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Everything posted by qwerty_ca
Also in GTASA there's the "World's Largest Cock" owned by a company called "Peckers & Seeds"
Well, Rockstar North's former name was DMA Design... they're based in Edinburgh in Scotland.
Pt. Jasraj - Raga Ahir Bhairav Now see if ya'll can even find that one
Chris you still didn't tell me why you think this fellow is a fake. And btw, can someone please point me to an official confirmation of the cropduster please? Like a screenshot or a gamer website saying "R* spokesperson confirmed this -----" etc...
yeah kerry's irish too i think... like kennedy... both massatucetts (sp?) rich liberal irish catholic democrats fighting evil republicans... btw did u know ralph nader is an arab?
Yeah I looked at the newest shots and was thinking that too... my guess is that it's a combination of the setting sun and LA-style smog. Have you ever been to the real LA? It really IS covered with an orange-brown haze all the time...
Actually can you please gimme a link where rockstar confirms the cropduster and the ruin crops mission please?
Why is it that you disbelive him though? Any reasons in particular?
Time to get back into the spotlight tnk ;-) I'm back to debate the map... :-) My internet was down for a few days since I was moving apartments.... rite now im on a dialup on a friend's comp So here's the list of "known facts"... pls update them if new info has come out in the last few days since I haven't been monitoring for new info... 01) Big Buildings seen from HP Point... not check. 02) Lots of country between LS and SF... check. 03) Possiblity of mountain(s) between LS and SF... check. 04) Bone county (desert) visible from Panopticon... check. 05) Flint county (mountain) visible from Panopticon... check. 06) SF airport visible from Panopticon... not check. 07) Atleast one SF bridge connects to non-urban area which may or may not be mountainous... check. 08) "America-shaped map" (I remember reading this somewhere)... not check. 09) Lots of open countryside for small towns... check. 10) Bridge from Rodeo going west... check. 11) "City Limit" north of Red County a possibility... not check. 12) "City Limit" west of Rodeo a possibility... not check unless it refers to LS's city limits. 13) Map about 4-6 times > VC assuming LS = VC... check. 14) SF might straddle a river/sea/inlet/creek/bay etc... check. 15) Angel Pine near the base of Mt. Chilliad... check.
The story of where I'm from is a long one, though I currently reside in the US. But I've been to Sing and HK both and I'm talking from experience plus outside info (eg. how many HK crime movies are there vs how many Sing crime movies are there? Several hundred vs a few handful at most?) What about u where r u from?
ROFL I meant Singapoere is CLEAN not corrupt. In america if ur caught w/ marijuana ur sent to jail... in singapore its death penatly. Thats what i mean. Singapore is like, already a gang-dom run by one man. And he's been very successful at keeping all other ----- out. Plus, HK definitely has more crime than Sing... tho GTA's hk would probably be a mix of hk, gungzhou and macau bcos there is a lot of cross-border crime there. Although sing would certainly be a pretty city to drive around in in GTA... And the reason i mentioned kidnapping/sex slavery is that it is one of the few crimes not yet played out in GTA. As is hijacking...
And nice map tnk... tho i think SF airport is a bit closer to the panopticon than that. BTW was "Edgar Dam" ur idea? Nice one, tho "Herbert Dam" is probably what it should have been ;-) Oh and did u see the other post where the fellow who claims to have worked for R* says that its gonna take an HOUR of real time to drive b/n LS and SF in an infernus? I can't even believe that... can any of u?
yeah actually the card has 128 mb sry... and i really cant afford anything more at the moment, even if its not gonna work with games anymore... btw how much ram does a ps2 have any idea?
Cos in Singapore if you piss without lifting the seat Lee Kwan Yu will have you arrested, whipped and deported. How are you gonna run a criminal empire from there?
