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Posts posted by MarkD1990

  1. Even tho I am a PC gamer and I have all GTA Games on PC and the Stories verisons on PSP, I got a huge feeling that it will not come to PC, due to the fact if I remeber properly that Rockstar did say when they were releasing SA to PC they did say that it was going to be the 'Last' GTA Game for the PC.

    But I won't be buying GTA IV for the xbox but I will be buying a PS3 soon and in october I will be buying GTA IV for the PS3 coz it will have excellent graphics.

    Thank God for the Blu-Ray System

  2. A fresh set of Grand Theft Auto: IV rumours have been spilled across the internet suggesting that the recently revealed lead character dies early on in the game and you assume the role of his Russian cousin.

    Via way of various forums and discussions comes what many are claiming to be new GTA: IV details. Rockstar obviously won't comment either way on what rumours are doing the rounds this week, but if these turn out to be true, it looks like the NYC-based publisher tried to lead us up the garden path with what it revealed in the debut trailer (which you can see here, just in case you missed it).

    Spoiler Warning: Just in case the following turns out to be true and you don't want to know anything about the story, look away now.

    Apparently the lead character Nikko Bellic (the bloke from the trailer) is murdered early on in the game during a dodgy drug deal that goes horribly wrong.

    Nikko is said to have fled Estonia to escape some dodgy Mafioso types and the rumours suggest that the story centres on a turf war between Italian and Russian families. Once this news reaches Bellic's mother land his cousin, Roman Petronov, takes the news very badly and sets sail for the US of A.

    Petronov is said to be disturbed by the news of the murder and wants his revenge. But he doesn't just wade in there with sideways-pointing pistols and a bad attitude. He decides to do a bit of a Tony Montana, and work his way up the gangsta food chain first, before confronting those responsible for his cousin's untimely end.

    Word is that playing as Roman Petronov you have to choose which gang to join to rise to the top of. You could be mugged, begged or jumped on to join the warring factions of Liberty City.

    That rumour alone suggests that the game could turn out to be pretty open and non-linear, if you get to choose between three gangs. Presumably you'll have the chances to jump from gang to gang if things weren't going your way - with a bit of bloodshed thrown in along the way, of course.

    Details that six motorcycles vehicles and three helicopters would make the final cut, though there will be no planes, were also hinted at.

    Don't expect Rockstar to comment on the above at all. We'll just have to wait and see.

    From Mark at GTAYard

  3. The versions doesn't matter, the thing to do is go to your 'My Documents' then click on 'GTA SA user files' and then ope your save game with 'Notepad' but one thing you cannot edit anything in there, believe me because I did it once and on the load option on SA it said corrupt file... So don't bother, but you can have a savegame editor from this site i think, but you can get it on JYF just click below to visit the site and have a look around;


  4. The posts above are good but they are not usefull. here is what you do to add mods to PS2 gta games

    WinHiip is used to copy PS2 games (which you own) to your PS2 HDD from your PC

    It is possibile to mod GTA:3/VC/SA on the PS2, but you are limited to what you can do!

    So far all that will work on the PS2 is code/main.scm mods and the hassle you go to, to get them to work mean's its pretty pointless to even apply these mods to it. But since this is a tutorial section I'll continue.

    Tools Needed:

    WinHIIP V1.7.3


    Hardware Needed:

    PS2 Network Adaptor

    60GIG + HDD

    Software Needed:


    The first thing you need to do is create a folder on your PC's HDD called GTA (insert version).

    Now insert your PS2 GTA into your PC's DVD drive and copy all to you newly created folder.

    Now go the the folder that the original main.scm is located and replace it with your modified or downloaded main.scm file.

    Now create an image of the HDD GTA

    Now attach your PS2 HDD to your IDE Chain as a slave and run WinHIIP and select Add Image and this will install your game to your HDD, Now put your HDD back into your PS2 and load up HDAvance/HDloader and select GTA????

    I have tested afew main.scm mods but only afew of them will work!

  5. Right I now your problem because I had it three days ago. You need to install Dmagic wheel which you can have from most gta fan sites but i recommend trying junkyardforums to download it because I am one of the staff there and we try the mods to see if they work and that has worked and here is a link to it - http://www.junkyardforums.com/boards/downl...o=cat&id=38 but if the problem still occurs to junk yard forums or here but try and search in furture.

  6. Is there a tool here to unpack VCM files becasue I want the dff. and txd. files.

    And I have checked gtagaming.com but the link is broken so is there on here or has anyone got one.

  7. Well I thought people say that GTA 4 will not be coming on the PC, but I think it will, and hopefully GTA LCS will be coming onto PC. and it will be impossible to edit the police lights and sirens. and furture games will be impossible to mod.

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