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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Ummm, then why doesn't someone just make "gtav.com", "gta5.com","grandtheftautov.com" and "grandtheftauto5.com"? Those are all the possibilities for the 5th trilogy or whatever. This will answer a pretty large question. Will Rockstar have another trilogy of some sort and go onto the G4 generation of video game consoles?

  2. f***ing asshole Christians. It's one thing to practice the religion, but when you try to use it to insult others and act all righteous, it pisses me off.

    HEY f***ER, I'M CHRISTIAN. Yes Jack Thomson is a douchebag, but it isn't because of his religion. The Christian religion didn't have a meeting with him telling him to do this...he's just retarded. Think before you post.

    Hey f***er, I'm not calling all Christians assholes, just the ones the act like assholes. It is partly because of his religion. Every time he goes on one of his crusades, he uses his religion as a way to try to make Take-Two look bad and make himself look good. Don't get offended so easily.

    Stop talking about this, it's getting OT.

    Well then with your way of thinking, if Jack Thomson was black he would say Rockstar is racist. If he was a women then he would say they were sexest...that's what you're pretty much saying. That was an extremely stupid comment.

    "I'm not calling all Christians assholes, just the ones the act like assholes."

    Then why would religion matter? If he were Jewish...he would still be an asshole.

  3. f***ing asshole Christians. It's one thing to practice the religion, but when you try to use it to insult others and act all righteous, it pisses me off.

    HEY f***ER, I'M CHRISTIAN. Yes Jack Thomson is a douchebag, but it isn't because of his religion. The Christian religion didn't have a meeting with him telling him to do this...he's just retarded. Think before you post.

  4. Time flying for me fortunatly. I remember it being 29 days like it was yesterday now theres only 12 days and 14 hours :rolleyes:
    Cro, you can make the week shorter if you play VCS or something. :)

    Sorta funny, remember when we're all excited about Vice City Stories? Well look now, it's been months since its release and it's out for the PS2 now. Time f***ing flies. Before you know it we'll have GTAIV in our hands.

  5. Yeah, I'll add more to it very soon. I needed to post what I had so far and I needed a little break. Took me about 30-60 minutes to get all that. I had to get the pics and resize them to the smaller versions which link to the large ones along with pick out official info. The thing that took so long was the video because I had to upload and wait for it. Anyways, yeah, I'll get more info, pics and videos up soon.

  6. Well I dunno why GTA 4 needs add-ons so what is this Exclusive Content for PS 3.I mean if there`s gonna be a PC will it have Exclusive content for PC,since the game is on PS 3 and may come on PC?

    Rockstar would host PC downloads off of the official GTAIV website for exclusive content. I'm just guessing that "Home" has something to do with the PS3 exclusive content.

  7. 429361qx2.jpg

    Home is a real-time online 3D, networked community available on the PLAYSTATION®Network. It allows PS3 users to interact, communicate, join online games, shop, share private content and even build and show off their own personal spaces to others in real time. Home will be available as a free download from the PLAYSTATION®Store and will launch directly from XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) on PS3.

    [Mar. 7, 2007](Original Source) Screenshots (Click Images to enlarge)
    Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) today announced the unveiling of a first-of-its-kind 3D online user community service for the PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) computer entertainment system. The service, known as “Home,” will enable users to create their own avatar and explore a real-time virtual community, as if they are playing a detailed 3D game for PS3. The service will become available globally beginning in fall 2007. phscreen3smallyu8.png


    Home will go into a closed beta test this spring with a full launch targeted for later this year. By having a broad range of business partners participate in Home, along with an expansive catalog of upcoming game software titles for PS3, SCEI will continue to enhance the new world of entertainment and vigorously promote PS3 as the next generation computer entertainment platform. phscreen7smallyq6.png


    With an avatar uniquely customized according to each user’s preference, users can explore the 3D community that is Home – a sleek, modern environment featuring spacious common areas; custom spaces dedicated to specific games; and personal apartments. Each user is assigned an apartment in Home where they can invite others to join them as they show off their own style in an area they can personalize themselves with furniture, art and other items – even a different view from their windows.