Oh and you didn't answer whether the freeways will be a 24 hr traffic jam like the real LA ;-)
OMG! Lemme get this straight - if there is no traffic at all in the game, and you get into the fastest car there is and go the fastest possible speed between Los Santos and San Fiero, it will take you AN HOUR of real world time to travel between them?!?!?!?!?!? DAMN! Dude, you can go from San Francisco to Los Angeles in real life 4 hours if you get a Ferarri and floor it if there is no traffic (and no cops obviously). I was expecting 15-20 mins or so for GTASA, especially since the map that R* released of LS island wasn't *that* big. I mean, in VC you could easily travel the longer north-south axis of the two islands in 180 seconds in a very fast car if there was no traffic. This can only mean that the unshown (as of yet) countryside between the 2 cites in SA is either much, much, much larger than previously imagined by anyone, or is extremely mountainous. Damn. I cannot believe this. But I suppose that when I play the game if there really is a crop duster mission then I'll know for a fact that you're for real cos your'e the only one who has mentioned a crop duster so far of all the websites I've been to. And besides, the game is going to be out in less than a month, so it'd better not be still in beta, however late that beta is. Infact since you know you're going to be sold out for many months you should already be cranking out copies by now. And if they want any chance of porting the game to PC by June they should already have been hard at work on it and should finish the bulk of the work soon because you know there are going to be glitches, delays and unforseen occurances as there always are. Also regarding the map orientation, there are bridges to both the west and to the north of LS island according to R*'s official map. So if the travel is linear, why are there two sets of bridges? And I'm glad to hear the plot will be good, because I wasn't too impressed by VC's plot. I'm sure I'll love the game though, because this game is just fantastic! Thanks for answering my questions though... I'll post if I have more :-)
Actually, a better qn to ask R* would be if they really have an employee named Aaron Wieser and if they do why they aren't firing him for taking part in an unauthorized Q&A.
OK, was that sarcasm or reality?
Before I start ... THIS IS JUST MY IMAGINATION. IT MAY OR MAY NOT BE WHAT R* HAS IN MIND, SO PLEASE DO NOT POST IT ANYWHERE AS A "LEAK" FROM R* BECAUSE IT IS NOT. It will be called GTA: Asia. It will be set in 4 cities (countries) - Tokyo (Japan), Hong Kong (China), Mumbai (India) and Dubai (UAE), which are all the main crime centers of their respective regions (NE Asia, SE Asia, S Asia and Middle East). These will be implemented as 4 huge islands (say each the size of the LS island in GTASA) with plenty of water in between that you can (if you're stupid enough) swim across. Better instead, to take a plane or ship. The story would be that you are an American (or Australian or whatever - non-Asian) tourist in Japan whose wife is raped and killed by a dangerous ganglord in Tokyo. You realize that his connections extend all over the continent, so you vow to kill him in revenge. You then follow him westward to Dubai as you wind up or take over his operations in each country. Some possible missions - Tokyo - You help the Yakuza grow one of their companies by sabotaging their enemy's companies. You also get involved in the smuggling of rare animals into the country. Hong Kong - You parachute from a plane onto a ship and kill everyone on board to hijack it. You steal weapons from an army/police base and sell them to criminals. Mumbai - You help a sleazy politician get elected by murdering his opponents and torching a newspaper office that contains evidence of his illicit dealings. You add chemicals to a rival construction company's cement so that their buildings will be weak and will fall. Dubai - You kidnap and smuggle a kid from elsewhere into the country to sell as a sex slave. You try to blow up oil pipelines to make the oil price rise and make money off of it. Another intresting aspect of this game would be that you have to use your imagination to launder money from one country to another to make purchases etc since you cannot carry cash across international borders. You would also in each country have to do a mission where the ganglord tries to assasinate you and you have to escape. Also, it would be intresting if you could recruit a gang and have them get into the police force so you could "control" the police like real life criminals do. Also, one of the missions could be that you have to get yourself arrested on purpose, sent to jail and inside the jail you have to make a knife out of spare parts and kill an inmate, and then start a riot and escape in the process. Also, in one of them you could infiltrate a govt lab and steal a top secret new virus to sell to a terrorist group. Etc Etc Anyone else have any ideas about this? I can't believe I haven't even seen GTASA yet and already I'm dreaming about the next one...
