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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Click on my gamercard (or any you see) and it'll take you to the site where you could get one. @ (EVERYONE) If you own a game or pre-ordered one, select it for your gamercard. EDIT: SCRATCH THAT!!! I can't add anymore pictures to the topic. So we can't have them. Sorry. Oh well... Then could at least change my PSN name Well you change it so damn much...should I even bother??? I'll change it... EDIT: I bought All-Pro Football 2K8 yesterday for $10, which was originally $60 when it was first released. Anyways, DO NOT BUY IT!!! It sucks major ass, don't let the low price pull you in. EDIT EDIT: I found this new tag site Triple Tags.
  2. That was in the topic I made about that then the name was "Church of England: Fall of Resistance"...just saying... Since we're starting later than we did last year with the awards, is it going to go into 2008 before we get the final votes in?
  3. There's an older trailer that's been out...
  4. Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to discuss something with you guys about how you play online. I personally enjoy using either a shotgun or a sniper rifle, depending on the map. This one guy complimented me on my game and when I went to add him as a friend he told me to fuck off and called me a shotgun whore...wtf. Does anyone else get pissed off at people that use shotguns, if so, why?
  5. Why did you leave for three days?
  6. Are you going to make a topic for each?
  7. How about the "Who The Hell Are You?" Award, which would go to someone that no one really knows.
  8. Click on my gamercard (or any you see) and it'll take you to the site where you could get one. @ (EVERYONE) If you own a game or pre-ordered one, select it for your gamercard. SCRATCH THAT!!! I can't add anymore pictures to the topic. So we can't have them. Sorry. I can't because the site is in a different language Try clicking the little thing in the upper left hand corner.
  9. Click on my gamercard (or any you see) and it'll take you to the site where you could get one. @ (EVERYONE) If you own a game or pre-ordered one, select it for your gamercard. EDIT: SCRATCH THAT!!! I can't add anymore pictures to the topic. So we can't have them. Sorry.
  10. I already downloaded it. ....Even though I don't have a PlayStation Eye. Well I'll make a back-up of this topic in a word document just incase they get messed up. The tables coding is tedious to make. EDIT: Post the code for your PS3 Gamercard if you have one.
  11. 1. good 2. maybe 3. maybe, although is that not a little ambiguous? What defines how good a topic is? 4. good, but are there enough here for us to have a vote on who's best? The signature shop one would be based on how popular the sig shop is, how impressive the signatures are and how fast the signatures get made. Best Topic Starter could be based on the popularity of the topics, how creative the topics are and how much work was put into the topics. Best Machinima doesn't necessarily need to be from someone that goes to this forum. Ceedj from Pawfect Films is a member here and the PEDS series is really good. Besides the two GTA Real Estate Machinimas that I made, I also made a music video with San Andreas. I guess people could post their work in the topics and if anyone that sees them thinks they're good...they could nominate the person.
  12. It was right there, when I was looking around for my games, so I spotted it and just decided to add it. Yeah, they also have Little Big Planet and L.A. Noire. Are you gonna get those when they come out?
  13. Well the main problem Rockstar is having is getting the games on the consoles, but if they had their own, they wouldn't run into those problems and would release games faster than they are now. I think the consoles would sell.
  14. Thanks for the heads up, I'm downloading it right now. BTW, why do you already have GTAIV in your gamercard??? Isn't it supposed to show the games you own? Does anyone know if the PlayStation Eye allows you to record gameplay? If so, would any game work?
  15. That ones fine, we could all have a laugh at that since they'd be gone. But something like, "Most Disrespected Member" is just going to piss someone off and make them leave the forum, and why lose a member over some stupid award that doesn't matter? Maybe it will have a positive affect on them and they'll change their attitude...
  16. Yeah, but would if this one has problems like the last one did? I'd much rather post these in the game portion of the member's PSN table, because that'd be less work for me.
  17. Yeah they're pretty kick ass, but they need some GTA skins. Do you want me to update your games?
  18. Did you just buy three new games? I noticed that you added 3 new ones to your gamer card.
  19. Cool, I'll add this to the front page, you being credited for it of course. I think the voice changer seems pretty cool...but that seems like a device that some creeper could use...or something. I'm hopefully getting a PlayStation Eye soon.
  20. BOLD: Maybe that one could be it's own. "Best GTA News Reporter" I can't really think of any right now, but once I think of some, I'll post them. EDIT: "Best Signature Shop" "Best Topic Starter" "Best Machinima"
  21. It's good, but could you add some sort of border? Like my one, again? I don't really like borderless sigs. When you do that, I'll send the money. Ok, but that might take a while.
  22. I'm trying to do the easy ones first, because yours is sort of difficult to do...well maybe more tedious than difficult. Your's is gonna take some time.
  23. That's because members with a high post count are usually more well known...because of their high post count.
  24. SKATE has a good concept and everything, but there are some major problems with the game such as glitches and shit. The storyline wasn't that great either. You can't even get off of your board or build parks or add to the map. I don't see what's so great about it. The only thing they have is the concept, which wasn't made all that well. I know, everyones entitled to there own opinion, but i loved the story, game play plus the sense of achievement you get when you have landed that 360 flip + nose manual. I see there are lots of things holding the game back, but you have to let the game evolve. It's a little frustrating that you can't get off your board, but it wasn't until THUG this became "revolutionary" Yeah, so why should SKATE follow those same "revolutionary" paths? They should be able to at least match the same type of stuff that's in Tony Hawk games with their own control concept.
  25. @ the bossman Let me know what you think. [IMG=http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f183/OriginalGTAMaster/The-Bossman.gif] @ wheelman101 I think the fade in and fade out of each clip would make the GIF look a little crappy, but let me know what you think of this. [IMG=http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f183/OriginalGTAMaster/GLS-GIF.gif]
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