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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Now I some what know what you're getting at here. It's not what you want or just making up a random story on the spot...more like saying what you actually think will show up in the game.

    Well a lot like what most fan sites have been saying, Rockstar made a huge step from GTA 2 to GTA III. They went from 2D to 3D. There have been many rumors saying that Rockstar themselves have said the next step up is online play which is what I feel is going to show up in GTAIV. Being in the G3 of video game systems, it is very possible on any system they put the game on. So I strongly feel that online play will be featured in GTAIV. As for the location, I would like to see "Tokyo, China", a spoof of "Tokyo, Japan", but that's not what this topic is about. I'm like a rag doll getting pulled in all different directions on where GTAIV could be based and the only thing I rely on at the moment is my very own "Radio Theory". The radio theory tugs and pulls in all different directions because multiple locations have been mentioned on the VCS radio stations. I can't give any real strong opinion on where I think the location will be, so for me, I'll just have to wait and see. As for characters, I strongly feel that the majority of the characters featured in GTAIV will be brand new faces, but I also strongly feel there will be some returning characters.

    The storyline will be the same and different at the same time. Grand Theft Auto will always involve grand theft auto, so we know crime has to obviously be involved. I believe that tons of different things will open up in GTAIV that I can't even imagine right now. There are so many possibilities for GTAIV and the only real thing I could say is that GTAIV will have some sort of online play.

  2. WTF is wrong with my countdown,it shows 10 02 08 00- and the trailer will be released when is 1 in the morning but now is 9:52 so it should show another hour 10 03 08 00?My date/time is correct I`ve checked out...

    Do you live in the United States by any chance? Because that could be because of Day Light Savings Time. I'm not sure if any other places use that, but if your area does...then that's why.

  3. Great Report OGTAM, I like your views alot. You focus more on the good bits and call the other bits just little downsides. You should become a reporter ;)

    Overall brilliant.

    Well I downloaded this Q&A that's in PDF format and I'll post it up here soon. I'll post some of the key things in a post and leave the rest in the main post for those that are interested. Most people wont read the post if there is a lot of stuff so that's why I'll do it that way...it's a very long read, but has a lot of good info on PlayStation Home. Thanks for the compliment by the way. :thumbsup:

  4. I like all the characters...But the characters that will return will be older.

    Imposible to return characters if GTA 4 is set in the 2000`s

    Lance Vance -Dead,tommy killed him in 1986

    Vic Vance-Dead -one of the 1st cut-scenes of Vice City 1986


    Phil-maybe but only with 1 arm and much more older

    I never liked Avery C,thoose "demolition" missions were nasty...

    Edit:Why Claude doesn`t look younger in SA,he looks like in GTA3,but Ken Rose. looks much older and only 5-6 years have passed

    Avery will sadly not return if it's set after 1998. He's dead. :'(

  5. Wrestlemania 23 is like this Sunday in Detroit. Wrestlemania 24 is taking place in London.

    London? Where did you hear that? I don't think it was ever out of the United States. Not saying you're lying...it'll just be a first...I think.

  6. What the f*** is wrong with you people? Go make your own hate topic about the WWE. Stop cluttering this one up.

    Who's planning on watching Raw tonight? I wonder if anything interesting is going to happen...did Wrestlemania past alreayd? I haven't been paying attention to the PPVs at all.

  7. I'm mostly into metal, these are the main metal bands I listen to.

    -KoRn <<<(Most say isn't metal, but some of their songs are. Mostly Hard Rock)


    -Slipknot <<<(Some say this isn't even metal...if it's not, I don't know what the f*** it is)

    -Lamb of God


    -Fear Factory

  8. Sorry for the double post, but I got some more information on "Home". I'll also give my view and opinions on the new info. :thumbsup:

    [Mar. 12, 2007](Original Source)

    Beta Details:

    The Home closed beta is scheduled to kick off in April with 15,000 users. This first stage of the beta will run through August, at which point it will enter the open beta phase and open up to approximately 50,000 users. The free service, which Sony is trying to get under 500MB in size, is scheduled to go live in October.

    Original GTA Master: 500MB is not much at all whether you have a 20GB HDD for the PS3 or a 60GB. There is a high possibility that you will be the server for your apartment/house in "Home", which would take up more space than the so far 500MB required for the service.

    Home Information:

    The Central Lounge, which is a starting point for virtual meet-and-greets, will have a cap of 64 concurrent users. Like online chat rooms, there will be several active Central Lounges on the network to accommodate users.

    Original GTA Master: Yes, 64 users is a pretty small amount to have in one "lounge", but the lounges are simply there so you could meet other users. As said above, they're just the starting point into the virtual world. From there you could head over to the arcade area, the theater and much more. This world will continuously expand leaving the users with many more places to go.

    Though currently PS3-only, Sony is hoping to expand Home to be accessed by the PlayStation Portable and mobile phones, but admits it will be limited access. Sony did not say what features will be accessible or when other devices could connect to Home.

    Original GTA Master: Limited access, yes, but it is deffinetly better than nothing. Bringing an addition like this to portable devices is going to be an amazing accomplishment.

    Currently, meeting someone in Home and then playing a multiplayer game with them requires both parties to exit Home and enter the game manually, but Sony says that eventually, everything will be seamless. Likewise, Home will eventually become accessible directly through a game that is being played.

