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Posts posted by BlackListedB

  1. Not sure what you mean with that first bit, but as far as having some NPC collect your bounty, that idea HAS been used in GTA before, I had thought of it only when you suggested it here, but it was plainly part of the challenges set aside for the PSP edition GTA ; Liberty City Stories!


    It was a lot of fun too, but I prefer having real players up to the task, if you had both, it would be more trouble then not

  2. I don't think even WatchDogs will be any real competition for GTA, and the TV ads for the typical CoD we still see, even with GTA V's record breaking status, they still feel like the Blacksheep in gaming, and the underdog. I think part of this is Rockstar Games being so secretive, they don't share openly with the rest of the gaming market mechanisms whether it's press or industry, as a whole. They do give info out, but sparingly to say the least!

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  3. Actually I'm able to hide from cops right next to them, it depends on certain scenarios, as far as how they observe you, try different means of escape, some are very effective.

    As for rants, I didn't cancel my XBL because I was hoping to get a Wireless and Broadband setup the other day in my new apartment, and then the snow and rain hit, my sister refuses to go out and drive in it, so I'm STILL left waiting, We're trying to cut costs by me setting it up myself without a service call. Hopefully before Christmas I can be on my new apartment based Wireless and getting all the required cable channels as well! Just moved last week, BTW, My new digs will be my place for a year or more, hoping. It does seem smaller then before, but fairly cozy, it's definitely more expensive then my previous place, which to me is bothersome, it shouldn't be more costly living in the city then in the burbs

  4. An update, even with IP and name banning on my forum available, I keep having to ban both IP addresses and user names for one offending Spambot, this is especially troublesome, as I think who ever uses a non-personal ISP or terminal is getting around these stipulations, and perhaps sharing their find with other 'bots', I had over 15 pages of bans and deletes last week, and I had a whole forum page of deletes in 24 hours, this is more annoying then anything I can think of!


    I wonder if Chris is dealing with the same numbers or less, and how long these expected spam attacks might last????

  5. I thought the name sounds familiar, but I think Rockstar always have to brain storm about names, for streets, products, people, each time new additions to their games are done, so it's likely they pick a name more then once that they find they relate to in some way.


    Anywho, There were a cast of characters in all prior GTAs, Vice City I recall, when Vercetti would buy a property. In GTA V, when you buy a property you get texts from a fictional owner, so there's always a need for a person to be represented in these facets of the game, whether you meet them or not. If you look at the Fictional BLEETS that emulate Twitter in the game, I believe there are people on your character's account that don't meet with you in the game, but they form the back story that each person in reality would have.

  6. I don't remember Wade from San An off the bat, but I do recall as you unlock San Fierro and pick up guys for your garage there, along with the Truth, you're referring to that mission moment?


    Anywho, I avoided these before so I wouldn't have the experience spoiled. Johnny meets his maker sooner then expected, but we did know there's the biker conflict with Trevor, that was mentioned before the game's release in press reviews, but they didn't lead on about specifics. At one point it sounded like your general gang conflicts that develop, whether it be the mob or gangs represented in groups within GTA, we see this now with the East Los Santos gang bangers. The problem is, unlike GTA of old, they don't spawn in conflicting locations, this may have not been intentional, but it was truly funny as hell. I've gotten one gang mad and chase me to the opposing gang location. It's tricky to do because they disappear so easily, and they just won't travel too far from their locations.

  7. Let me add, I forgot about it for some reason, but it needs to be said, if you steal a car from the wrong ped/NPC, they call a hit contract out on you, in other words, you don't have to buy a bounty if this happens by your own hand, you wind up in the hot seat!



    I thought this was amazingly funny, and unique of Rockstar to do. I don't know if you guys bother stealing plain jane cars off the street, but this adds a lot of humor to the process!


    I thought adding this would add to the insanity as well, having multiple targets in a single session.

  8. People just sneak into the military airbase for both armed flyables? I figured you might be able to buy them 'online' with enough in-game cash. Seem to work alright compared to minimal damage I sustain in a helicopter, it goes down the more you fly it. (damage sustained gets worse over time, even without taking more damage)

  9. Rockstar felt that all the game play attributes we had in GTA San Andreas were not required in GTA V, and that extends to how GTA IV was played, eating was a way to improve your health bar, this was also true in Vice City, so I feel like this is something Rockstar WILL rectify as the GTA series moves forward. It seems incomplete without this. Who really wastes their game time with the car washes added instead? I just don't see the need for them, other then in mission scripting, they only serve as nice additional animations! haha

  10. GTAOnline, again, verification for you newbs, it's NOT DLC! GTAOnline is a unique initiative to deploy new servers supporting the current stand alone game, it can get confusing, I know. But the main endeavor is to put the latest and greatest online additions from Rockstar supporting the current Los Santos build of the GTA franchise, where it goes as the franchise develops is still unknown. However, yes, Happy B-day for the GTA Place. We know any changes Rockstar make, the fan sites have to keep up on top of, and that's why we're here. My own site not nearly as old and storied, but it still feels like a long time with all the events that have come and gone. And I was taking active part on GTAF back in September 2003!! My join date there.


