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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Every day I visit Woot.com to see what they're selling and today they're selling these (shown below).

    It cost $35 for two of them, plus $5 for shipping. Am I wasting my money? I have a really bad habit of buying a whole shit load of worthless crap. :(


    I think I spent around $800 on GTA shit last year...it's pretty pathetic...I think I have a problem. :wacko:

  2. Ok, you've already said that it's for your on the job training report, but what is the point of the paper? Do you have to explain what you do, how you did...what?

    Yep, I have to do a narrative of some sort, about what I've done and stuff.

    Most of the thesis' I've had to write were about proving something and later on in the conclusion I had to restate my thesis explaining that the material in the paper proved my point.

    So a thesis for that might be either proving whether or not the job training was good or bad for you and then throughout the paper you'll have to explain why it was good or bad for you.

    An example could be, "Job training for this particular job has been a very helpful experience that I feel should be a requirement for those trying to obtain such a job." It's a little wordy and might not be as detailed as the instructor wants, but hopefully that helps you out a little bit.

    Just keep this in mind...I was horrible in my English classes. So you might want a second opinion/suggestion on this.

  3. Do not mention anything about Shirley Temple, Strawberry Shortcake or anything like that. :lolbounce:

    I'm not too sure how to give you tips on how to write your thesis, but I'm just gonna assume that you know what a thesis is. Just make sure that you're explaining what the point of the paper is or possibly what you're trying to prove. Basically try to summarize what the paper is about in one sentence.

    If you give me a little more info on what the paper has to be about exactly, I'll be able to give you an idea for one.

    It's for my on the job training report. I do have an introduction and some stuff, but I'm still puzzled at filling it up with useful info. Yeah, of course, I won't mention crap in my report, but I'll definitely add you guys to the acknowledgments/special thanks page... :awesome:

    Ok, you've already said that it's for your on the job training report, but what is the point of the paper? Do you have to explain what you do, how you did...what?

  4. I think I've seen this before, possibly from a link on here, but I just thought it was hilarious...SO WATCH!!!

    EDIT: I found another one.

    Check out 1:29-1:36 FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!

    Angry Catholic Priest vs Skateboarders

  5. I'll vouch for the easiness of box-making. It is actually easier than it looks. Really, the hardest part to me is the creative process of WHAT to put ON the box.

    I'd probably have to agree with you. Although, in this case, the design and idea popped in my head before I even started working on the actual image. I think I was watching Rob & Big when I thought of the idea. It was the episode when they made their own cereal box. How creative am I! :awesome:

  6. Yeah, it helps to make sure your laces aren't in the way. But you can wear out your soles from rubbing against the grip tape, too. I repositioned my feet a lot before tricks((while riding, so no simple lifting my feet)), so that was a lot of rubbing. But hell, simply walking around day-to-day wears the soles of your shoes out, of course skating will((regardless of what you do)).

    Yeah, but the shoes get worn out a hell of a lot faster when you grind them on the ground while moving. When I was younger I flew down a hill, sitting on the board, and the sole of my shoe almost grinded all the way off. I'd rather pay $5 for a tailbone every 3 months than pay $20-$30 for a shoe every month.

  7. Do not mention anything about Shirley Temple, Strawberry Shortcake or anything like that. :lolbounce:

    I'm not too sure how to give you tips on how to write your thesis, but I'm just gonna assume that you know what a thesis is. Just make sure that you're explaining what the point of the paper is or possibly what you're trying to prove. Basically try to summarize what the paper is about in one sentence.

    If you give me a little more info on what the paper has to be about exactly, I'll be able to give you an idea for one.

  8. can you PM me on how to do that

    I might as well explain it here just in case anyone else wants to know. I think it's still considered on topic.

    After I got the measurements on the three different sides that would be seen; I went to file, new and then typed in the dimensions of one side in inches and repeated that for the other two sides. After I did that I colored them in with yellow (the same yellow as the AWESOME smiley) and then added a 5px stroke to each of them and placed them together in a relatively large PS file to move them into position. Once they were in position I then added a skew on the top and side portions of the box as needed.

    The rest was pretty easy after that. I opened the large AWESOME smiley and moved it over the box and resized it accordingly. After that I found a picture of a bowl on google, cut it out and then placed it over the box. As for the little tiny AWESOME smiley’s...well I just added a ton of them in there...I think there were close to 300 layers.

