I do have it all the time, and not just about me. I sometimes predict others futures, like once I dreamed I was this girl.
I was walking, I knew I was a girl cause i had boobs, and all her memories. But I didn't know it was me. So like I said I was walking across a road, I looked one way then the other. Didn't see a thing, so I kept walking. But I looked right I think it was again and this car was screaming down the road and hit me. Thats when I woke up.
About a month later I was watching the news with the headline, "Girl gets hit by car". So I watched on and there was a picture of her, and I was like. I know that face from somewhere, so the story went on and they had a reenactment of it from her point of view. And it was my dream. She lived luckily.