    They can also show their personal video, pictures and other digital media content found on their PS3 hard drives in their apartments. Very rich interactive communication with others is achieved through built in text, audio and video chat, along with sophisticated emotional animations for each character. Sharing continues in the “Hall of Fame,” where users can display new 3D trophies that will be unlocked through in-game achievements, as well as real time score rankings in PS3 games.





    (Original Source)
    • Making your own personalized 3D character or avatar. These realistic human characters are highly customizable with different body types, skin tones, ages, clothing and accessories, creating a unique personality for each user.
    • Exploring the 3D community that is Home – a sleek, modern indoor space featuring spacious common areas, retail shops, game lobbies and extensible, customizable personal apartments.
    • Communicating with others through text, audio and video chat, along with sophisticated emotional animations for each character.
    • Being assigned an apartment in Home where others can be invited to join you as you show off your own style in an area you can personalize yourself with furniture, art and other items. You can even show your video, pictures and music content stored on your PS3 hard drive.
    • “Hall of Fame,” where you can display new 3D trophies that will be unlocked through in-game milestones in PS3 games.
    • Players craft their own individual experience. There’s not just one way to play.
    • Unlimited possibilities for user-created content – players can customize everything: their characters, the landscape around them and their own “patch” on LittleBigPlanet.
    • Players discover and win new skills and items to aid them on their creative journey.
    • Online and offline multiplayer modes – work as a team or get competitive.

    [Mar. 12, 2007](Original Source)

    Beta Details: BETA UNDERWAY

    Home Information:
    The Home closed beta is scheduled to kick off in April with 15,000 users. This first stage of the beta will run through August, at which point it will enter the open beta phase and open up to approximately 50,000 users. The free service, which Sony is trying to get under 500MB in size, is scheduled to go live in October. The Central Lounge, which is a starting point for virtual meet-and-greets, will have a cap of 64 concurrent users. Like online chat rooms, there will be several active Central Lounges on the network to accommodate users.

    Though currently PS3-only, Sony is hoping to expand Home to be accessed by the PlayStation Portable and mobile phones, but admits it will be limited access. Sony did not say what features will be accessible or when other devices could connect to Home.

    Currently, meeting someone in Home and then playing a multiplayer game with them requires both parties to exit Home and enter the game manually, but Sony says that eventually, everything will be seamless. Likewise, Home will eventually become accessible directly through a game that is being played.

    At the present time, Home is not a persistent world. Gamers can not visit their friends' apartments unless their friends are logged in. "We are working on the persistent aspect of Home, and expect to implement it in the long term," says the note.

    Among the other tidbits of information: users will be able to make money through online user-to-user auctions, there will be no child avatars, and lobbies will likely be localized and divided by region.

    Screenshot Gallary (Click on images to enlarge)





    NOTE: Videos may be processing


    Home Q&A (PDF Format) Download/View NOTE: The entire document can be viewed below. The official document is still up for downloading at right for those that still want the offical document

    Home™ Development Q&A

    Wed 7th March 2007

    General Features
    Q: What is Home™?

    Home™ is a real-time 3D, networked community that serves as a meeting

    place for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) users from around the world, where they

    can interact, communicate, join online games, shop, share content and even

    build and show off their own personal spaces. Home will be available as a

    free download from the PLAYSTATION®Store and will launch directly from

    the PS3 XMB™ (XrossMediaBar).

    Q: What is the target demographic of Home users?

    Home is for everybody. It is a global platform and the aim is to populate it with

    a broad and rich content experience, the diversity of which will create a broad

    and diverse community of users.

    Q: How do consumers use it?

    For the user, Home is a new experience in social networking. It’s a way to

    meet new friends online, or hang out with old friends and family. It’s also a

    rich media experience outside of the fundamental game-based activities on

    PS3. It will reside on the XMB between Game and Network.

    Q: What features does it have?

    Communication between users, creation and customisation of your own

    personal avatar, creation and customisation of your own personal space.

