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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Make sure your layer's unlocked.

    Make sure your image mode is RGB, not CMYK.

    Make sure your brushes are in your PS directory.

    Make sure you have the brush tool selected instead of pencil tool.

    Bingo. Thanks a ton. Now I can make better shit. You are is Photoshop king! :awesome:

    I would make you a "Photoshop King" sig, but you'd probably do a better job. :lolbounce:

  2. It was mentioned that MotorStorm looked amazing in 3d, that the HUD sort of floated infront of the screen, and you could actually see your car going through bushes and the such. And yes, debris flying was mentioned.

    So older games would work with this? As you could probably tell...I didn't read the article. :P

    Having the HUD float in front of the screen wouldn't really be that great. It would look cool and be somewhat amusing at first, but it'd get pretty boring after a while. Although, it already looks boring...so why not. The other stuff seems cool though.

  3. No one read the article? They were talking about the possible applications in the PS3, nothing about the PS4.

    And from the description, it does sound like it would be interesting. Well, taking into consideration the public and how people will take it, there had better be a way to not need to have it in 3D.

    They were talking about PS4 just as much as PS3, further down the article, even though it was just speculation. Also, off-topic:

    developers are thinking about including smells in future games, here's a link - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/7716971.stm Just imagine that with 3D gaming, you'd be utterly immersed.

    I don't really see the point in including smells in a video game. It would probably require us to refill something every so often.

  4. ^ HOLY CRAP.

    I thought you went inactive, dude :\

    Well did you know that I was "Original GTA Master" before my previous post?

    I've been less active, but not inactive. I haven't been in some of the areas that I usually go in.

    I mainly come on here now when I'm bored.

    Anyways, yeah, nominations. I think it'd be better if more people nominated/voted. There usually aren't too many that participate, but I guess that's because of old people leaving and new people having no clue what to put.

  5. If Sony were to do this then they'd have to perfect it. It can’t be some half assed piece of shit. 3-D would be an amazing thing to have in video games, but it has to be actually good for me to even consider getting it. If they start off with small things such as shrapnel getting blown past you and then eventually moving up to crazier things such as enemies trying to attack you or throwing things at you, but there are certain games that won't really work with 3-D.

    I can't really imagine what they could do with a racing game unless some car were to start flipping and you manage try drive under...but other than that...it'd be pretty retarded for racing games.

    Sport games might work well, but I guess that would really depend on which sport.

    Action and shooting games would probably work best with 3-D.

  6. Well most of this seems to be a popularity contest. I get confused when I see people nominate me for some of these awards since I'm not too popular around here, but don't get me wrong, I really appreciate it. I'd consider myself well known around here, but not popular.

    I usually don't nominate people, because most of the time someone else nominates the people that I'd nominate. I'll most likely be voting though.

    Congrats to those that have been nominated and thanks to those who nominated me.

    Do some people not know that I'm "Original GTA Master" or are people just too used to calling me "OGTAM"?

    I noticed some people voting "OGTAM" or "Original GTA Master" and then having "Harwood Butcher" in the same post.

    It doesn't bother me or anything, I just find it sort of funny.

  7. The BBFC have given Chinatown Wars an 18 rating, making it the first game on the Nintendo DS to receive such a rating. The game's content is said to include "very strong language and drug references" as well as that it contains "168 minutes worth of in-game cut scenes". No cuts were needed to obtain a UK release.

    Source: MCV

    How do you think the cut scenes are gonna look? Do you think they'll be any better than the in-game graphics?

  8. With the new gang system will we have to play online to participate or could we continue things here on the forums? If it's online only then will there need to be any special downloads to be able to use this or will it be just like a regular MTA server?

    I've played on servers before that had things similar to this, but not nearly as elaborate.

    You don't need to participate in multiplayer.

    Will that effect anything with the gang system if it's a mix of people playing MTA and people just using the forum?

    Would we have items, vehicles and or safehouses in MTA that we wouldn't on here or vise versa?

  9. I'd have to either say Brian "Head" Welch, a former member of KoRn, or James "Munky" Shaffer who is currently with KoRn.

    They are SO the same person.....

    Uhh, are you serious? :blink:

    I guess they do look a tad bit similar in those pictures, but they're not the same person...cause I don't think one person could be in two places at once...or can they?!?!?!? :wacko:

    They both play similar, but they some what have their own styles now.

  10. Butcher, you're arguing w/ staff. Walk away from this one.

    I'm not walking away, I don't really give a rats ass who he is. I just decided to PM him instead. The staff has been looking for a reason to perm ban me and I'm not quite sure what they're looking for, but I think this was heading in that direction.

    Now I'll attempt to go back on topic.

    With the new gang system will we have to play online to participate or could we continue things here on the forums? If it's online only then will there need to be any special downloads to be able to use this or will it be just like a regular MTA server?