    I haven't lost interest yet!

  11. The animals in GTA seems like carry over afterthoughts from Red Dead Red, but to me it just points out the strengths of Rockstar San Diego versus Rockstar North. In the early days of the RN team, the fight against graphic superiority was fought with the argument that good gaming wasn't contingent upon killer state of the art graphics, but the whole of Rockstar's success lies in moving graphics, AI and gameplay forward, and hopefully there's enough there to appease all the fans.

    I love the fact I could call a horse when I was stranded, you have to do much more walking in GTA when you lose your wheels! hahaha


    In some ways, Euphoria middleware seems improved sideways, where the actions of bumping, falling, incorrect movement seem to be hindered further. It's got a lot of evolution left since Rockstar adopted it, but the thing of that is a new engine may need to be utilized for Xbox One and PS4.

    In time we'll know if the software can morph enough to be used in a better incarnation for new gen hardware. I think we'll be hearing something regarding this in the next year to 3 or so.

  12. I gotta figure this out while I'm off my system, so I can snap some more images in-game, but for now, I likely have to raincheck more multiplayer. My new apartment has no furnishings, and I'm just moving my STUFF in, so I have a makeshift chair, table, and bed! hahaha

    No TV stand or carpeting yet.

    Anyway, one other question, if you guys use XBLive and deal with MS billing, how should I go about canceling the billing before it recycles, can I do that without using my Xbox connected to XBL?

  13. Sorry if I bump more then once, but the spambot onslaught ain't lettin' up yet. We got 'em here as well. I found one case where an IP ban didn't seem to work, so I reverted to banning the user name, that seems odd, over here we have Japanese scripted linked spam, the bot was on at the same time I was here, reported it. I will likely get frowned upon for even posting in any threads they resurrect, just want to alert you guys, I know the drill from the many years at GTAForums, but I always check in to see "what's crackin'?"

  14. More friggin' SPAM, God, I hate the real Internet scumbums. Anyway, I wanted to request my favorite cars as well, even if Rockstar were to take it under advisement.

    The colors for GTA V cars seems expanded, and very nice array, but I wish you could go with custom paint jobs, somehow add your own design touches, One of the things expanding in GTA V is having your own design check point race tracks and invite users to race on them, I really think that idea is one of the most ambitious in the series thus far!

  15. Gotta delete this for being non-English, sorry dudes, dudettes. It's the way of the US based Forums! ^^


    I will add, it's funny how these dormant threads get bumped in this case, doesn't happen on GTAC, my forums.


    As for the Kifflom thing, I enjoyed Rockstar's handling of it in previous cases, but I had a little concern when I first died in GTA V and met Chris Formage as a Heavenly deity, again, I like to see religion handled responsibly in any media/medium where it might offend. Sensibilities, etc. It's humor was still handled rather adeptly, so as one person pointed out, how would the cult thing expand in GTA, I don't think making the cults out to be real would have a good outcome for GTA, it's to knock air from pretentious real-world ideas, but religion at it's core is not a cult or something that one can say there's absurdity to be poked fun at, because no one knows, my point again, the arguments rage because when you're dead, the finality of mortal life, then and only then will you know the ultimate truth.


    Rockstar's parody and satire only really works well if you know there's truth behind it, real world, tangible fallacies in one degree or another


    I haven't played the older San An in recent months or years?!? But I think most strange things have been discovered by now, a lot of the code induced errors pop up in any game, and the more the same engine is used, the same type of errors are likely to surface, since the construction of the gaming elements are built on the same platform

  16. I don't know if rock was thought to be banal, that's the wrong word, certainly influencing rebellion and some thought Satanism. Just like the fear mongering of Communism in the Cold War age, there were large vocal groups of rather ignorant mob mentality running around, my parents never cared to listen in depth to rock music, and they STILL don't, but it took my calm head to convince them this music has it's own merit, my dad still hates it though, my mom will listen to soft rock! hahaha They hated me having Ozzy's Blizzard record in the house, like the band KISS, I was in the Kiss Army long ago! I guess I still am, and my dad certainly didn't like me having a Sam Kinison record under his roof, again there was plentiful cursing there too, but Sam was coming from a religious family and was himself a preacher! He never denied God or Faith, but he also dabbled openly in temptations. We're all human like that, and that's a point I drive home still.


    Guns in the real world hold no interest for me, I don't plan to buy one anytime soon, but in games, you need them, the games we like, it's all virtual reality, no harm no foul. Problem is there's foul in the mortal world, and how do you deal with it!