    Ability to share media with friends, and to experience media from publishers.

    Users will be able to benefit from game matchmaking, search facilities,

    seamless transition between game and Home.

    Q: What is the timeline for rollout?

    Closed Beta (appx. 15,000 users): April - August

    Open Beta (appx. 50,000 users): August - October

    Service Live (50,000+): October

    Q: What is the function of the Central Lounge?

    The lobby is the central meeting place where you can meet new friends or

    arrange to meet old friends, before transferring to a private meeting place.

    The current maximum of concurrent users in a lobby is 64. But a multitude of

    lobbies can be active at any time to accommodate all users.

    Q: What other lobbies will exist within Home?

    Over time Home will expand to include many different locations. It is our

    intention that ultimately anyone can create a Home Space, be they a

    publisher, a developer or a Non-game Company.

    Q: What is the Hall of Fame?

    The trophy room is a Home Space where users are able to display their

    gaming accomplishments.

    Q: How do I win Trophies?

    Players will be able to win Home Trophies when they play games that support

    the Home Trophy system. publishers and developers will be able to support

    Trophies by building them into their games' architecture. Further information

    on how to develop trophies within games will be available soon.

    Q: What content will users be able to purchase from within Home?

    Over time the range of content available to users will expand dramatically. If

    you consider Home to be a simulacra of the real world then most goods and

    services found within the real world could theoretically be replicated within

    Home. Initially all commercial transaction will be via the

    PLAYSTATION®Network (PSN) Store. Eventually users will be able to

    transact within the Home environment.

    Q: Will I be able to attend ticketed (paid-for) special events?

    Yes, in time Home will play host to many types of event. Bespoke events such

    as exclusive game previews and developer interviews will be organised by

    Home and its affiliated content providers. Live events such as sports and

    concerts may also be broadcast within Home.

    Q: Can Home users win non-purchased prizes and items?

    Yes, it will be possible to give prizes to users.

    Q: Will all billing have to be via Sony Wallet?

    Yes, all transactions will use the Sony Wallet system within the PSN Store,

    although ultimately transactions will be possible without leaving Home.

    Q: Can users share their favourite bookmarked Home Spaces with one


    Currently there isn't a way to do this, but this is a feature that we'd like to

    implement in the future.

    Q: When can users have / manage their own spaces?

    Every user has a private apartment space that users can modify and change

    over time. The basic apartment is free and will offer users lots of options for

    customization and personalization. In the future we will provide tools that will

    enable users to have an even greater ability to create their own Home spaces

    and content.

    Commerce & Partnerships

    Q: Is Home a commercial environment?

    Home is primarily a platform for social interaction and the intention is not to

    create a space for purely conducting ecommerce. Home prioritises community

    and entertainment over ecommerce. That said, we believe that there will be

    ample opportunities for businesses and individuals alike to generate

    significant revenues from the Home platform.

    Q: When can I start to develop for Home?

    You can register your interest to develop for the Home platform immediately

    at http://home.scedev.net

    Q: Who should I contact about developing for Home?

    If you are an existing licence holder you should channel requests for

    information through your existing 3rd Party Account Manager. If you do not

    have a license agreement, please visit http://home.scedev.net where you will

    find more information and an application to register your interest.

    Q: I don’t have an existing PlayStation® licence agreement – how can

    get involved in developing content for Home?

    See above.

    Q: I’m an IP / content holder / aggregator – how can I get involved in


    See above.

    Q: How soon can publishers and developers have and manage their own


    We would like to engage with interested publishers and developers

    immediately. If you an existing licence holder you should channel requests for

    information through your existing 3rd Party Account Manager. If you do not

    have a licence agreement, please visit http://home.scedev.net where you will

    find more information and an application to register your interest.

    Q: When can IP holders have / manage their own Home Spaces?

    We would like to engage with interested IP and content rights holders

    immediately. If you are an interested non-games company or IP holder,

    please register your interest with us at http://home.scedev.net . An

    appropriate representative will follow up your enquiry.

