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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. SKATE has a good concept and everything, but there are some major problems with the game such as glitches and shit. The storyline wasn't that great either. You can't even get off of your board or build parks or add to the map. I don't see what's so great about it. The only thing they have is the concept, which wasn't made all that well.
  2. But that's a Wii...I'm talking about a consol just for Rockstar. I wasn't talking about a skin or anything.
  3. Well I'd like to see the awards again. I think they're pretty cool. If you do end up putting it up, you should definitely add that one you just mentioned.
  4. I was wondering if the GTA Place was going to have the annual award thing this year. Wasn't it in December last year, before the new year?
  5. There is probably a good reason why they don't do that. It's probably has something to do with theft. If you've seen the way you have to download stuff onto your PSP, you'd understand what I mean.
  6. I imagine we would be able to. That sort of leads me to the question...could Niko get fat?
  7. Yeah, she's gonna be a TON of fun. Rockstar should just slap a "WIDE LOAD" sticker on her back.
  8. All I could say is, fuckin' finally! Source At least we know when we could be getting these. I doubt there will be a delay for these cards...if there is...all I could say is, WOW!
  9. Hey, info is info. This gives us a little taste of the variety of people we'll meet in GTAIV.
  10. I downloaded it, but I had no idea you could invite friends in the demo. I thought it was only for the full game. If you see me signed on the PSN, send me a message and we'll race...or some shit. I don't know about you, but doesn't Burnout: Paradise seem a little like Need for Speed: Most Wanted? With the free roam and what not.
  11. I'm moving to New Jersey...nah...not really... I guess the crime rate will go up a tiny little bit there, but I don't think much. Unless criminals would rather get the death penalty instead of get life if they're caught. Who knows.
  12. I was starting to make it the other day, but wasn't sure which pics to use. If you want I could post some unless you want me to wing it. Let me know.
  13. I wasn't too sure where to put this(why isn't there a "GTA General" section). I figured this would be the best place for this since its a possible future release. I was just wondering if any of you think Rockstar will release an LCS/VCS double pack for the PS2/PSP. If they're planning on or already making a third GTA game with "Stories" in the title, then they might be waiting to release a trilogy pack a year or so after it's release.
  14. What do you think of Assassin's Creed?
  15. Trust me you'll have a great time, I played in Hard mode, and its one hell of a game. Gets real hard in some parts. Yeah, like the one where you're by the ferris wheel and you have to secure the area while waiting for a helicopter. That one sucked so bad. Yes thats one of the 3, It took me about 20 times, and what really got me pissed off, was when the helicopter actually came , and I went in it, it then asked me to carry the other guy again, so I went for him, and got killed, and had to start all over.. But the game is still cool. Yeah, same thing happened to me. The next try I just used him as a shield on my back and got in the helicopter with no problem.
  16. Does it at least go up to 1080i? How much did it cost?
  17. I'm thinking of buying a gun...maybe a Colt Python. I'll admit that Vice City influenced the idea of me getting a Colt Python quite a bit, but that doesn't mean I'll go on rampages and shit...LOL. I'll just have it for show, maybe to start a collection or just something to have laying around just in case some of my friends and I want to play a drinking game...(JK) I like the Colt M4 as well.
  18. Well if GTAIV is like any of the next gen games so far, the water won't look nearly as good as it could be if you're playing on standard. The water graphics basically look like PS2 graphics when played on a standard TV. I just want to get the most out of my GTA experience for the next generation. I'm currently saving up for one, but I'm going to wait until I see a good price. I heard the prices of 1080P TVs are going to be dropping soon.
  19. I was just wondering if anyone is planning on buying an HD TV before GTAIV is released to enhance your viewing experience while playing GTAIV. I've been thinking of buying an HD TV basically because I have a PS3, which has Blu-Ray...I mean what's the point of having a PS3 if my TV isn't in HD? Another main reason I want an HD TV is because my current TV's screen keeps getting screwy when I use my PS3. Anyways, what's everyone planning on doing?
  20. I think they should make a new Scarface game for the next gen systems. They already re-made this one for the Wii...but I don't think it could have gone on the Gamecube. Just imagine what they could do with a scarface game on a next gen system.
  21. I haven't updated my Radio Theory in a while, but it's still on the homepage of GTA Real Estate.
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