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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. It can't possibly be that big. Stop the download and start again, if that doesn't fix it, the problem may be your connection. Other than that I don't know what else may help.

    I don't even want to take the chance of having to go through all that again. If it were only 15 minutes into the download then I probably would try that.

    It's almost 2GB.

  2. In regard to the most recent rumor about the next GTA location being set in Tokyo, this is what the administrator of The GTA Place had to say,



    Short and sweet, but most likely true. Although, a lot of fans have been talking about Tokyo as a location so maybe Rockstar is planning on making that the next location...but fans have also been talking about a lot of other places like London. It is too early to really start guessing, but I still think Vice City will be the next location.

  3. Some random ass site started speculating that the next full release was to be at the end of this year. Once everyone started linking to it and laughing at them, they took the articel down. I recall it mentioning tokyo.

    (Said random site wasn't IGN)

    CORRECT! It wasn't IGN. They said it was Game Informer.


    It obviously didn't originate there, because I've even said in the past that it might be in Tokyo, but their rumor could have started because of something more than just speculation.

    They also said that it will be a late 2009 release...but I find that hard to believe.

  4. grandtheftautotokyofj0.jpg

    I was just watching X-Play, not sure how reliable they are, but they said that there is a rumor going around that the next GTA game, not downloadable content, will be set in Tokyo. This rumor, if I heard them right, was started by IGN. When Rockstar was asked about this rumor, they simply said "no comment".

    Now we all know how these things usually turn out, but what does everyone think about this?

  5. For some reason when I try to switch my wallpaper with some stuff I made in Photoshop...it turns blue. Then when I went to switch it back to my previous wallpaper, which I also made in Photoshop, it shows up. At first I thought it was the format, I had them as png files, but when I changed them to jpg...it still caused my wallpaper to turn blue.

    It seems to just be happening to some wallpapers that I made from scratch.

    I have no idea what's happening.

    Anyone have any clue?

    EDIT: I think I actually figured out my problem. It seems that the format was what caused it to turn blue. Instead of actually re-saving the file as a jpg before I just renamed the ".png" part of the file to ".jpg", which aparently doesn't change the format entirely, which furthered the problem. When I went to re-save it, it worked as a wallpaper.

    I guess this topic could be deleted...Sorry.

  6. LOL, "all knowing". Barely. The sites that Google links to do not know everything if you were to combine them all together. Not only that, but google is only an index. All the info isn't right on Google. Google just knows the sources.

    Although, if you were trying to find the closest thing to "all knowing" to our knowledge, I guess Google would be it depending on the way you look at it. Personally, I don't think Google is even close.

    I just find this idea funny.

    I don't find it all that surprising that someone thought of this while they were "baked".

    As someone suggested before. All you have to do is disprove one thing. Well there ya go.

  7. The SIXAXIS doesn't support vibration. The DS3 does though.

    ...the DS3 has SIXAXIS though. Or you could say the SIXAXIS controller has vibration, but the original controller that came with the PS3 or still comes with the PS3 does not have vibration.

    EDIT: Wait...wtf...3-D!!!

    Does anyone know if this is gonna be like the same kind of 3-D as that new horror movie coming out?

  8. I've been having trouble with some of the folders that I have on my computer. Most of the time when I move a folder or file in a folder it snaps between where I wanted to place them. Lately in some folders, instead of snapping where I want them, the folders will just over lap other folders.

    Does anyone know how I could fix this problem?

  9. I'm not sure how well known this is around TGTAP, but I recently found out that Youtube has decided to mute any unauthorized audio from all videos containing such unauthorized audio. The majority of this "unauthorized audio" is, obviously, music. Besides the actual companies that have the rights to the audio being used, there are tons of members on Youtube that have unauthorized audio in their videos. I bet that the only Youtube members that have the rights to the music being used are the owners themselves. No one apart of the Youtube community would go so far as contacting these companies to get authorization and even if they felt like trying...they'd most likely get a "NO!" for an answer.

    Yes, I realize that Youtube has really no say in this since they’re not above the law, but this is, in my opinion, the downfall of Youtube.


    Your thoughts?

  10. Well Skate 2 will be released next week and I'm still finding out about new features.

    Here are some of the main ones I'm looking forward to.

    • Getting off the board
    • Moving objects to create new lines
    • Double the tricks
    • Ability to purchase properties(If I didn't hear that wrong)
    • Overall customization improvement

    Has anyone heard about any new features in Skate 2?

  11. There is no god-damn way someone will buy that shit. C'mon who in the hell plays video games while wearing glasses (other than Boner Jones/GTAMissions/BullyMissions)? I sure dont. I love sony. I have been playing there systems ever since GTA 3 came out. But smelly games is realy shitty, and rips the fuck off scratch and sniff. Why cant sony make SOMETHING USEFULL like the fucking Wirless VIBRATING Saxis Controller like the XBOX has. Bullshit. Sony is realy making retarted creations ,pisses me off.

    Bold: Uhh...they do sell one. In fact I own one.

  12. LOL, I like how he said that he bailed from the trick, trying to make the "story" a little more believable even though Nate caught it right away. :lolbounce:

    I don't care if people wear skateboard clothing and don't actually skate. I don't even really care all that much if you say you skate, but you really don't. But when you show a picture of someone skateboarding and try to pass the person in the picture off as yourself...that's just pathetic. :thumbsdown:

  13. Are the nominations done?


    So when does the voting take place?

    When me and Sherman aren't busy getting laid etc. (with each other of course)

    Do I ask too many questions?


    Or maybe I know too much?

    You know jack shit.

    Who gets to vote?


    Who cares?


    Why do I ask these questions anyways?

    Because you suffer from very funny mental retardation.


    Well when do you think you and Sherman will finish?

    The sex, not the voting polls. :hurrhurr:

    EDIT: Nice sig by the way. :thumbsup:

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