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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. My 9th grade English teacher told my class about how this guy from the UK told her, "Some time you should knock me up." Now in the US "to knock someone up" refers to getting them pregnant.

    I found that funny. :lolbounce:

  2. I bet the vast majority of people here have no idea where :awesome: actually comes from. Include this link in your topic for Internet newbies: http://driph.com/words/2008/04/origin-of-awesome/

    Another link to add is ED since it has a massive gallery, site has many NSFW pages though, maybe one or two NSFW images in the gallery too but yeah: http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Awesome

    IDEA: Fuck. Has anyone changed the moon in SA to the awesome smiley? If not then I'm doing it right now!

    I was actually trying to figure out where it came from...Because I wanted MORE!!! Thanks for the links. :awesome:

    No, but yeah, like to see how that turns out. Also:



    Hell yeah! :P

    Those pictures are simply AWESOME! :awesome:

    I fixed the border. I'm actually going to upload this. :P

    Maybe you could make a few different versions. One being the one you already made, which is gonna be the one I'm gonna use if I ever put SA back on my computer, and then have another one that has craters, which could be animated or the :awesome: could just be faded over top of a picture of the actual moon such ass \/.


  3. Haha I bet that guy felt like a douchebag. Btw I never fully realized until now, but you sort of have the same smile my mother does. Anywho lol, fun pics YJ. :P

    Bold: That gotta be a turn off... :lolbounce:

    @ YellowJacket

    Was that guy's name "MeBetterThanYou"...or were you telling him that you're better than him?

  4. awesomekn7.png

    This is the official fan club topic for >


    The idea for this was inspired by one of the amazing desktops Chris82 posted in the "Post your desktop" topic.

    The reason I actually made the topic is mainly because of my boredom.

    You might ask yourself why I'm posting this here and the reason is simply because the main point of the topic is to create your very own AWESOME( :awesome: ) wallpaper. This could also include sigs, userbars or anything else that comes to mind. You could also just discuss how amazing this emoticon is :awesome:.

    You could find the original wallpapers here at a portion of Chris82's website. Or you could just click on the thumbnails below.



    Here's an :awesome: moon for San Andreas. Enjoy :P
    I bet the vast majority of people here have no idea where :awesome: actually comes from. Include this link in your topic for Internet newbies: http://driph.com/words/2008/04/origin-of-awesome/

    Another link to add is ED since it has a massive gallery, site has many NSFW pages though, maybe one or two NSFW images in the gallery too but yeah: http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Awesome

    Here are some that I created, which aren't as good as the originals, but I tried my best.


    Comments? Ratings? Suggestions on what I could do so I don't get bored enough to make something like this again?

  5. Hey guys.

    Today I hade the craving of getting high off of videogames. So anyway I bought a new Logitech USB microphone while playing Grand Theft Auto IV. I'm not going to give his name. So this teen from United Kingdom kept on adding me , then I added him so we played games together for the lulz. I was playing free-mode with this guy, whenever I'm kicking his ass he utter words like:

    - What a Mug

    - Bloody Hell

    Bleeding Yank; all the same.

    - ... Alright squire. Take the boat then.

    - " You see those boys in the copters? Those are my best mates.

    - This is actually "collusso"

    What the hell are they saying? Can somebody translate this in english?

    PS: If someone here is Italian can they tell me what amico mio means?

    Bold: Uhh, it's already in english. :hurrhurr:

    I would like to just guess, I might be wrong with some, most or all of it.

    "What a Mug" ~ TRANSLATION = "What an ass" (possibly not as aggressive)

    "Bloody Hell" ~ TRANSLATION = "What the fuck"

    "Bleeding Yank" ~ TRANSLATION = "Fucking American"

    "squire" ~ TRANSLATION = ERROR :blink:

    "mates" ~ TRANSLATION = "Friends"

  6. I never understood internet popularity in general. My one friend said that at one point he was one of the most well known people on the internet, which I don't really believe...cause he's fat(I jokes, but he really is fat). Even if I did believe him...who gives a shit if someone's popular on the internet?

    It's pointless and not worth your time in trying to "accomplish".

  7. lolno, I wish, they were created by Anon.

    A side note, many people fail to realize that 4clams is much deeper than bee. There are many interesting boards on there, discussing everything from specific genres of porn to travel, to technology, etc...I encourage you to check out some of the other boards, they're nice.

    Also protip: boards which default to yellowish background are NSFW (porn images allowed) and bluish ones are considered SFW.

    Bold: Is that just for that site or is that some kind of universal thing... :blink: .... :lolbounce:

    I'll have to check out the rest of that site.

    I'm not currently at my house, but this is the desktop on the computer I'm currently using.


  8. These are the ones I currently can find, more exist but IMO they're the best.

    Just go to that link I provided a few posts back and start a thread about it, or look for one which probably already exists.

    Also that link (to 4clams) is NSFW if you care.

    Bold: Lol, I noticed that as I was looking through. I found some cool wallpapers there...some kinky ones too. Thanks for the links. I think I'm gonna be using one of those AWESOME ones. :awesome:

    EDIT: By any chance did you make those wallpapers?