    Q: What support will SCE give to 3rd Parties?

    Support to publishers and developers with existing licence agreements will be

    provided by the Third Party Relations groups within each region. If you are a

    non-game content provider or do not have a license agreement, please visit

    http://home.scedev.net where you will find more information and an

    application to register your interest.

    Q: Who should our developers call for support?

    Registered developers should request information through their existing

    support relationships. Information will be available on http://home.scedev.net

    Q: Who will run Home?

    SCE has created a Home Platform Group that will provide the technology,

    strategic direction and support to each of the SCE regional headquarters.

    Q: Home looks so great – how do publishers ensure that users continue

    to play their games rather than spending all their time in Home?

    There is a huge scope for publishers and developers to promote their current

    and future IPs - as well as exploiting their back-catalogue. For example, it will

    be possible to develop small demo-areas within Home that promote new titles,

    or to re-publish an old IP as mini-game within their Home Space.

    Q: Is Home just a platform for SCE-published games?

    Absolutely not. Home will not be a success without broad support and

    adoption by our Publishing and Development partners and indeed from nongame

    companies and services.

    Q: Is Home a PS3 specific service? Will users be able to access Home

    through other devices?

    Initially Home will only be accessible via that PLAYSTATION®3, although

    over time our intention is to enable users to interface certain Home features

    and services via other networked devices such as PlayStation®Portable

    (PSP®) and mobile phones.

    Q: Can I launch and watch a BD movie from within Home?

    Launch, yes. Watch, no. (This means you would leave Home to watch the


    Q: What is the business model?

    The proposed business model for Home is still under review and we'll

    announce the details in due course.

    Q: How will publishers make money from it?

    Initially we predict that the primary areas for generating revenues will come

    from the following areas:

    - Content purchases (e.g. avatar clothing and accessories)

    - Advertising

    - Content Auctions

    Q: What will be the upfront investment and development costs be for me

    as a Home content provider?

    The tools and technology required to build and maintain a presence on the

    Home Platform are being designed to enable fast and efficient development,

    and use industry-standard processes and techniques. The resources required

    are surprisingly low and entirely scaleable.

    Q: How will businesses be able to promote their products?

    The possibilities for promotion and advertising of products and services within

    Home Spaces are virtually limitless. Given the initial broad set of functions

    and features the possibilities are limited only by creative vision. As the native

    features of Home will be continually growing, the creative possibilities will

    grow also. The Home Platform Team will also take feature requests to support

    our partners in their creative endeavours.

    Q: Will we be able to sell products (other than Home assets) online?

    Eventually Home will not only support the merchandising of virtual assets, but

    also will provide cross-promotional opportunities for selling physical goods


    Q: Could publishers sell tutorials to their games through Home?

    Yes, the commercial services and features that publishers and developers will

    be able to support is extremely broad. Further discussion of specific content

    ideas that you may have, please consult with your 3rd Party Account Manager

    or register your interest in the Home platform at http://home.scedev.net

    Q: What tools will be available for creating content, and when will they

    be available?

    The Home Platform Group will be providing a roadmap for the deployment

    and content of Home Tools. Over time the Tools package will develop into a

    comprehensive set of enabling technologies that we can provide to our

    partners to assist them with their Home Platform content creation.

    Q: Can we reserve a number of seats for the closed & open betas?

    Yes, please liaise with your 3rd Party Account Manager and request the

    number of seats that your company requires. If you do not have a TMLA,

    please register your interest at http://home.scedev.net and an appropriate

    Home Platform representative will contact you shortly.

    Q: Will it be possible to have territory based promotions for regional


    Yes, although Home is a global platform there are regional Home Spaces that

    users within each regional area will access by default (based upon their

    registration details). There is no restriction on where a user can go from their

    default starting location (other than any content age restrictions). Because

    there are regional Home spaces, each region will operate its own promotional

    events and activities.

    Technical & Extended Features

    Q: How large is the download?

