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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I don't see why Rockstar wouldn't want to use the PS3 to the fullest just because of the shit box.

    Maybe because of rate of people buying the PS3, looking at who and how much people bought the "**** box", and what the "**** box" features like online playability.

    Dude, it took me 2 months to get my hands on the PS3 because it was sold out every where. Just because people over in Australia are poor and can't afford a PS3 doesn't mean it's not selling well.

  2. I'ma be crushin people on that online joint. That'll be tight. Now we won't need a PC and a hack to play online. :D

    And we could do whatever we want without getting IP banned.

    Ummm, you could still get banned...if you could get banned from XBox Live and PS Online...then you could get banned from an online game.

  3. Yeah i hope they do that and then they proove that playstation will always be better then Xbox

    Even though I'm a Sony fan boy, I'd have to disagree with you. Although the PS3 and Rockstar video games are amazing, it wouldn't neccessarily "prove" the PS3 to be better. It would most likely piss off half the GTA fans and the other 360 owners wouldn't give a shit because they don't care that much about Rockstar video games.

  4. <_< That's about the poster, not the series. That could have been simply asked over PM. You guys aren't helping this topic at all, you're just filling it with pointless questions and comments about the game that no one here would know about. That's why no one else is posting in here. Now please, leave this topic to the people that don't play the game. Why do you think I made a series topic on the GTA Real Estate forum? (Don't answer that)
  5. Sweet, i get to see it at 7:00 AM which is good for me, but TBH Chris i don't think they'll change anything excapt for the graphics and the place where it is set

    They're definitely gonna have online play...it's the leap up.

  6. No that happens, it is not a bug or anything. It said that when you first turned on your PS3. ;)

    Nope, it has happened several times, I have bben round his house, we tried switching it off then on, and still it wouldn't work, it goes off then back on but the sound keeps on playing. Its not his TV because thats only 3 months old. He is really p****** off atm, I was quite surprised to be honest, Does anyone know how to fix this though?

    Did you guys bump it or anything? Because you could have f***ed it up...it has a hard drive. It's just like a computer so if you bump it hard enough, you'll break it.

  7. Well anyway, back on topic, what do you think will be drastically different in GTA IV?

    I think the main thing will be the graphics and online play. The cut scenes will be at least 10X better. As far as game play goes, I'm guessing 10-20X better. The main things they'll fix with the graphics is the mitten hands, loading time (...not really graphics), textures and distance (again...not really graphics). The online play is probably gonna be the biggest change and I think this will be one of the biggest things they'll be working on. Since they're saying "Things Will Be Different” maybe online play will be a major role in the actual storyline some how.

  8. OGTAM, you've got to remember that microsoft and sony are probably PAYING rockstar exclusivity rights for the game on both their consoles. Think about it, all those people with PCs that will be itching to play GTA IV, will HAVE to buy either the xbox or ps3. If PS3 had full exclusivity, then everybody would buy a PS3. microsoft know this, and of course they want their console to sell, therefore by paying a lot of money, subject to the condition that it has exactly the same content as that on the PS3, and in agreement with sony so that both parties are happy, the three collectively agree on a final release for both consoles, a fat financial package for rockstar, and everybody is happy.......except PC users, who have to fork out cash..

    Furthermore....if users have to pay for each extra content "package", that means more money for sony, microsoft, AND of course for rockstar....they could end up charging triple or more than just one normal release of a game would cost....it's a very clever business innovation, but admitadly it does help the gaming world in that we have more stuff to play and it keeps games alive....it's sort of like an official modding community.

    I know all about that, it's common sense, but I'm talking about the PS3 being able to hold more. If it can, then Rockstar could put in certain things without having to wait to put it on the PlayStation Store. It's Microsoft's fault for being impatient and wanting to release their consol first. Like someone said, Sony looks towards the future, not right now. That's their stupid decision to not put all they can into their newest consol.