    I've played on servers before that had things similar to this, but not nearly as elaborate.

  11. The more I read this topic, the more it sounds like GTA Real Estate. If I had the time and resources to do what you're planning on doing, I think GTA Real Estate would have turned into something like this.

    I haven't read a whole lot in here, but has anyone suggested trying to integrate a system that will allow members to purchase vehicles in game and save them at a "safe house"?

    If possible, you could have that sort of data save on the member's computers, which would prevent the server to loss hard drive space. I'm not exactly sure if this will be on one of the staff member's computers or if it'll be on the same server as TGTAP.

    I'm not entirely sure what you're actually able to do with the open source MTA, but if you could do something like that...it'd probably be a huge hit. Provided that it's well advertised.

  12. Reviews say Shaun White is ok, Eurogamer hates it lol. I'd get something like Dead Space, I hear it's extremely scary.

    I got Dead Space...I got sort of bored of it...mainly because I can't read anything on the screen due to my standard def TV. So I pretty much ran around trying random things, which some times worked...but was very tedious and annoying.

    I recommend playing the Dead Space demo first, you can find it on the store. I didn't like it. You should get Mirror's Edge it's a great game I got it for Christmas. Very innovative and it also has some fun trophies :)

    There's a demo for it on the store if you want to try it out.

    Yeah, I should have tried the demo first...but then again, I might like it...if I could read the damn text. I guess I'll just wait till I get a new TV to play it. Hopefully my PS3 last that long.

    After I dusted my PS3 off it seemed to play fine...but it wasn't really all that dusty. I also relocated it to a better area so it wouldn't over heat.

  13. Does anyone here have the official Sony bluetooth headset? I've been contemplating buying it and it's pretty cheap now as well. If anyone here has it, I just wanna find out if its worth it?

    I have it...just haven't opened it yet. I might return it if my PS3 blows up.

  14. Ok, how is it freezing up? As in you have to reset the console from the back because the controller and screen won't do anything? Or is it the game freezes for maybe 2 seconds then goes back to normal? I occasionally get both of that but it's not frequent at all, like a few times a year. Even so it doesn't bother me too much because of checkpoints etc.

    Also, what model is your PS3? Is it a 60GB, 80GB etc. Is your PS3 well ventilated and does it get hot very fast? Try cleaning your PS3 THOROUGHLY. Blow in all the vents, clean of all the dust with a moist towel etc.

    Forgive me sir, it's been an honour.

    It completely freezes...although the soundtrack keeps playing. Then I have to turn it off from the back. This has been happening for the past three days.

    It doesn't really get hot, but it gets warm and it's in a pretty well ventilated area.

    I guess I'll try cleaning it and see if that helps. It is sort of dusty.

  15. Why did the scientist believe it could destroy the atmosphere? That is called a hypothesis. We disprove things all the time. That is what makes science, science.

    But religion just sticks to the idea. Bad comparison.

    EDIT: Also, science can disprove probably everything in the bible. Not one. Read this to get an idea

    Does putting up a Christmas tree means to celebrate christmas?

    Yeah, I'll read that tomorrow. It's Christmas now and I'm taking a break from all this debating for a day.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS! (to those of you that celebrate it)

  16. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (12:04)

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day and you all get what you want. :P

    Remember, it's about giving, not revieving. SO GIVE A LITTLE!!! :innocent:

    EDIT: Didn't notice this \/

    Yeah I'm getting a "32 HD Samsung, should be great. What about you?

    I'm getting a shit load of games and DVDs(hopefully). Then possibly a headset for my PS3, a longer lasting battery for my camcorder and maybe some other things that I'm forgetting about.

    I'm planning on getting a new TV soon. I heard the prices on them are gonna drop really low after Christmas.

  17. ^Oh so most of the stuff in the bible is gibberish but God still exists. Of course.

    Scientist once believed that an atomic bomb would destroy our atmosphere and that was disproven...so does that mean science is wrong since one thing was disproven?

    EDIT: Since it's the Holiday season. Who here celebrates Christmas?

  18. It disproves God because he apparently made earth only a few thousands years ago where people lived with dinosaurs. And that was just one example saying how religion is wrong about the creation of earth. There are too many evidence that disproves creationism that i can't list them all.

    Disprove all religions? Evolution. There, that's about most religions out of the way. But then, if you really did believe in evolution we wouldn't be having this convo right now.

    What you think:



    What the actual standards of amount of flaws are:

    EVOLUTION IS JUST A THEORY WITH FLAWS +5000 for evidence | -100 for no physical evidence(?)

    RELIGION IS ALSO A THEORY WITH FLAWS +0 for evidence | - 99999999.... for nothing but a story

    Bold: That doesn't disprove God, that disproves one little thing that is in the Bible. You have to disprove everything in the bible or any religious book to disprove it.

    How does evolution disprove God or even religion for that matter? No one has ever given me a good reason why it does.

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