    We're aiming for the initial download to be under 500MB. Subsequent

    downloads will hopefully integrate a streaming method that makes them


    Q: How do users find friends and spaces within Home?

    There is an integrated PSN Friends list, and search functionality for spaces.

    Q: How many friends can I have?

    As many as the PSN friends list allows, which is currently 50.

    Q: Will I be able to trade items that I have bought or won with other

    Home users?

    Ultimately, an auction service will be implemented that will allow users to sell

    their Home assets and user-created content to other users.

    Q: How often will the content in Home change?

    Ultimately content in Home will be updated weekly. All the participants in

    Home (the service itself, 1st Party and 3rd Party publishers, non-game brands

    and ultimately users themselves) will be creating new content, so the flow of

    new features will be will on a weekly basis.

    Q: Can I create new items and content for Home myself?

    This functionality is in the works for future release. We see user created

    content as a very important element of Home's ongoing success.

    Q: How will users transact within Home?

    During the Beta period, there will be no purchases within Home.

    Subsequently, commercial transactions will take place within Home.

    Q: Can you enter, say, MotorStorm™ quickly through Home without

    having to travel to the specific MotorStorm™ lobby?

    Currently, users can find each other in Home, and then arrange to go off and

    play MotorStorm™ at the same time. Eventually, users will be able to meet in

    Home and seamlessly launch into a game of MotorStorm™. Similarly, users

    will be able to exit to Home directly from the game.

    Q: How often is incremental content being created for Home?

    Content for Home will be developed continually. In addition to an ever

    increasing variety of items to customize avatars and Home Spaces, there will

    be special events such as Halloween and Christmas where special content

    will be available for a limited time.

    Q: Will consumers be bombarded with advertising?

    Advertising is a core revenue source for the publishers who will have to put a

    lot of resource and money into making the Home experience as fulfilling as it

    will be. As an offset to having to pay for the basic online service, and being

    able to enjoy the fundamental Home experience for free, some advertising is

    entirely reasonable. Advertising will be kept to palatable levels however. It is

    in no-one's interests to cause users to leave Home through excessive


    Q: How will I protect my kids from seeing things they shouldn’t?

    Parental controls are available through PS3 and the PLAYSTATION Network.

    We encourage parents to take an active role in participating any time a child

    has access to an open communication network, such as the internet.

    Q: How will age restrictions be applied?

    Home employs the same age restriction policies as the PS3 system software

    and the PLAYSTATION Network.

    Q: What’s the development overhead?

    Minimal. In the extreme, an application (say a mini-game) could be written in

    C++ as normal, and then a thin Home layer added to implement that

    application within Home.

    Q: How quick and easy will it be to develop for?

    Home will allow developers to use their own assets and code for applications,

    and export those assets into a Home wrapper, which will allow the minimum

    of bespoke work. The tools that will be available serve to provide that

    wrapper, they do not require developers to work to particular specifications or


    Q: Will developers be able to run existing code applications within


    Given that any application would have to fit within the available resources

    while running Home, and certain TRCs will need to be satisfied, yes.

    Q: Will there be additional TRCs for games plugging into Home? When

    will these TRCs be released?

    There will have to be base TRCs for Trophies and Matchmaking before the

    service hits the XMB™. Others will come online as they are needed.

    Q: Will there be additional TRCs for Home game trophies? When will

    these TRCs be released?

    See above.

    Q: In terms of user's names are they exclusive and different from their

    network ID. E.g. PSN account = PeterE / Home name = Tarzan123?

    Your Home user name will be the same as your PSN account ID.

    Q: Can I log on to Home in addition to someone else from one PS3? E.g.

    at my friends and I want to log on...

    This is technically quite an advanced problem. It effectively means logging in

    to two PSN accounts at the same time from one machine, which makes it


    Q: How will I navigate between spaces?

    Within Home you can travel instantly (i.e. through the world map), or at your

    own pace on foot.

    Q: How will the age restrictions work? Will I be able to see different

    content in the generic lobby depending on my age?

