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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Thanks for the compliments. I actually got a lot of non-KoRn fans into liking their music with that song. Oh well I guess I cant get everyone to like their music. I'm pretty sure you'll like the song I have for my 6th video a lot better then the one in my 5th. My 6th video will be posted next Sunday so remember to check back here for the new video.

  2. yeah Brady Games makes the most reliable stratagy guides and I wouldn't think that they could mess that up. They were only givin 4 ages to put in that stratagy guide and the closes ages that they could mess up are ages 33, Ken Rosenberg and 35, Tommy Vercetti. If they messed up Ken's or Tommy's with Lance's then he would still be older than Victor. I dont think they made the ages up cause some of the characters dont have ages mentioned. So I think that they got it from Rockstar themselves but we'll just have to find out.

  3. That first question sounds a little weird cause then Victor would only have been head of the Vance Crime Family for a year or less.

    The second one makes me think a little because the magazines did say that Rockstar got rid of the point A to point B missions and have a totally different way of doing missions and if you're head of the Vance Crime Family than the new way of doing missions could be that you hand out missions and shit and do your own as well. But then again the magazines say that Victor is older than Lance and he isnt so who knows what else they f***ed up.

  4. LOL. CJ and Cesar were not the leaders of one gang together. Sweet was the leader of the Grove Street Families and Cesar was leader of the Aztecas. Claude wasnt in a gang and neither was 8-Ball. All that Claud and 8-Ball did together is break out of that enforcer and escape. Yeah every once and a while Claud would get some bombs from 8-Ball but they weren't really friends let allown partners/leaders of a gang together. Victor was head of the Vance Crime Family. Go look at Vicecity.com, it says so there.

  5. Yay :clapping: I found something big!

    ok now back to the storyline issue. Do you guys think that we find out in VCS that Lance plans on killing off his older brother? This could be a big part of the storyline. Maybe that was the reason Victor is the main character. In VC 86' his death seemed to be just a plot to the game but could end up to have a whole other story behind it.

  6. It's called setting people up. He kills his own brother, makes it look like Diaz and his crew, THEN claims he wants revenge, and it never looks like he did it. Then he can take his revenge on Diaz, while running the VCF or whatever, AND take out Diaz. It would be genius, really.

    See thats what I was thinking. He set up the whole thing from the start.

    EDIT: I'm getting all these IM's from my friends that go to the one forum, dont want to say the name...advertising. Anyways they keep IMing me saying that I got "Owed" thinking im wrong about Lance being older...I proved over 20 people now wrong with that info I got from the (Official) Stratagy Guide. I cant believe that they'll listen to Adriaan when I give them proof from an official stratagy guide where as Adriaan only says that he got it from a magazine...hmmm (Official) Stratagy Guide over magazine...I'll go with the Official info. Now this whole thing is pissing me off. I know im right seeing as I got it from an official source.

  7. Oh ok, OPSM2 f***ed up then? Still kinda strange that Vic is older and is the head :/

    Yeah thats how me and Adriaan got into that fight. He was listening to them or something. Calling me stupid. Dissing my site.

    BTW if you make a post which is sarcastic, but isn't immediately obvious, just put [/sarcasm] at the end ;)

    LOL ok ill try to remember that.

  8. I was 100% sure about Vice City Stories being the next game and you were telling me I was full of shit. Then I know im right about Lance Being older than Victor. But I have to admit im not 100% on this one...I just like pulling your chain...LOL. But to me it does look like the Vortex but again im not 100% sure of this.

  9. I respect him cause I think hes a good admin. He banned me because he thought I was insulting people but I was just being sarcastic and shit. I sent him an E-Mail asking to be unbanned and how sorry I was...I ended up sending him a 3-4 paragraph apology E-mail. So if you see me say shit on here that seems insulting just let me know about it cause I dont mean it....if you guys make a sarcastic button that'd be great. But yeah I dont say any racial shit and I try not to swear too much.

    Back on topic:

    I have a pic of Lance's profile from the guide


  10. Mine's Frankie

    Cause you can show off that you completed vice



    Next is cop, a mod made police have blue uniforms, which is cool

    You know that the colors the police have on in VC are the same they have in Flordia which is why they have the color in VC in the first place....why would you want to change it to blue anyways?

  11. Wow. Didnt you read the details so far???? It said that the ocean could get choppy which explains why it would be slanted. You're also saying that the shape of it looks off or whatever...look at the Infernus, they change that in pretty much every city. This would be like a vortex prototype which is 8 years younger than the one in San Andreas.

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