    As for the text, that's pretty easy, I'm assuming you'd know how to do that.

    Then the last bit is the nutrition thing that I added on the side, which is also a picture courtesy of google, and gave it a skew to match the side of the box.

    Over all it was pretty easy to do. You just need to use some of your creativity along with having some knowledge of Photoshop.

    Here's a userbar that I made.



    Technically it's not a userbar...but whatever.

  9. I've decided to market some awesome cereal...mmm


    dude that is sick...how do you do that....photoshop

    Thanks. :clapping:

    Yeah, I used photoshop. I actually measured a cereal box to make that. :P

    Making the shape of the box was probably the most complex part (twas easy though), but adding in all the little "AWESOME O's" was very tedious.

    I bet someone else here could make a cereal box 100X better than mine.

    I made some signatures and userbars that I'll post once I make a few more.

  10. The grip tape. That shit is designed for your shoes to grip to it... Purposely sliding your shoe against it tears your shoes up. That's why most modern shoes designed for skating now have these plastic/rubber pieces around the toe area, where you usually slide for kickflips.

    I'm talking about the sole of my shoes because they're suggesting that I use the back of my heel to stop. Whenever I do kickflips my shoelaces usually start wearing out, not so much the toe area of the shoe.

  11. ...I've already ruined three pairs of shoes from doing shit like that. Like I said before, buying tailbones is the best financial way to go.

    Skateboarding will shred your shoes, it's a fact. Get over it! Tailbones may save your tail, but it will only prevent you from progressing, trust me it will get in the way.

    But hey if you want to slap something on your tail it may as well be a tail devil spark plate. :hurrhurr: I'm not trying to be an ass, but really... don't bother with the tailbones.

    Wow, you're not trying to be an ass? You fooled me. :hurrhurr: (I jokes)

    All of the stuff I've read about tailbones said that they actually help the pop of the board.

    How else could shoes get shredded?

    "tail devil spark plate" :lolbounce:

  12. Aww... I missed my 9,000th.... However.... That's because I didn't realize I had 9,000 posts. Wow.

    At least six thousand of your post are spam, so you only have, at the most, three thousand legit post...Which means I have more post than you. :awesome:

    (I jokes) :P

    EDIT: Is that gap too big? ^ :huh:

  13. There's already a Skateboarding topic for this exact purpose... <_<

    I find it really ironic that you made this topic right after I post this in my topic.

    IDEA!!! For those of us that skate, we should post pictures of some skate spots that we go to. I guess non-skaters could post some pictures too if you find a spot with a potential line. I'll probably get to this when the weather gets a little nicer...although I do have some videos that I haven't put together yet...hmmm
  14. If your wheels wear out from power slides then you'd have to be doing power slides a shit load or the wheels are just shit to begin with.

    If I use my shoes to stop then I'll wear them out. They would wear out a lot faster than wheels would from power slides. Which brings me back to tailbones. It's the best financial way to go.

    If you're doing power slides on a rough surface, your wheels will get flat spots very fast, believe me.

    Your shoe will be fine. :)

    ...I've already ruined three pairs of shoes from doing shit like that. Like I said before, buying tailbones is the best financial way to go.

    Yeah, it's basically just a sticker with sandpaper on it. You can't just slap the griptape on the board though, you'll get bubbles just like you would with any sticker. When applying grip I always line up the grip and start from one end of the board and slowly work my way to the other side, making sure there are no bubbles. You'll need a razor to cut away the extra grip.


    Ok, thanks. That video was pretty helpful. :thumbsup:

  15. I would if I could do power slides, but the board I have now doesn't have the best wheels for it...plus my balance isn't perfect.

    I've just been skateboarding in my basement because the weather is shit. I can't wait until it gets nicer out. I'd be happy with 45 degree weather at this point.

    I'm still trying to pick between an Alien Workshop board or Rodney Mullen's "Uber light" Almost board. The Almost board dropped from being $110 to $70...so I might get that.

    Does anyone here have any kind of experience with putting skateboards together? If so, how hard is it to do? I'd assume it's not that difficult, but any kind tips would be great.