How big is the map *really* going to be? I mean, let's put it this way. If you get into an Infernus (or its equivalent) and floor it, how long (in real world minutes) is the drive between each of the cities assuming no traffic in the way? Are the freeways going to be eternally crowded like the real LA hence rendering them useless? Are the planes going to be any easier to control? (Let's hope so!) How long is a plane ride between cities going to take? Is it going to be a staged game like the other 2 (as in, you unlock the map in stages)? If yes, is the order going to be LS->SF->LV? Is the map going to be triangular shaped (allowing you to drive from any city to any city) or is it going to be linear (forcing you to drive through one of the cities to get to another one like in 3 we necessarily had to go through manhattan to get from new jersey to long island). What excuse are you going to give to block access b/n stages? (Bomb on bridge, construction delays, hurricane warnings etc)? Since the real life San Andreas is a fault, are there going to be random Earthquakes in the game? What are some of the missions gonna be? What is the coolest mission of the game? Is the plot goal-oriented (like in GTA3 where the ultimate goal of playing the game was to find and kill Catalina) or is it going to be relatively open-ended (like VC where you had no ultimate goal, but instead just kept building your empire and trying to survive)? I think 3 had a more engaging story than VC, tho VC was technically far better. How many non-plot central characters will give you missions (like phone missions etc)? Is there a way of killing all gang members of a particular gang or disguising yourself so they don't recognise you? Because one of the main problems I had in the other 2 GTAs was that by the end of the game no matter where you stepped it was raining bullets on you all the time and you spent most of your time avoiding gang territorry rather than lookin for packages etc. Will that be a problem in SA as well? Also, when are you realeasing the game on PC and what are the suggested reqs for that?
Yo ppl ppl..... We all know this "theorizing" is utterly pointless - but consider it a challange, to your deductive skills, to your logical reasoning and to your imagination (and also to tnk's Photoshop skills ). It would be fun to reconstruct a map and find out the real one is exactly like what you calculated based on the clues, wouldn't it? Ofcourse, you're not getting any prizes for it, but we're doing this merely for our own entertainment, cos I for one am going to be entirely bored until GTASA comes out on PC (which is estimated to be NEXT JUNE ) Already I've begun dreaming about what I'm gonna be doing the min I get the game. Btw 1) what's a tool (as in ppl being tools)? and 2) what's a super mod? BTW is anyone who's gonna get SA on PC aware of what the reqs are gonna be? I'm gonna build a new PC soon, and I'm thinking of including the following ATI All-In-Wonder 9600 Graphics Card (64 MB Ram) 1 GB DDR 333 MHz RAM 80 GB SATA Hard Drive Plextor <some model number here> DVD Burner AMD Athlon 2800 or 3200 64-Bit Processor Gigabyte KNXP<something> VIA-based motherboard I wanna be able to run SA at full speed with the highest possible graphics and all features including music etc and still have enough power left over to run a relatively intese app like MS Word or Kazaa. Does anyone know if the above PC will do it? Should I post the reqs qn on another board?
