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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Wow.

    Cocky. Ooh, what a bad word. -_-

    That's cool, though. Even though if people keep seeing the same stunts they've already seen in other vids, some might not want to watch anymore of them.. but hey, don't let that stop you from what you're doing. You record for fun, right?

    ....I was sort of joking but what ever.

    I made 3 other videos already. I'v been working on them for the past 2 months. My 4th one isnt all that great but im just getting the rest of the old stunts out of my system and then the 5th video has the new stuff with some old. Then the 6th one is all about the new stuff. Mainly the airgrabs and combos. I hope you guys would like these ones cause I dont think I can make any more. The 4th one is coming out August 6th, then the others will come out the following weeks.

  2. He isn't saying watch other people's videos and then do exactly what they are doing. Maybe you see them do a stunt and notice that you could do it different, adding something to it to make something cool. Or maybe you'll notice a few stunts that are done over and over again and will avoid putting those in your video.

    Wow, you're still cocky about things.

    Hey hey hey watch your language now. Plus I dont look off of others to even find out about new stunts. I like to figure them out for myself.

  3. ur sick. the clothing choice was great exept it was too slow and unrealistic. and gansta was ok. i wudnt mind seeing that again if it was mixed with mafia just like san andreas

    I dont know about you but i'd rather have more missions then have more clothing...go play a barbie video game or something.

  4. juan cortez in 2005 would be 70 years old. he was already about 50 in VC. and your implying that he would be the main character for when he left so then he would have to be in the future. how about we have somone simple (CLAUDE who TALKS, goes to a doctor and fixes his vocal chords) or somone hard (cortez or somone old from any games and play as him for a while then he has a kid that you only see in cutscenes and then you(cortez or old guy) gets killed somhow and 15 years later (when the kid is like 18 or so) you play as the kid and take on the roll your father did, getting revenge for the killers and actually have an unpredictable twist unlike ALL the other GTA games.


    I think that playing a new upgraded Claude would be cool. But besides him I would have to say someone like Ken Rosenburg, Lance Vance (i hear he isn't dead) or maybe a chick, it would be even cooler to pick, but hey wtf do we know, we'll find out soon.

    I blew Lance up in the last mission...he isnt coming back from that.

  5. Yeah thats what I was thinking. Every mission can turn out differently depending on how you handle the mission. You can turn sides and kill your partner or you can kill the person you're working for or just do the missions like you're used to be doing. I think that would make the storyline the way we want it. If we dont like a certain person that we are working with then we can kill them if we want without having that "Mission Failed" thing come up. In VC I would have killed off Lance in the first mission id do with him and see what would happen if I were doing missions alone for Diaz...to see if he would kill me. Hell it would even be cool if you can do the intro to the game instead of watching.

  6. Well if we had to pick between the other GTA games like GTA III had a sequel in LCS, VCS is like VC's sequel. Anyways I would like someone like "Big" Mitch Baker to be the main character in VCS but he'll be sorta old in 1989. Then for an "SAS" if there ever is one I think Cesar would be kick ass to play as. As for GTA IV, I would like to play as Jaun Garcia Cortez...He left VC and the states im pretty sure so you never know, If GTA IV is over in Europe or some shit he could possibly be the main character for GTA IV.

  7. Well i hope that its in the 80's again and they have the same kind of 80's music or better. It'll be hard though to get better music then what VC 86' had. I dont think they'll have a GTA game set in the present again untill GTA IV. Rockstar might just make the first game of the trilogies to be set in the present...thats just my opinion.

  8. Yeah i hope that they do something more with the PS2 version unlike what they did with LCS...nothing..although i dont have the PS2 version of LCS but i heard nothing has changed...even though nothing has changed i still might get it along with the PS2 version of VCS, Im gonna get the PSP and PS2 version of it.

  9. All I really want is the ability to get a yacht all to yourself that actually rides around, not in the same constant path...that'd be boring. I would also like to be able to do something on the yacht like have some sort of rampage or some shit.

  10. There is an unmarked Pay 'N' Spray in Las Venturas...East of the strip and the ground right before you go into it isnt solid. Take a jetpack to it and just drop down into it. Then you'll be in the underworld and you can enter some interiors like Area 69. Its a really old underworld glitch...im surpriesed you didnt know about it.

  11. wow these are some sexist losers in here...I dont really care if the main character is a women...would if she's like a hardcore fighting chick...

    But i was thinking if there is a returning character to be in GTA IV...maybe its Juan Garcia Cortez...I mean he left VC and he was probebly leaving the US...and if this one is in another place other then the US then he can possibly be the next main character for GTA IV. He would be cool to play as.

  12. If you don't get ideas off other people's videos then how do you know about stunting eh smartass?

    I started doing small stunts back in 2002 with cars...then in 2004 when i was playing MTA for the first time someone showed me a backflip with a bike. After that i started stunting, coming up with other stuff not knowing other people already came up with them.

    How do you know if you've found a "new" stunt if you don't watch other people's vids? No offence, just wondering.

    Im not saying new stunt to everyone just a new stunt for me.

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