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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Well the MMO would be a side thing...wouldn't be what GTAIV is all about. It's a good idea, which is why I posted it. I understand that this could hurt Rockstar staff members, but it could have of also been some sort of a Stealth Marketing Plan.

  2. NOTE: I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not, so don't harass me about this. I’m just simply quoting someone for some conversation.

    First of all I want to say that this is just a RUMOR, please no flaming, just trying to tell other people what I've heard.

    So with that out of the way, here is the good stuff. My uncle knows someone that works at Rockstar North as a programmer. This is what he told my uncle who then told me when my family visited him last night. He said that GTA IV is going to be an MMO (something everyone has wanted for a long time) and will also have the normal one player-story mode. The online part will work alot like other MMO's. There will be multiple servers, player housing, quests, classes, affiliation (this will be like the "race" in other MMO's). He didn't know anything about the classes, but the affiliation aspect was very cool. When you make a character you will be able to choose thier affiliation, which is basicaly what organization they belong too. They are split up into a tier, there is The Mafia, Gangs, and Police (and probably more). They way the tier works is that there are multiple groups under the main affiliation (ie. there are different gangs you can join if you affiliate yourself with gangs) all with there own advantages/disadvantages. Thats all he told me, and I hope it is true. This could be the best game ever made.

    Once again, this is only a RUMOR, I am in NO WAY saying that it is going to happen.

  3. Little less than 2 days now...crazy how time flies. This trailer is gonna be epic. Make sure you guys keep your eye out for something similar to the Great Wall of China. ;) If it is based in "Tokyo, China"...do you think Rockstar would make a spoof of the Great Wall? Wonder what they'd call it...Maybe something as simple as "The Great Wall of R*", "R*" instead of "Rockstar"....hmmmm. Maybe they'll flip it around and make it "The Tiny Wall of China"...you never know.

  4. It's amazing that Sony have had such a great success with the PS3 in Europe so far. Compared to the USA anyway.

    It's a shame that every topic about the PS3 gets Xbox fanboys coming into it, and vice versa with Xbox topics and PS3 fanboys. Why be a fanboy anyway?

    Besides, talking about the Xbox 360 in here would be going off topic (read: breaking the rules) so unless it's legit... ;)

    Why does it matter if people are fanboys/fangirls? I'm a GTA fanboy and I'm sure as hell you are? I'm not trying to start something...just don't see why there is anything wrong with being a "fanboy".

    That joke from Microsoft was pathetic. They're really saying "Why didn't we think and wait longer."

  5. After I had some time to think, I realized how stupid and pathetic I was being in certain parts of the forum and I would like to make a public apology to anyone and everyone I may have offended during my time here. I can't send a PM to everyone that I've offended...because I don't know all of whom I’ve offended and even if I knew...I probably would have lost track by now. However, I did manage to send a PM to the latest person that has highlighted me on their shit list to personally apologize for my rude behavior towards them and I hope that all, if not, most of you could accept my apology. I can’t say that I’ll be argument free from now on, but I will promise that I’ll try my hardest to keep my cool while commenting in topics and I’ll be sure to try and keep any type of disagreement as simple debates. Again, I apologize for my stupid, pathetic, rude behavior that I’ve had towards everyone that I’ve offended during my time here and I hope you guys/gals can accept my apology.


    Original GTA Master

  6. And I'm getting sick of you. You're really pissing me off and I don't even feel like coming here any more because this will eventually turn into a huge fight which will eventually cause me to get banned. So this is my final post on these forums.

  7. I think there are two ways you could add cash to your account. You could enter your credit card number and it'll just use your money from your bank account. I think you could also buy these card things. Try going to your nearest video game store and talking to them about it. You could probably also find out how to get cash in there by checking the Transactions Managment in your Account Management.

    EDIT: I just checked and you could put cash in via Credit Card or PLAYSTATION CARD. I'm gonna use the PLAYSTATION CARD. :thumbsup:

  8. uaahh, the last week...how the anticipation rises by the moment. All the talk and wondering about what could be on the trailer and what we could expect and blah blah blah. Less than 4 days now until it's revealed...wow, how time flies.

  9. I'm not sure, I love all the customization features. Playing pool sounds like fun but i live in Qatar in the Middle East and i was wondering, will it actually let me access the home world? Or is it only for America/Europe? I have wireless set up in my house and everything...

    It will be available worldwide; you just might be placed in a different lounge than that of people from America, Europe, etc.

    There hasn't been really any new info, screenshots or videos on PlayStation Home, so please continue to chat about it here to keep the topic alive so when there is new stuff about it, I could add and inform you all about it without making a huge bump and or double post.

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