    Home employs the same age restriction policies as the PS3 system software

    and the PLAYSTATION Network. These age restrictions will apply to both the

    areas that users are admitted to and the content that they are able to view.

    Q: When I jump back from a game into Home, will I return with the same

    people next to me? Will I return to a default location?

    Upon returning to Home, you will land in the same place which was your last

    position before you left (for instance, if you left Home from your apartment,

    that is where you will return to.) However, given that Home is an online world,

    other users will doubtless have moved on while you are off doing something

    else (unless you've specifically asked them to wait for you.) Currently Home

    is not a persistent world, so when you leave Home, all of your possessions go

    with you. For instance, it is not currently possible for other users to visit your

    apartment while you're not there. We are working on the persistent aspect of

    Home, and expect to implement it in the long term.

    Q: Can I get media for my apartment from other devices such as PC?

    Not yet; we are working on enabling this feature which is contingent upon

    firmware functionality.

    Q: Would we be able to showcase bespoke events such a live broadcast

    of a multiplayer game?

    Absolutely - it would even be possible to replicate a game that is being played

    by two players together on one PS3, replicating their avatars and movements

    on the "world stage". This could be an invitational match, with users paying to

    view the event live.

    Q: How will the DRM of purchased items work?

    Home 's DRM system is based on the entitlements system which will be

    offered by the PSN.

    Q: Will I be able to give a purchased / earned item to another user?

    Not yet; however it is a feature which is planned.

    Q. How will sharing media work within the private space? Will users be

    able to distribute content?

    Users will not be able to broadcast their media to people outside their private

    space, but they will be able to show their own media to invited guests. We

    have deliberately chosen not to allow users to 'give' media to other users as

    this opens up serious risks of piracy and sharing of illegal content.

    Q: How many lobby instances can be run?

    This is down to the server infrastructure, and in theory is entirely scalable.

    Q: How will the lobbies be regionalised? Would it be possible to have

    bespoke, selectable backgrounds for each regional lobby, e.g. Paris /

    London / Rome etc?

    It is highly likely that the European, US and Japanese lobbies will be

    localised, but it is undecided as to whether individual lobbies within Europe

    will be.

    Q: Could the global Hall of Fame be filtered by region?

    This is possible, and also it is possible to have different levels of Halls of

    Fame - Junior league, Newbie league etc


    Q: What is the policy on acceptable behaviour?

    Within our public spaces, Home follows the same rules and guidelines as the

    PLAYSTATION Network with regard to age stipulations and acceptable

    behaviour. Home uses all the same age controls as the PS3 system software.

    Within users' own private spaces, we take the view that what people get up to

    in their own apartment is their own business, within reason.

    Q: Will there be a restriction to the age you’ll be able to give your


    Yes. We will not have avatars which resemble children. The avatars are

    adult in appearance.

    Q: Will users be able to make complaints about other users?

    Of course. We will operate a system of logging complaints with our

    moderators, which will then be investigated. If necessary we are able to take

    away a user's login rights and ban them from the service.

    Q: How much control will we have over what people get up to in their

    private spaces?

    As stated before, our policy is that what people get up to in their own private

    spaces is up to them, and a user cannot be invited to another user's private

    space until they have accepted an invitation to be on their buddy list.

    However, the complaints process will still operate in these private spaces, so

    if people feel that they have been subjected to inappropriate behaviour while

    in someone's private space, they will be able to lodge a complaint by the

    usual process.

    Q: What moderation is used in the system for vulgar / abusive


    We will have a basic text profanity filter.

    Q: Will users be able to sell things to each other?

    Ultimately, an auction service will be implemented that will allow users to sell

    their Home assets and user-created content to other users.

    Q: Can I earn money in Home?

    As noted above, there will be eventually opportunities for user-to-user


    Q: Will retailers (e.g. GAME) be able to have a presence in Home?

    Yes. Retailers can create their own lobbies and deploy these for commercial


    Q: Can we use advertising within it?