Wow... the new version of the map clears up a LOT of the problems - and most importantly, it manages to solve both the Buildings-seen-from-Hanky-Panky and the Chillead-location problems at once. OK, I'm making a checklist of all known info about the map... feel free to add to it or correct it. BUT PLEASE SOMEHOW MARK YOUR CHANGES FROM POST TO POST SO PPL CAN TRACK THEM EASILY. And remember to unmark other ppl's changes before you make yours. 01) Big Buildings seen from HP Point... check. 02) Lots of country between LS and SF... check. 03) Possiblity of mountain(s) between LS and SF... check. 04) Bone county (desert) visible from Panopticon... check. 05) Flint county (mountain) visible from Panopticon... check. 06) SF airport visible from Panopticon... check. 07) Atleast one SF bridge connects to non-urban area which may or may not be mountainous... check. 08) "America-shaped map" (I remember reading this somewhere)... not check. 09) Lots of open countryside for small towns... check. 10) Bridge from Rodeo going west... check. 11) "City Limit" north of Red County a possibility... check. 12) "City Limit" west of Rodeo a possibility... not check unless it refers to LS's city limits. 13) Map about 4-6 times > VC assuming LS = VC... check. 14) SF might straddle a river/sea/inlet/creek/bay etc... check. 15) Angel Pine near the base of Mt. Chilliad... check. Yeah, so it fits everything we know so far and most of what we suspect so far... great job with the map tnk! But just a bunch of questions I'd like to throw out... Do you think you can fly/swim/drive to all cities outright so there will be no sectioning as in 3 and VC? If there is sectioning, what excuse will be given to block access? In 3 it was the explosion + construction delay, and in VC it was a hurricane warning. Will you be able to fly a "Juank Air" plane or will you merely be able to ride it around from city to city like you do public transport?
Hmm... supermadness, you're right, I too remember reading that you to get to SF from LS you need to go out into the country side, climb a mountain and then go some more in the countryside before you get to SF. However, I remember this being A mountain, not necessarily THE mountain (mt chilliad). So it could be the Vinewood mountains, or "Fern Ridge" on tnks map if fern ridge is indeed a mountain-chain. At R*'s official website, the photo of Hanky Panky Point looks onto some remarkably tall buildings - however, neither some miniscule redneck -----hole like Palomino Creek nor its cousin Leafy Hollow across the water (according to tnks map) are big enough to hold such huge buildings - which means that we could only be looking at one of the 3 major cities. So unless the pic on R* is taken from some really weird angle and looks back at LS to the south which is weird because there is clearly some sort of concrete barrier in between the HP point cars and the buildings in the distance, and such a barrier could only mean either fencing against a cliff or a highway, but there's no highway just to the south of HP point that would be close enough to LS to have the buildings to close. This means that either LS has some pretty gigantic buildings even in its extreme-most suburbs, or tnk's map is wrong and SF is actually located on the south side of the island it's on. rather than the north as he's depicted. That would explain a number of other things as well - the gant and garden bridges could join the LS island to the SF island (indeed, this picture shows that atleast one side of the bridge is connected to greenery rather than urban terrain). The SF airport would be located on the westernmost edge of SF (hence in the southwest of SF island). This would place it pretty close to the panopticon so it could be seen from there. Bone county (I'm assuming from the name) would be the desert area leading to LV and Flint county (again from the name) could be the Island/area that Mt Chilliad is on. It would also solve the problem of large bldgs being visible from hanky panky point, because these would be on the eastern external edge of SF if it were on the south coast of SF island. And it could be that the SF buildings are enveloped in fog (as they often are in real life) rather than smog as supermadness claims. I hope that solves the SF/LS/Hanky Panky Bldgs/Panopticon Airport problems. I have no idea where to begin on solving the Chiliad/Angel Pine issue. Where does it say that the first mission takes you to Angel Pine btw? For all I could find, the first couple of missions are sort of a tutorial (just like the first few missions in GTA3 - such as picking up and dropping off Misty were tutorials). There is a "Mission X" at gtadomain.gtagaming.com which says you need to go into the countryside for various reasons, but at what point in the game you have to do it is unknown. In any case, I think its HIGHLY unlikely that you will be sent out into the wilderness withing only a few missions of the start - at the very least, a n00b needs to have learned how to drive, shoot and operate the controls before he's sent into the countryside. Unfortunately, the only pictures of Mt Chiliad I could find offer absolutely no clue where it is in relation to any city, or even if its on its own island. And where does it say Angel Pine is at Chilliads base? Any comments on this would be highly helpful! Oh and tnk, excellent job, even more so if you did this by hand and using your imagination - unfortunately you forgot to include an airport for LV - maybe in the next version of the map.