    Even as gamers, we should take a responsible side/stance

  17. I'm still set on getting a Sony PS Vita, but there needs to be new IP or sequels even, we tend to get watered down, though unique companion games for handhelds, Stories series is as such, 

    Uncharted for PSVita is what still holds interest for me, but other studios would lack my trust they could do that well making a less technically ambitious segue to handhelds, though it is a technical challenge, they can't go full out as on stand alone home console systems, certainly not PC, of course

  18. Yeah, the green circle I'm not so sure about, an actual package drop should show as a green square box on the HUD in it's dropped location, that way you don't have to access the full map. It was set to drop last weekend every 10 hours in game, and I think about 1 game hour from the announced incoming drop, give or take. But as I also noted, that consistency fell off, who knows why. The game prompt was announcing this I believe. Rockstar likely gave details on their site, or as the game was booting, there's some splash screen graphic updates, here and there.


    I believe it may have been annualized (every session with enough players) over the course of three days last weekend. I can't really say for sure now since I'm again offline and not playing

  19. I've attempted a jet theft several times, I blow up on the military air field, what's the secret to getting the buzzard and jets without fatal shots in the process, or crashes? No one was sharing tips while I was in session, however, I saw one custom chromed ride, a spendy user upgrade from the Mod Shops! Would have been funny had they forgot to lock the doors, I did knab a user's ride that was left at the airport unlocked. I used it to stunt jump down by the pier, until finally the car got stuck sideways between containers and the on-ramp to the freeway. Pretty amusing, though the owner was NOWHERE in sight! The whole time.


    Reminds me of when we'd steal Zebra donkeys in RDR MP, and players would come after you with a vengeance.

  20. The reticle bobs because the aircraft are rather touchy-feely for flying control. It still launches attacks if planned out with correct timing, The red and green lock in boxes happen so fast, I do a little shooting from the hip, but either way, I find the challenge getting enough air so I can shoot objects ground based without flying critically too low! Lock ons can be had by just constant trigger finger activating, I let off and reapply while I'm targetting


    Anyway, I found I was bothered by multiple player cars landing on top of each other, and driving through each other, seemingly a glitch based on too many people in one place on screen, at one time.


    I drove my nice ride too fast right over a ridge on the LA/LS water basin, the other side was filled with regular depth water, my nice ride sunk like a rock because I didn't have enough room to stop in time, but such is life, even in GTA! hahaha

  21. I say be an example for a voice of sanity amidst the madness, I have issues I mentioned already, but this is true of anything we might observe, even if we're there to enjoy it.

    guns existed long before video games, we also still get a visceral thrill from action films, and the same from games. Violence has long been a societal ill, so these same arguments in one form or another have been waged for years.... the funny thing is how little progress comes about after the same pros and cons

    • Like 1
  22. Say hello to my "Boomstick" aka Little Friend.


    Here's the paradox you simply cannot get around, people who are critical about movie or game content say it glorifies the worst in human nature, by simply choosing to encompass and explore those aspects in an interactive construct. Thats why it's critical for us, the fans, to drive home the point that it's not an influence in real world behaviors, and that's why I bring up moral responsibilty and points that reflect adult thinking about the subject matter. When you see media present hyperbole and reactionary arguments from adults, no less, I can't help but think people from all walks of life lose sight of the best manner to tackle tough societal issues

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  23. I'm most miffed by hiding a conventional HDD deep inside, rather then stupidly simple PS3 technique simply repeated for new consoles... This happens with all electronic redesign model proliferations, and there's no good logic to those logic board layouts!

  24. Hey guys, an update, GTAChronicles is still having load issues or browser issues, I hear, but it loads up with repeated attempts or waiting it out in some cases. All the new joins except the one requested are Russian spam bots, I see a few got past the gates here at TGTAP, wish I could send them over to GTAForums for good measure nuisance, but such is life, the underdog has to pay the dues! hahaha


    Anyway, if you can't get on, try again. I know we mirror a lot of what you can find already, but I actually keep busy just maintaining some sort of order over there. I wish I could tackle some reviews for all the new games coming out, but I'm still limited in what I can buy and even though I have to save for new consoles like the rest of you, I have my doubts over games catering to both old and new consoles. I would like to try Assassin's Creed IV since it seems it's a step up from AC III no matter how you slice it, but when I get what I want from Rockstar games and Uncharted not sure where I go for a fix next. The FPS war simulators aren't really my fix for gaming, but they do look good, and by and large, the popularity rarely wanes on those franchises.


    New Forza out, anyone like that one?

    As for what to do on-topic, We'll look at ideas to re-host or change hosts if possible, my hands are really tied though, since I'm not the webmaster, but hopefully we can evolve further and not stay so stagnant.

    GTA is out, we know what we were to expect now, but it's still evolving, GTAOnline offers a lot of game for the money, and GTA SP can still be altered via DLC so we'll see where Rockstar takes us next

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