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Miles Pedro Prower

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Status Updates posted by Miles Pedro Prower

  1. After one month, my Internet connection is back :D

  2. is going to stay a long, long, freaking long time without Internet... :/

    1. Samil


      Someone stole the telephone cable?

    2. rockstaridols


      Did you forget to pay the bill?

    3. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      I didn't, but my dad did u_u"

  3. Internet, Y U NO WORK???? D=>

  4. I just wonder if Abeer's coming back after V's announcement...

  5. So, ma Rep is 10, and I am "Good" now... Cheers :P

    1. Ivan


      No, you're bad!

    2. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Not what ma profile says... :P

  6. I feel like this place's gonna be active once again... :D

  7. is addicted to killing the HHH.

  8. Okay, so purchased items in TF2 are tradeable now. Awesome :P

  9. Nine days without my computer, and I've survived...

  10. Art thou infuriated, fraternal sibling?

  11. Samil: Fuck her. Me: That's what I'm trying to do, d'oh!

  12. Man, I HATE Rock in Rio...

  13. If life turn its back on you, backstab it :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Ye, but I was making a TF2-related joke :P

    3. Samil


      And I made an American-related joke.

    4. Miles Pedro Prower
  14. After five years on the east coast, it was time to go home.

    1. Samil
    2. Damjan


      @Samil: You buried him with that comment.

  15. I really can't understand how can people here say Physics is hard and Math is easy...

  16. My apologies for everyone in this 9/11. Dunno if it'll make you feel better, but even though I love the AK, I always play as CT in Counter-Strike, never as Terrorist :P

  17. has completed a total of 200 hours playing TF2! Fuck yea!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Nope, I'm still at school.

    3. MrGrandTheftAuto


      Oh yeah. Just noticed ur 14

    4. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Indeed. Also, finished Portal again, the 2nd time this weekend.

  18. 2GB for a single TF2 update? Holy shit...

    1. EvoLuTioN
    2. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Do you guys know what's SO special in this update that makes it so large?

    3. EvoLuTioN
  19. has got a cell phone! Fuck Yea!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrGrandTheftAuto



      Didnt mean to say it 8 times!

    3. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      Fixed. Anyways, unfortunately, smarts are fuckin' expensive here, so, no :(

    4. MrGrandTheftAuto


      Oh kl. Hmm not that expensive :/

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