  9. Wow, you're really encouraging people to try the game Dazza. "Eh, its hard the game". The only problem you're having in it is paying attention to previous post. If someone locks up a place...you can't just walk in anyways. That's why you have to read preivious post.

    The reason there are so many rules is because people constantly try to find loop holes in these games. If you read the "Tourist Guide" ou should be able to understand the game.

    ANYWAYS, this isn't really about the game, it's about the series. So stick with talking about that.

  10. I know what you mean but maybe the deal with X BOX and Rockstar doesn't allow this to happen.

    Microsoft is not allowed to tell Rockstar that they're gonna have certain things that the PS3 isn't allowed to have.

    I know but maybe the deal wa that they would release everything on the same day as they released it on the PS3

    Microsoft doesn't really have any say in that. If they brought it up Rockstar could have agreed.

  11. Jace it will be 11:00PM GMT, however, not sure about other countries, but the UK will be an hour ahead at that time for Daylight Savings, so for me I think it's actually going to be Midnight. I'll try and get confirmation of what time it will be for each country.

    Yeah, I'm not sure about this whole thing. It was gonna be 6PM before daylight savings time, but it still says on that E-mail that it's gonna be 6PM...wouldn't it be 5PM?

    I thought the USA already switched to DST last week?

    We haven't switched over yet in Europe. This is why it's made more confusing. I'll try to get something posted later.

    Yeah, we already did, that's what I'm confused about because Rockstar still said it's coming out the same time it would have if we didn't set our clocks ahead.

    EDIT: I'll just re-check the countdown.

  12. No, I think PS3 and xbox versions would be exactly the same, if they didn't put as much on the xbox then that wouldn't sell.......basically, if GTA IV was PS3 exclusive then the game would be a lot bigger, but because it HAS to be on xbox as well...then maybe they had to reduce the final release of the game just to keep xbox happy, and then release the same content on both consoles (making rockstar, microsoft and sony a lot richer than if it were just a full ps3 exclusive). in my opinion anyway, but obviously I'm just guessing.

    Why wouldn't Rockstar put all they could on the PS3 version and release the other stuff onto the 360 version as downloadable content? It wouldn't be fair that the PS3 would get held back because of competition.

    Well really OGTAM thats sort of taking the exclusitivity away form the 360 and I don't think Rockstar can do that.

    Well it'd be exclusive to them...PS3 would just already have it. Why wouldn't Rockstar do that? It was on Playstation before XBox...they'd stay loyal to all of their business partners, but would take into consideration that the Playstation was before the XBox. I'm not saying that there wont be episodic content, just that the "exclusive" content for the 360 could be the stuff that it couldn't hold.

  13. Jace it will be 11:00PM GMT, however, not sure about other countries, but the UK will be an hour ahead at that time for Daylight Savings, so for me I think it's actually going to be Midnight. I'll try and get confirmation of what time it will be for each country.

    Yeah, I'm not sure about this whole thing. It was gonna be 6PM before daylight savings time, but it still says on that E-mail that it's gonna be 6PM...wouldn't it be 5PM?

  14. No, I think PS3 and xbox versions would be exactly the same, if they didn't put as much on the xbox then that wouldn't sell.......basically, if GTA IV was PS3 exclusive then the game would be a lot bigger, but because it HAS to be on xbox as well...then maybe they had to reduce the final release of the game just to keep xbox happy, and then release the same content on both consoles (making rockstar, microsoft and sony a lot richer than if it were just a full ps3 exclusive). in my opinion anyway, but obviously I'm just guessing.

    Why wouldn't Rockstar put all they could on the PS3 version and release the other stuff onto the 360 version as downloadable content? It wouldn't be fair that the PS3 would get held back because of competition.

  15. I personally don't think that Rockstar will just throw away the previous storyline all together. I think they'll leave tiny bits of the previous storyline in the new set of the series. What I think this slogan or saying means is that we'll have an entirely different gaming experience than that of the "III" Trilogy.

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