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Posts posted by BlackListedB

  1. I could see multiplayer participants running at gun fire, better chance to aim your shots where you want them!

    I would say there's no real trouble with alligning reticle shots from aircraft, none that I experienced. Anyway, I can't play the game at the moment, I had to pack things to move again. It's finally a step up in the World, after the recession hit, but maybe just sideways!?? hahaha

    Anyway, I already miss the game and activity I was enjoying.


    I got the call from Martin, but didn't focus on his missions. I was still trying to get a handle on cars to keep in my garage, making bucks, etc. I lost my most expensive ride because I didn't get insurance. I'd even hoped the police had impounded it.

    You know a lot of the complaints about lost investment involved the game not functioning out of the gate (GTAO) but there's a lot like that that goes wrong because of how the game features work! haha

  2. Rockstar have a bigger team of developers then in any time prior, that's my educated guess, and I think a few work on plans for building a map at the onset of completion, again, lets say a month passed since release, and ideas already exist that Les Benzies referred to, they also look into the latest gaming hardware, the two main consoles now released means Rockstar have to step up to get some IP out on them ASAP!

  3. Lets hear some of your thoughts on Bounty purchase? Last day or so I was online, people were using this feature excessively while in GTAO free roam mode, open map. I believe there'd be about 3 or so people with bounties showing up as red blips. I have to admit, this seems more fun then the Wanted levels one would get in Red Dead Redemption online

  4. One of the interesting things for Multiplayer Red Dead I think back on is compartive video and personal experience of the online aspect from it's initial phase into 6 to 12 months time. 
    I joined in RDR MP about 6 months, IIRC, well, it still needed a lot of refinement, but just about all the exploited glitches were present that I know of, and I got in with at least one guy who teamed up with me for over a week at a time, so we could help each other advance. There were anti-griefing measures also deployed, and some of this I think came to fore with GTA online as well, although changed, or gave ideas on how to avoid problem areas from Rockstar's development standpoint.


    Regardless, it's hard to avoid death matches, it's part of any MP game these days, but it can be relentless at times, and you're left spawning and spawning over and over. Part of GTAO is if you get killed in a defensive mission, you can't respawn, you've used up two lives and your out till your teammate/s bite the bullet. I had this work both ways. 


    Videos from early on lacked a lot of the coming up upon any other player and instantly attacking them, which began to run rampant at one point.

  5. Sorry to say, the prompts, whether calls to you in free mode or as HUD pop ups are part of the system Rockstar employs for periodical notifications, there's no way for you to get around that, We could complain about too many large icons dotting the HUD, or the reticle always being visible flying armed transport (helis, jets), but it's needed to some extent. I hate when I'm "Sniped" from a player I can't see. Hits you like an 18 pound sledge, to steal a phrase from Sammy Hagar.


    I find for bullet proof armor, those free police vans still do the trick since you can be rather slow in them and still not get shot through the windows! hahaha

  6. I'm thinking after seeing Ron call me about this as well, do you guys know how long they've been doing the drops? There seems to be a real issue with notification and on screen pop ups and displays, I was informed of an incoming plane that would drop a box, but nothing ever showed up on my HUD, so there's no way of knowing the real location, other then guess based on other members congregating on a section of map.

    Fairly confusing I must say!

  7. I got into the Gallery from the START button (right of the Xbox center mass button. I didn't see any delete prompt from the gallery where you select a single photo for detail. I was going to see about the Social Club, but since it's confusing, I think I'll pass the issue along to Rockstar's email, mention it on the Newswire, etc.


    I played GTAO most of the night the past several days, I got two invites to join Crews, I wonder did anyone who knows me here see me in session??

  8. Seen vids of Ted shooting up shit in his backyard, if you wanna play with guns, do so safely and in the same regard you see on TV at the GunClubs, Now granted, GTA with Ammunation get to poke fun at these same social mores, but yes, when you hear of some young kid shooting at school or classmates, etc. It's usually access from an adult member of the family who clearly has no clue how to properly own and handle them, if anyone who shouldn't has gained access to those weapons.


    That's damn foolhardy, and I don't care much for any excuse when it's so easy to lock guns up safely and keep ammunition hidden and locked as well.


    Most people won't face a life or death home invasion situation. God's honest truth

    • Like 1
  9. Noticed GTAChronicles plagued with non-USA spambots, some trying to pass by me with English postings, but nothing worthwhile being said, and recent attempts to host illegal movie downloads. 


    Trying to get help with this, if you looked, you notice Mike (our webmaster) posted recently about a board update pending, a reworked visual interface that was due to more or less coincide with GTA V, we're a bit behind, but hopefully if he's going through with that, it puts us in better shape to combat the cyberattack bitches!


    If you look presently, might see a white error screen that reads;


    Not Acceptable

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource / could not be found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request


    This just came up while I was making some edits, no ACP changes, so it's something of a surprise

  10. I'm a Ted Nugent fan, but let me point you guys to something that's garnering a lot of debate on this, Jim Carrey's parody song that I think is right up Rockstar's alley, it's dark and edgy satire, it takes a black and white simplistic opinionated approach, but it's meant to be comic, it's just something people take very personally, or they worry about it in one form or another. Funny aside.


    Either way it's Cold Dead Hands, taking a phrase from the late Charlton Heston who replied about how his gun would have to be taken from his dead, cold hands. He wasn't a gun nut, but he's made out that way because of his affiliation with the NRA, Ted Nugent might be considered a gun-nut, but he likes to use his gun collection safely, just as he uses his guitar collection.