    Original GTA Master: This very minor downside will be easy to get over, but will soon become part of the "Home" service. I think it will actually be better this way since we wont know much about using this service at first. This will give us time to get familiar with it before we start getting other things such as this.

    At the present time, Home is not a persistent world. Gamers can not visit their friends' apartments unless their friends are logged in. "We are working on the persistent aspect of Home, and expect to implement it in the long term,".

    Original GTA Master: Again, just a little downside, but would you want strangers walking in your house in real life? I wouldn't think so. So this isn't that big of a downside at the moment. This will give us time to get groups or as some gamers call them, clans, together. After which, we will be able to have our groups visit the group hang out with out the owners having to be there.

    Among the other tidbits of information: users will be able to make money through online user-to-user auctions, there will be no child avatars, and lobbies will likely be localized and divided by region.

    Original GTA Master: This seems very interesting, but I'm just wondering how we'll make the money in the first place "to make money through online user-to-user". I'm guessing this is where games come in, where you could win money by accomplishing milestones and what not.

    Please give feedback. :D

  9. This trailer better show something, I don't care if it's 10 seconds. It just better not be the release date with a guy say "Grand Theft Auto IV, coming soon." The closer it gets, the more I think that's gonna happen.

  10. Jace, nah you just annoyed me, I do actually quite like america. But to answer your question, the exchange rate is better here, so our pounds go a lot further in the states than you dollars do, if you get what i mean, people go to nyc from the uk just to save money by buying loads of stuff in nyc and it works out cheaper than if they'd bought it in the uk!

    Maybe that's why prices in the UK are so high.

    Now please, lets get back on topic. What kind of exclusive content do you think the PS3 version of GTAIV will have? I already said what I thought. If you want me to elaborate on it or whatever, just ask.

  11. No it would be quite fair if they did that. 360 already has Halo, which isn't a game I like at all, but it is a popular game none the less. Sony needs a popular exclusive and I personally think GTA should be that exclusive game.

    While I agree they need a good exclusive, and GTA is definetly good enough, I don't think GTA should be exclusive to any console. Knowing Sony, they wouldn't allow it on PC, either. They are just that big of jerk-offs.

    Well a lot of people probably think that Halo shouldn't be exclusive, but it is and always will be.

  12. Because that's low of them to buy Take-Two to get exclusive games. From a business stand-point, it's genius. Absolutely genius. But GTA should never be an exclusive to any console. No, I'm not a 360 fan-boy.... I'm not fond of Xbox and I never was. I'm just saying the whole "PS3 is t3h godzorz and 360 sux!!!!!" is retarded and FALSE. But in that same view-point, the same goes for anyone saying the exact opposite. I do not stand for either of the consoles, they are both just fun games to me. Personally? The Wii kicks the most ass. So no, do not label me a fan-boy, for I am not the one worshipping a single console while calling another one the scum of all things ever.

    Besides, Take-Two is a publisher. Rockstar can still decide for themselves who they want to make games for. They are big boys, y'know.

    No it would be quite fair if they did that. 360 already has Halo, which isn't a game I like at all, but it is a popular game none the less. Sony needs a popular exclusive and I personally think GTA should be that exclusive game.

  13. Take Two for Take-Two

    I doubt that will happen, and if it does I will have a personal grudge against Sony. That is cheap, IMO. And besides, it won't happen before the release of the game in October, I doubt.

    Why would you have a grudge against Sony, and you say you're not a 360 fan boy. I never said it would happen before the release, but if it does happen, it'll change for future GTA games. So if it does, it would be wise to get a PS3 now.

  14. Wow this is just giving me more reasons to buy a PS3 those graphics look amazing im so hyped. Thanks for that OGTAM i didnt even hear about that before.

    If you thought the graphics were good seeing them through Youtube, you should see the actual videos. The funny thing is, the Demonstration videos were on a big screen, which was filmed with a camera, and then I had to split them up and put them in WMM that made the quality even worse and then on top of that, put it on Youtube. So imagine how great the graphics really are. I think the pictures are the best to go by at the moment...but I resized them a bit.

    Brilliant Topic OGTAM (Do I hear a Pinning). That is a lot of info you got on the 'Home'.

    Much more to come too. That was just the stuff released the first day.

    X Box live seems crap compared to this. This is class. The graphics are unbelievable and it s free of charge but I am still uncertain about some things. If some things. Do you create a home or a whole place?

    Good work OGTAM.

    All I know about this as of now is that you get 1 of 3 types of house or should I say Homes. You could get either small (apartment), medium (regular house) and large (mansion). These types could be bought with money you earn in the service. The money will most likely be earned through achievements. You get to decorate the living spaces to the way you want it. Check out the demonstration videos if you haven’t, it'll explain it all.

    Will there be like different servers? Or could one server hold over 2 million people :S But PS3Player, you build your own home, then you can invite people over and stuff.

    They said that there will be different servers, but you have to remember there are time zones and each person will have their very own living space where they might be most of the time and on top of that...people do have lives. So I think it's very possible to have only 1-3 servers that could hold everyone.

  15. Well no, if the games play the same as GTA3 trilogy did, then it would be gta4.com gta{name}.com and gta{another name.com. And then if there is a GTA5, then yes, the domains would come in handy then.

    That's what I'm talking about...since we don't know the names of the ones after GTAIV... I thought I made that obvious.

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