    Advertising will be a big part of Home. At first adverts will be fed through the

    Home advertising servers, but ultimately we may allow 3rd parties to integrate

    their own advertising engines into the service. Dynamic advertising will also

    be implemented, allowing us to direct specific targeted ads at particular users.

    Q: Are all games required to have trophies available for Home?

    No, it's up to each game to do what they want. But we see a huge consumer

    appeal for games that support the trophy system.

    Q: If a game does offer trophies, what is the maximum / minimum

    number of trophies required?

    This is undecided, currently. We would like to feel this out during the beta

    period. Our inclination is to encourage a relatively small number of high value


    Please note that the specifications of Home are subject to change

    without notice. Please keep updated on these changes by checking with

    your SCE PR or Third Party Relations contact on a regular basis. SCEI

    accepts no liability for third party reliance on previous versions of the

    Home specifications or FAQ's.

    About SCEI

    Recognized as the global leader and company responsible for the progression

    of consumer-based computer entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment

    Inc. (SCEI) manufacturers, distributes and markets the PlayStation® game

    console, the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, the PSP®

    (PlayStation®Portable) handheld entertainment system and the upcoming,

    much-anticipated PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) system. PlayStation® has

    revolutionized Home entertainment by introducing advanced 3D graphic

    processing, and PlayStation®2 further enhances the PlayStation® legacy as

    the core of Home networked entertainment. PSP® is a new handheld

    entertainment system that allows users to enjoy 3D games, with high-quality

    full-motion video, and high-fidelity stereo audio. PS3™ is an advanced

    computer system, incorporating the state-of-the-art Cell processor with super

    computer like power. SCEI, along with its subsidiary divisions Sony Computer

    Entertainment America Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd., and

    Sony Computer Entertainment Korea Inc. develops, publishes, markets and

    distributes software, and manages the third party licensing programs for these

    platforms in the respective markets worldwide. Headquartered in Tokyo,

    Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. is an independent business unit of

    the Sony Group.

    “PlayStation”, “PLAYSTATION”, “PSP”, “PS3” and “XMB” are trademarks or registered trademarks of

    Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. “MotorStorm” and the “Home icons” are trademarks of Sony

    Computer Entertainment Europe. “Blu-ray Disc” and “BD” are trademarks. All rights reserved.

  8. What is "Home"? Is it like what the PSP has? Like that little main menu thing?

    It's like XBox Live, but 100 times better. It's a 3D online community that allows you to customize your very own character and living space. You can play arcade games, play billards and bowl. You also get your very own hall of fame where other players could view if you invite them. There are also movie theaters where you could view other peoples videos where is where I'm planning on having the GTA Real Estate video series broadcasted.

    Anyways, back on topic. What do you guys think the PS3 has instore for GTAIV content.

  9. FYI, you have to be 18 years or older and have control over the main account on your PS3. Just letting you know. I wanted to take part in the beta, but I'm not 18 and I think you need some sort of proof. Even if they don't ask for proof and just have a thing asking for when you were born...if they found out you lied they might take away your PlayStation Home privileges. I don't think it's worth the risk.

  10. Yeah, like I said, if you have to pay you'll only have to pay if it's a new feature to the game or something. You wouldn't have to pay if it's something small. The new features would only cost $2 - $5...and hell, you might not have to pay for ANY exclusive content.

    Anyways, what kind of content do you guys think the PS3 will have? Maybe "Home" content or just the same stuff the 360 owners will get. Maybe Rockstar hasn't given any info on PS3 content because Sony wanted to announce "Home" before Rockstar announced GTAIV "Home" content.

  11. Hmm everyone's entitled to their oppinion n that ,but its just more obvious it'll be london with the music and stuff.Set in the mid to late 90's(1997 i reckon),with brit pop music,and stuff like prodigy,blur,underworld etc. :coolthumbup: Oh and someone mentioned they hint at the next place on the radio,well they talk about london and the uk non stop on vice city stories and there's loads of little references on shops etc. It just makes sense. I havent heard them mention tokyo on vcs once? when was that?

    Yeah...I'm not saying you're lying, but I never heard London mentioned on the radio once.