    The full Funny or Die skit, Fox news commentary staff hates it, but again, it's freedom of speech, press people! Get used to it.


  11. I really like stealing the bullet proof vans and going after bounties with the spike strip deploying police cargo vans. They sit dormant after everyone's respawned in a lot of cases. I know you can pay for this on any car, or truck, but it's free for all!


    Did a handful of missions outside of freeroaming the standard map, get calls adding features, for those who didn't know, you get a call from Lester that adds vehicle placement if called upon, (and cash presented??) as well, armored cars he advises you of, before that though, didn't see any. Also, don't have sticky bombs yet.... Still under 20 on the points side. I had two bounties on my head with only me in the session, I think this awards you an Xbox Achievement and perhaps a Trophy in PSN as well?

  12. What sucks about aiming by default in GTAOnline.... You're targeting NPC firstly, rather then targeting actual players, though they gun for you at the same time. I always lose a first shot because of this!


    ARGH!!! I like to aim even if I have to manually, but if there's an NPC mad at you, your gun automatiically trains on them. Other players have been relatively laid back as far as my experience, there has been heavy killing bouts, but they don't leave you scrambling to leave a session, there's plenty Rockstar added to the GTAO LS map to allow users all sorts of activity

  13. The crates are part of the special weekend Rockstar are promoting, I didn't get any calls from Ron or Trevor regarding those, the pop ups should come above your map HUD, that's about all the warning you have other then perhaps a green spot on the full pause menu map, the locations seem to repeat themselves, it also happens roughly every 10 game hours, but it does seem to differ, I saw two drops in the space of 10 minutes!! That's rare if you ask me

  14. One of the prompts I got today was I had filled all nearly 100 photos that uploaded to Social Club, some of this was done in error, and the prompt was to delete them you go into the pause menu, where Gallery is, all I can see is option to retitle a shot via console/controller. Perhaps there's more options from a computer at SC website, I haven't checked, but isn't it odd that the game is saying you can do it from within the game? I think there's an error here, but I wonder if you guys ran into the same issue.


    We had a thread about Selfies and the like, I put in a link to my photo gallery, it's maxed out presently, so if you get a chance and found that, look at em before I delete what's there to take some more! haha

  15. Rockstar's holding a special weekend for GTAO, I'm on now between live sessions. You can get various drop boxes that appear somewhere within the map every 10 game hours. I figured you have to have a shoot out with all players before claiming it, but that's not so, just shoot the box to open it. Took me about 3 attempts to realize this simple thing! ARGH! I could of got all three had I known the objective.


    more to your point, GTAOnline is a new server initiative, more indepth then previous online Rockstar game amendments, but it also lacks and has distinct differences. The point at which GTA V bleeds over into GTAO is not only the map, but the characters, specifically, a melding of SP type NPC meet ups, and phone calls, and I feel the stark thing faulting it is no voice for player characters. I'd hope they can allow you to record some choice lines, rather then use a headset to just chat in-game live.


    DLC would be catering to SP more specifically. Adding more to the regional setting then specifically the original storyline.

  16. Been listening to Pam Grier's soul Trax the other day in GTA, enjoy that, but miss some of the classical and jazz from prior GTAs. I hope DLC will add some genre music, they had enough time to get licensing ironed out, if they refer back to artists that allowed their music prior. I'm just not impressed overall with this game's music. It still cycles as a playlist a lot quicker then I'd have expected given all the hype.

  17. As pointed out on the TGTAP sidebar, there are a number of videos of Steven Ogg and a few others with our multiple character alter egos in GTA.

    Very much worth your time watching all of them, I was amazed thinking back to how long we've known about at least one, that being Ned Luke. An infamous leak of GTA V upcoming before Rockstar were saying ANYTHING!


    It was rumored for a long, long time.


    Another aspect of interest is the script and amount of improv, the Motion Capture that seems now to be an industry wide procedure. We see Behind The Scenes of Naughty Dog's Uncharted on how this is done in layers, but Rockstar's work in progress is very much a mystery other then some candid production photos and hearing from anyone involved if they get the word out, so this is big, and it's a lot to take in. GTA thus far is still the biggest entertainment software release, so they get to bask in the glory for awhile still!






  18. ^^ There's a link at the end for their previous Playstation 4 tear-down. Notice how similar the mainboard is! Sharing much of the same suppliers, AMD and ATI are one company now, as you guys know, I expected to see a GPU and CPU as separate entities on the boards! haha

  19. It's enough trouble just initiating bans and then deleting the offending content, but let me know where the required info you might need is, so I look in the right place. I was told by Trip Mills that because they are relatively cheap, you get budget performance from our host, including up to the last minute billing invoice we were plagued with!


    The criteria we have for members lists past time hobbies, age, occupation, and location, I check these and a lot of them are in English but don't relate to gaming, or seem to adhere to a gamer's lifestyle. The postings were in Russian or similar type font, and one had posted nude photography which is a clear violation. Some links we have for keywords underlined are part of the budget nature of our site.


    GTAChronicles that I helped start, we never had this level of difficulty in the two plus years other then members who were in-fighting and it stemmed in part from PBM allowances. I was open to giving people a second chance if banned elsewhere, but my patience is pretty much eroded by now! hahaha

  20. I'd seen people using the LS Customs garage within GTAO to get their dunebuggys and then do donuts in the parking lot. I keep checking in with fellow players and see what kinds of trouble they're getting into, especially like doing that from an aircraft! haha


    BTW, Sherman, my XBL invite is still open to you, it's not the gamertag you see in my profile, but I have three, and only the one I sent an invite to you is tied up with Rockstar Social Club!

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