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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. it was reservoir dogs. thats what gta was mostly based off of. and that was made in the 80s 90s not 70s. but it would be cool to make a game strictly off of gta like the cutscene at the start of gta2 just have all of the gta players. first it starts at the end gta1 where the gang is already made with men and women, then you go into 2010 (gta2) and the character is claude as a gang leader, then you are claude back in 2000 then the characters are tommy and rosenberg back in the late 80's then the guy is toreno and or cj working together in the early 90's.

    GTA is a game...????

  2. My Favorite Weapons:

    Colt Python - You can run with it and it can kill pretty damn fast


    Colt M4 - I just think its a bad ass gun


    PSG-1 - I always had fun with it, going on top of buildings and sniping people...too bad they dont have it on VC-MP....there would be too many pussies anyways on there crying cause they didnt know what hit them.


  3. Then why dont you do something like have up to 20 make a gang each week then the best one could be for new members or something....Im just trying to give ideas im not gonna make a gang now cause the way you guys have it set up is too complicated for a forum that im only gonna visit like once or twice a day if that. I mean come on in real life people could creat gangs when ever they want...no stipulations...so why not give some people a chance when they join? Have the best gang leaders look at the gangs and then they can decide on a new rookie gang then every month you take the 4 that were choosen and see which one made the most progress....like a competition. It would be interesting.

    EDIT: I just did the math and your site gets on average 5 a day not 20....do you even know what an average is???....no offence by the way just asking....

  4. I dont look off of other peoples stunt videos to get ideas. I work my way up...if i start off by looking at the best videos and i do the type of stunts they do then i cant improve much now can I...I would have to improve with the crowd after people discover new types of tricks as i move at my own pace and if i find out the stunts on my own i could figure out even more i i go on...thats my stratagy.

  5. Well this was all to prove this guy on another forum that its possible to make better screen shots then his....I wasnt really trying to convince people that these are real lol. All the guy did was get pics of people from VC 86' such as Cortez and then he just added the VCS logo....that was pretty pathetic and I told him so he said "Let me see you do better"....so i did. I know that people could do better then mine so please post your creations in here.

  6. Those arent pure stunts those are natural stunts and just because people use glithces doesent mean that the stunts are easyer. You can call me a retard if you want to i dont care but the stunts ive seen in your videos ive done on my first stunt videos. I mean doing simply krails,cork's and spins doesnt amuse people anymore. People may use mods or cheats in there videos but they dont use mods and cheats that enchance the stunting abilities. I liked some of your car stunts though :)

    you said that the stunts i did are ones you did in your first stunt videos....these are my first stunt videos....so whats your point...that im starting out like you did???? I dont like using glitches, mods and cheats in my videos cause i want to show people what you can do without all that shit. Then you said that the stuff i did doesnt "amuse" people anymore....well this is an old forum with people that have probebly had VC for their PC's whenever VC came out and had a lot more time on their hands then me to stunt and shit so they've probebly have seen it all. I have had a lot of good responses to my videos so i dont care to much what people think about my video on this old ass forum.

    Ghost, you said to go and what get tips or something....I make up my own shit i never got a lesson from no one I just do what i come up with.

  7. Well they'd only get a week to prove themselves worthy to keep the gang...so there wouldnt be hundreds of gangs in that subforum....how many members do you get a week on average....10-20 maybe???? that'd be only 20 small gangs to look over each week...I dont think thats much.

    ......What do you mean that you havnt banned me yet....i'v calmed down from what I was like a few days ago.......anyways yeah im probebly gonna be active on here. I usually get 100 post within a week if people post interetsing stuff and shit.

  8. Ok now i know people are gonna say shit like "That was'nt good" and shit like that. That's because i do "Pure" stunts no glitches, mods, or cheats. So they dont look that amazing to the people that do use glitches, mods and cheats. So unless you have a video that doesnt have glitches, mods or cheats dont post in this topic or you're a retard

  9. you ever play SA before??? When you lean back a little bit going off of a jump on a motorcycle you flip right over...that isnt realistic....

    Back on topic. I want planes in VC...even though there is one airport. Maybe in VCS they have a airstrip added onto the mansion some how or maybe somewhere else. Im hopping to have the old interiors including new ones but im not sure if they can do it...I think they would be able to.

  10. I have a small suggestion, you might not care but, you should allow people to start a gang as soon as they join if they want and they get a week to gain a certain amount of active members and if they succeed then they can keep the gang with out having to meet all the "Demands".

    Are you making your own type of coding or someshit for that gang thing? See my forum is a big ass forum game based off of GTA and we have gangs. You come on and claim the gangs that already exist in the GTA world and if you dont have a topic up within a week you lose your gang including districts that you claim. Its sort of hard to keep track of everything without any sort of system. We need pages and pages of statistics for every single member. The game seems pretty complicated at first but its pretty fun once you get the hang of it. We have newspapers for the site and News videos showing big events, in the game of coarse, I use the GTA Studio mods and the Cheat Device to make the movies. Now im not gonna advertise the link or anything...unless that's allowed but i just wanted you to know that even though i seem to be a dumbass that doesnt know shit think again. I made up the biggest forum game you'll ever see and its deffinetly better then those "counting games" and shit.

    But think about the whole gang thing. Make a separate sub-forum for beginners so that they can try to make gangs...if you want....just a suggestion....

  11. I'v been to forums before. I have 3 of my own and im co-founder of 3 others. I know the deal, but i run things differently then you guys do. I know what the word "n00B" means im not a dumbass, all i was saying is that its a geeky word to use.

    At first i didnt mind and i told you to delete this topic. But then i looked at the other gang topics and saw that there were gangs with leaders that had less then 200 post. I thought that you were letting them have gangs and not me. You should delete topics like this if they dont belong. KEEP THE FORUMS ORGANIZED SO THAT PEOPLE DONT GET CONFUSED OR MIX SHIT UP!!!

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