly it froze up, definitely unexpectedly, I did the most ill-advised move- pick up the Xbox unit itself and hold it at different angles to help the laser diode if sticking, however, the disc physically scraped internally, ruining it for good... So avoid that move at all costs, it's best to eject the disc and try again. Now there's another challenge, where to get a replacement disc. George Floyd 2020 riots with police and protestors burned many businesses in Minneapolis, and in my locale, so there's far fewer resources, and the brick and mortar stores aren't around like they used to be, one great option is Goodwill Easterseals Thrift stores, or pawn shops however
  10. Well RockstarGames probably offer legit tips when it is, by nature; legit hardware and software issues. I would try there as well I am planning a Playstation 5 like so many in advance of GTA6 Playstation Network & GTA-Online as well, been not taking part for over more than a year, and already there's speculation over longevity been expressed because the servers and servicers by extension, have to be living and breathing people / entities, and by extension, not operated in perpetuity
  11. I try different computers capability with the PC versions of old; so much easier to install than 4-5 GTA
  12. While I dug up the PC version for older laptops etc, I found I'd still much prefer a controller and using the defaults, the mouse for camera and keys for movement just makes you wish they all had modern improvements which is why Rockstar is probably revisiting well known USA territories While I plan to look back into controller capability, the good olde Paddle option of gamings' yesteryear. There was an EZ solution hardware-wise devised for owners of Playstation 2 controller adapted via USB where a driver is also available, to my knowledge. Just hope to find it again, long lost one maker came up with a mini joystick that fits over conventional QWERTY arrow keys as well, this can be helpful when it stays in place!
  13. Just as a tech-aside; The VHS JVC VCR already had a footing, but every year, Sony out-did them with new Technology offerings, in the Betamax video tape realm Just to point out to y'all too young, whippesnappers... 1984 being 40 years in the not too distant past, marks a notable upgrade for VCR owners and buyers First VHS Video Home System by Victor Company of Japan debuted HR-D725U VCR model marked the first VHS Hi-Fi Stereo, linear stereo Video machine from the founding company I can attest, having owned two, NEC made the second one I picked up, rare and rarer still today, but NEC branded what JVC initially designed, a super high fidelity Audio system that the ads say rivaled all the other equipment of the day, if not outperformed it! A blocky remote, wireless even then... came with, unique to that was separate On and OFF buttons. A feature of early new tech decks of this type, are that linear tracking STEREO 2-channels still existed on machines because previous media aka tapes, did not have HiFi instantly available Another key feature of these era machines is that they included TWIN MIC as in Microphone inputs, Left and Right instead of a combo. A Headphone Jack, L/R meters and Level adjust, the ability to Audio Dub onto already recorded tape, a new linear stereo track, or two discrete single channels, while Hi-Fi was Depth-Multiplexed into the Helical scan video signal part of the tape, hence, these made excellent audio tape machines, as did LaserDisc for CDs that got scratched and beat up, the LaserDisc could play them in later years better than stand-alones
  14. Not sure the best place for this post but I'm going YouTube crazy with more than just a 10th Ann run-thru with Ned Luke and occasional GTAO stuff, but checking out all the Rockstar Games Voice Actor YT stuff I never knew about for some reason. Lots of it starts with gaming and TV Movie Conventions , few of which, ever held around where I live Actors voicing Red Dead Redemption and GTA have popped up in the past 2-10 years and obviously with GTA6 now a bit less than hinted and leaked, it seems more interest daily Getting established with the gaming community mostly online, a Year ago, thereabouts, is Solo, voice actor Shawn who plays Franklin Clinton in GTA5,. I've not followed him before Ned made plenty of references about him and who is a voice talent that actually games, for their own personal fun [Trevor Philips' Steven Ogg does not, be forewarned] Anyway, turns out Solo asked and got permission for his own Server from Rockstar, on an established player platform called FiveM if memory's serving,,, Solo had to pre-empt a lot of his plans to do a GTA online experience of his own due to difficulty with the help... Anyone who's tried a non-GTAForums community on their own...hint, hint... They know this crap first hand Again, surprised in the first place Rockstar Games lets these voice-motion capture actors talk at length about the game, but that Solo is estute enough to want to take on the server operation for his own gaming, he tried other avenues expressly to that end, ... Like Twitch, but few people might be likely to go that route, so following Ned Luke's lead, he's setting up a system on YouTube to not only stream game fun segments along with Ned and Signing and giveaways of his own stuff, AWESOME!! BTW He's going to be showing segments of his personal life as well, and it's all very very cool!! Wish he could get Young Mayley of GTA San Andreas to stop in at some point, he's shown us his own dog, baring I think, a close resemblence to Chop!
  15. Noting your fav GTA is 'Three'  I am actually hoping Ned Luke [Michael De Santa] might live stream himself playing GTA3 but I kinda doubt he has it, he recently bought two PS5s! hahaha I told him to say Hi to you whenever he could, I commented on a stream hours after the event. Name dropped The GTAPlace in there!


    1. BlackListedB


      looks like translation required... bots, oh, and Down With Putin!!

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