    IDEA!!! For those of us that skate, we should post pictures of some skate spots that we go to. I guess non-skaters could post some pictures too if you find a spot with a potential line. I'll probably get to this when the weather gets a little nicer...although I do have some videos that I haven't put together yet...hmmm <_<

    Powersliding isn't a great way to stop, you'll just flat spot your wheels. A better way to stop is to let the heel of your back foot hang off your tail, and use that to slow you down so you don't get razor tail. I prefer to slide one foot on the ground until I slow down enough, but that's just me.

    If your wheels wear out from power slides then you'd have to be doing power slides a shit load or the wheels are just shit to begin with.

    If I use my shoes to stop then I'll wear them out. They would wear out a lot faster than wheels would from power slides. Which brings me back to tailbones. It's the best financial way to go.

    Grip your board, put bearings in your wheels, screw the wheels to your trucks, bolt the trucks to your board. There's not much to it. :cheers:

    So should I put it together in that order?

    EDIT: Didn't see your post Nate.

    Yeah, I'm with sallpancake. I just dip my the nose of my back foot on the ground to slow down if I'm gonig pretty quick. Taking pictures of fun skate spots sounds cool I'll have to take a couple in the next couple of weeks.

    @ HB - Yeah making a complete isn't difficult at all, well, gripping your board might take a little experience but other than that it's easy. Just go to a local skateshop for instructions if you need any.

    That's sort of the problem. There really aren't any skate shops close by. I was gonna just have Skate America do it, but it's very expensive to have them do it.

    The grip tape is, in simple terms, just a huge sand paper sticker...right? Do I just lay it on the board as best as I can and cut the last bit off?

    EDIT: I just found this video. I've never seen this done before.

  16. I'd enjoy writing a paragraph or two about the board, but I'd enjoy more just sending you a link to all the questions you need..... answered. :D

    Oh and sorry man, I've never even heard of tailbones. :/ What are they for? To not have your tail not get razor-tailed?

    Thanks for that link. :thumbsup:

    Yeah, a tailbone just protects the tail of your board. I use my tail to stop 90% of the time and it's totally shredded. I'll need a tailbone for my new board(s).

    Maybe you should learn to stop without giving your board razor tail :whistle:

    Yeah, weather has been shit around here too.

    I would if I could do power slides, but the board I have now doesn't have the best wheels for it...plus my balance isn't perfect.

    I've just been skateboarding in my basement because the weather is shit. I can't wait until it gets nicer out. I'd be happy with 45 degree weather at this point.

    I'm still trying to pick between an Alien Workshop board or Rodney Mullen's "Uber light" Almost board. The Almost board dropped from being $110 to $70...so I might get that.

    Does anyone here have any kind of experience with putting skateboards together? If so, how hard is it to do? I'd assume it's not that difficult, but any kind tips would be great.


    IDEA!!! For those of us that skate, we should post pictures of some skate spots that we go to. I guess non-skaters could post some pictures too if you find a spot with a potential line. I'll probably get to this when the weather gets a little nicer...although I do have some videos that I haven't put together yet...hmmm <_<

  17. Well the song seems smooth for the most part, but it doesn't fit with GTAIV. It would probably work with something like L.A. Noire. Try it with some european or russian music...or possibly some American music...since it is Liberty City.

    Hmm, that's why I intended it to be a parody of sorts. I didn't really used a song that fits the theme, just something that sounds ridiculous yet cool...

    I always thought of a parody as something that just makes fun of something else...and that's it. :mellow:

  18. OK, so I'm thinking of ideas for my parody about Grand Theft Auto IV, especially the numerous glitches and performance issues in the PC version. I had several songs in my release candidate list, one of them being a rather old-school 1930s song entitled "Anything Goes", which, title-wise, has the same syllables as Grand Theft Auto IV... Another is "Life Is Like A Boat", from the anime series Bleach...

    Any thoughts on this?

    Doesn't "Grand Theft Auto IV" have 5 syllables opposed to "Anything Goes", which has four? ;)

    I could be wrong though, but I think "Auto" has 2.

    As for lyrics...I'm not much of a musical person... :)

    You should make an album cover! :awesome:

    Good luck with the lyrics. :thumbsup:

    Oh, what I mean is the acronym "GTA 4" has the same number of syllables as "Anything Goes", not the longer name...

    Oh, ok, then that works. AWESOME!!! :awesome:

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