  9. Hey, At least Hitler gives you extra holidays off school.

    Yes, provided that you have blond hair and blue eyes and are catholic and some other stuff.

    Butters for President 2012! A Vote for Me is a vote for tomorrow.

    Are you gonna be at least 35 years old in 2012?

  10. Congratulations Obama! :thumbsup:

    I pray (yeah I said it) that you do a waaay better job than Bush did for the past 8 years. Wow....... :awesome:

    How could he top Bush? Bush was the best president we've ever had! :awesome:

    On a serious note...we did have Bush for two terms...not one...WE the people, at least the majority, re-elected him as president. If he was such a shitty president...that wouldn't have happened. Grant it the canadates weren't that great, but people make it out to seem as if Bush was the worst choice for president.

    Just for shits and giggles...between Bush and Nixon, who do you guys and gals think was better?

  11. Yeah, I am watching it right this second !! He is doing an awesome speech. :awesome:

    Well yeah, he's a great speaker. But can he hold his word((protip: No president really has yet :rolleyes: ))

    But guess what the good news is!!??!?? 20 cent tacos at Taco Bell today!!! FUCK YEAH SCORE!!!!

    That's exactly what I've been trying to tell everyone...about Obama...not the tacos.

    All he's done so far is what the other 43 have done...become president.

    I didn't like any of our choices for president; the choices are usually shit anyways. So I'm not expecting much from Obama...that way I don't get pissed off like everyone did during Bush's presidency if Obama ends up messing up.

    EDIT: Remember, in almost every movie where there was a black president...the world almost comes to an end. But then again, those are just movies. :P

  12. Edit: Oh and people probably have seen this one but it's funny as hell. Sometimes when I'm driving around (and I think it happens when you hit a ped's car in the back) and all of a sudden a ped comes out of his car completely on fire and starts screaming and flailing his arms everywhere and then dies. It's awesome to see that cause it's pretty random and I have no idea how it would happen.

    LOL, I've never seen that before. That has to be a glitch...unless they were smoking a cig and dropped it on their very flammable pants. :hurrhurr:

    I think it's funny when a ped gets hit by a car and then the driver gets out and beats the shit out of them.

    Yesterday I saw a cop running after someone, so I decided to help the cop out and chased and knocked down the ped...but then the cop turned his gun on me...fucking asshole. :P

  13. While I was playing GTAIV I decided to follow some vehicle around to see where they'd stop and park. 20 minutes into following them they randomly stopped in the road, no lights, no intersection, nothing and then all of the sudden a hooker comes out of now where and starts stretching and then hops on in.

    I'm not sure if anyone else noticed this happen before, but I'm gonna continue to follow them to see what happens next. :awesome:

    Has anyone else seen anything unusual or new that pedestrians do in GTAIV?

  14. Example: Go to the building right in front of your Bohan one and climb the stairs until the last floor (Not the roof!) then look at the walls where's some blood and a weapon.

    I went and checked that out and kept seeing "R.I.P. Toni", "R.I.P. Victor", "R.I.P. Claude" and "R.I.P. Carl", but I didn't see one for Tommy. Although, I did see "remember Tommy u r still my hero", which might imply that he's dead...but not necessarily.

    In GTAIV Tommy would only be 58.

    It seemed like everyone that he was in "business" with left Vice City, died or both.

  15. For the record, homosexuals are a hell of a lot more fun than heterosexuals.

    Lol, how does that have anything to do with the argument? :lolbounce:

    I think that would be considered a stereotype. Sort of like how some people say white people can't dance.

    But yeah, I totally agree with you on the other stuff. People should keep their damn nose out of other people's business.

    You're pretty......slow.

    Actually I'm pretty fast. I could run a mile in around six minutes...maybe five. I don't see how that applies here though. :hurrhurr:

  16. For the record, homosexuals are a hell of a lot more fun than heterosexuals.

    Lol, how does that have anything to do with the argument? :lolbounce:

    I think that would be considered a stereotype. Sort of like how some people say white people can't dance.

    But yeah, I totally agree with you on the other stuff. People should keep their damn nose out of other people's business.

  17. Someone showed it to me years ago. And just last night we were at Walmart, and they won't sell alcohol on Sunday, and I blamed religion and my dad mentioned that video... So it was just on my mind at the time.

    Walmart sells alcohol? :blink:

  18. This thread is way too tl;dr, so I'm just going to cut in here. Adam and Eve is a FICTIONAL STORY that ONLY APPLIES TO CHRISTIANS and will NOT effect who I want to fuck or how I want to fuck them. Christians have NO RIGHT telling other people how to live when they can't even get their own religion and morals straight.

    I voted yes. It doesn't effect ANYONE except gay people. Why, exactly, would anyone ever care what they do in their own personal lives?

    The whole dispute with Christians and gay marriage is that they don't want them getting married in Christian churches. There were some gay couples that tried to get married in a Christian church and were denied that right. That's what started the whole dispute. Other than that, you're absolutely right; Christians have no right in telling gay couples that they can't get married, provided that it’s not in their churches.

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