  12. Wow, I totally don't get this forum anymore. I commented in here the day he posted this topic...but my post isn't here anymore. WTF!!! I had this full explanation and what to do when these sort of things happen, but now I forget what I posted.

  13. I'm pretty sure it's the DFF files that are different. The TXD files are just the pics that are placed over the DFF files. The DFF files are the models and San Andreas has different physics or something such as how peds in SA have moving mouths and VC doesn't. You'll need a 3D modeling program to edit the models. The only one free one I know of is gmax, but I haven’t used it myself yet so I don't know how to. Your best bet is to just edit the TXD files by changing the color and lettering in paint.

  14. You are way more likely to mess up a disk than a hard drive. And if you're that terrible with your stuff that your hard drive screws up, you're probably pretty terrible with disks, too. What do you mean "properly own"? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You own anything that you have the rights to. Once you pay for and download a game, you have the rights to it. You "properly" own it. It's epicly pointless to release SMALL ADDITIONS on a DISK. What if all you want is a new car or two? You have to buy an entire disk just for that? Wow..... Fail..... It's easier, cheaper, and more convienant for BOTH the consumer and the distributor. How can you say that it's a bad thing?

    Well I'm 100% with you, but he might not like how technology keeps changing. I sort of used to be like that and I was just gonna stick with cassette tapes, but they're not made anymore and I eventually found CDs to be better. I definitely prefer them to have downloads, but I think he might just be defending his feelings against technology.

  15. I can't see them working with Blu-ray, personally. And if they do, they're stupid. First off, they'd get a lot of shit about "copying". Second off, it's an expensive medium as it is that isn't even needed yet. Besides, Blu-ray is about to eat it's own shit.

    Well...the BluRay is much like when they started to use CDs instead of those huge chips. All the systems will eventually use BluRay unless something else comes along.

  16. Well you can make decent banners/sigs/avatars in paint. This was the banner I had for my site before I had Photoshop.


    I'd like to see anyone in here try to make a banner like this in paint. I even added more smoke from Sal's cigar.

  17. I see, and what happens when your hard drive f***s up and you have to download it again? You can't burn the mod to dvd yourself if it's on a console, and burnt dvd's don't last too long before they start to degrade. Call me a traditionalist, but for the years i've been playing games, I've never had to pay for a game that you don't properly own, and when they made the game, they'd finish it. Fine, they can add mission packs like oblivion, but at least oblivion make it far more official and release it properly. At the end of the day, I ain't going to be paying for download-only official games, that doesn't mean to say I won't play them, but I will not be paying for them, nor will most people, so in the end, the companies will be costing themselves more money than the shockingly low costs of mass production dvds.

    Hmmm, funny, I was gonna ask you...What if the CD gets scratched?

  18. Errr can i just say something.Why is there gta location idea's when everyone knows its gonna be in london.It just makes sense.I think they would've made their minds up about the location years ago.

    Most fans are leaning on that because of the patern, but according to my radio theory, it could be "Tokyo, China". That was really the only location that stuck with me when I listened to the radio stations on VCS, but there had to of been other locations mentioned that I just didn't catch. So who knows. "Tokyp, China" is just one of the possibilities.

  19. Well we'll see about that Cro, we'll see about that... Right now all we can do is to wait and speculate, oh yeah.

    Edit: Oh, and from what I've heard, Microsoft is already planning/working on a brand new console.

    Yeah, people spread BS daily. They might be working on a new console, possibly, but it would probably be R&D currently. There is no need for a new console yet, as stated.

    They're always working on something, they don't just sit around and wait. They test the newest things out at the time and if there is some new technology they'll switch their tactics or whatever. Microsoft is probably working with BluRay right now.

    EDIT: Only 2 hours until the 2 week countdown mark! :thumbsup:

  20. Well that could actually be on opinion, people might like the BluRay player and that'd be the reason for getting a PS3. I got it because I hate Xbox and I need a consol for GTAIV.

    EDIT: Woohoo almost just 2 weeks left! :dribble:

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