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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. It's shaky at some parts, but the whole thing isn't shaky. You could still see what's happening.
  2. Wow, what a Wii fanboy. I think a next generation system deals with not only graphics and physics, but also new features that weren’t on prior systems. Nintendo definitely showed that they could step it up with the motion censored controllers that they have for the Wii, but that’s pretty much all they have. The 360 has improved graphics and physics along with online play. The PS3 has improved graphics, physics and is going to have PlayStation Home, which is a lot better than the 360’s crappy arcade and retarded looking game cards. I don’t know whether or not the Wii has online play and whether or not it’s good if it does have online play, but seeing as the next generation is basically about online play, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. Now grant it online play has been around for a while now, but hasn’t ever been this good.
  3. Then why don't you put the rest in tables? Organize it a bit.
  4. What shark? I don't recall seeing a shark. Yeah! What f***in shark? There was a METAL shark behind the film studios in either the water or on land. I forget where, but it does exist. Nevermind I didn't see it in the trailer. And Tilly, Sprunk is advertised in that very screen cap from the trailer >.O How did you not see the giant shark in the trailer?
  5. Do you want me to get a screen of it. Because I will if you want me to. Maybe he watched the video over before he put it on Youtube and found nothing else really happened so instead of putting up 10 minutes of the stuff, which discourages people from watching it, he decided to put only some of it up.
  6. *Cough*GTA Nerd*Cough*, death does not really scare me, i just hope that i will die an old man peacefully in his sleep. What's you're definition of "GTA Nerd"? I'm just joking around. Be that as it may, but you still used the phrase "GTA Nerd" when I said that GTAIV was the only thing I'm living for, which was just to get a little humor in this so far depressing topic. You obviously had meaning behind it even if it were a joke. Someone said that they were afraid of death because that's it...It's not like you could flip a switch and start over. That's the thing that I mainly think about. Sleeping is the only thing you could relate death with and you at least dream when you sleep...It's hard to imagine that you just simply die and that's it...hard to cope with.
  7. Yeah, but they don't usually have the most recent updates. They usually have a different version of the PS3 that consumers don't get. Those are exclusive and GTAIV isn't exclusive to the PS3...unfortunately.
  8. Well yeah there are a lot of things that appear in one GTA game along with another, but this one seems to only be in VCS and appears to also be in the up and coming GTAIV game. So maybe Rockstar added a few things that could be found in the new Liberty City that they put in VCS and possibly LCS as Anonymous. A.K.A. Spaz The Great pointed out.
  9. Ok sorry for making this huge bump while double posting, but since I wasn't able to really play the game when the topic was alive due to me not having the save files, I want to talk about it again since I have things to say now. I'm currently at around 68%-70% done with the game and own all the fronts except for two in North Beach and the Storage area in North Beach. I have over $20,000,000 which is enough for the last two fronts I need, but I've been trying to eliminate more gang turfs around North Beach so I don't have to really deal with any of that shit later on. I'm currently playing it and I just found out that you could take pisses behind dumpsters which I think is pretty funny because Tony slings his head back with his mouth open acknowledging he's taking one hell of a piss. I haven't got to explore much since all I've been doing is the missions and what not so I can't wait until I finally beat the game and get to drive around without gang members shooting at me. So lets hear what everyone else with this game has been doing in it. Post your stats and anything else relevant to the game. Lets get this topic running again. EDIT: Whenever I get to the last mission in the game I'll record myself playing it so that you all could watch my frustration for your entertainment pleasures.
  10. *Cough*GTA Nerd*Cough*, death does not really scare me, i just hope that i will die an old man peacefully in his sleep. What's you're definition of "GTA Nerd"?
  11. Prepare to see one of my longest post. NOTE: These are only the games I have for my PS3, PSP and PS2
  12. Since I got my saved game files onto my PS3, I've been playing Scarface: The World Is Yours. I've been wanting to beat it for a while now, but without the save files I couldn't. Currently I'm not playing it because I was playing it for the past 5-6 hours or so and my PS3 was getting a little hot so I figured it'd be best for me to turn it off for a little. I'm probably going to start playing in about 10-20 minutes.
  13. Where did you play the PS3? Remember, L.A. Noire is exclusive to the PS3. GET A PS3!!! I played one at "Game-A-Hollics: New Age Arcade" (plug, plug, plug ) Exlusive to my town. The PS3s you could play in stores are extremely shitty compared to what you actually get. PS3 has pretty good exclusives along with ones that are going to be coming out. DON'T FORGET THE FREE SERVICE PLAYSTATION HOME!!! Unreleased Games - 101 Titles (As of April 26, 2007) Afrika Airtight PS3 Project [untitled] Aqua Vita Big Time Revenge BioWare Project Brave Arms Calling All Cars! Castlevania PS3 Chain Limit Coded Arms Assault Crytek Project - Crysis [Rumored] Danger Planet DC Universe MMO Dragon Age - EGM 5/2007 Dragon Ball Z [untitled] Dreamers Driver PS3 - Driver 5 [unofficial Title] Eight Days Ember EyeDentify Factor 5 Project #2 [untitled] Fantasy Lab Project [untitled] FIA World Touring Car Championship Fifth Phantom Saga Final Fantasy XIII Final Fantasy Versus XIII Fumito Ueda Fury Game Arts Project God of War III Go! Puzzle Gradius PS3 Grand Turismo 5 Gretzky NHL [Working Title] Gundam Musou Heavenly Sword Hero Hot Shots Golf [Working TItle] Housemarque Project Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier [Rumored] Killzone [Working Title] Kingdom Hearts 3 [Rumored] Koei Guan Yu PS3 Project - Dynasty Warriors [Rumored Title] Kurayami AKA Darkness Lair L.A. Noire LittleBigPlanet Loco Roco PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots Metro 2033: The Last Refuge MLB 07: The Show Monster Hunter 3 Monster Kingdom MotorStorm 2 Namco PS3 RPG Namco PS3 Shooter Namco PS3 Sports Project Ninja Gaiden Sigma NiOh Nucleus Pixel Junk Project Psychic [Working Title] Pterodon FPS Project [untitled] Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction [Working Title] Redwood Falls Rengoku The End of the Century Resistance 2 [Rumored, But Likely] - EGM 2/2007 Returning Alive [Working Title] Rockstar Old West PS3 Project [untitled] Romance of the Three Kingdoms PS3 Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure Second Secret Service Shin Megami Tensei Silent Hill 5 [Working Title, Rumored] Singstar [Working Title] Skyblue Spider-Man 3: Collector's Edition Sony Online Mercenary / Spy MMO [untitled] Sony Online Whimsical MMO [untitled] Starbreeze Next-Gen Project [untitled] Sucker Punch Project [untitled] Super Rub-A-Dub Team Siren Project [untitled] Tecmo Action-Adventure [untitled] Tekken 6 Time Crisis 4 thatgamecompany Project #2 [untitled] thatgamecompany Project #3 [untitled] The Eye of Judgment [Working Title] The Getaway [Working Title] The Wall Twelve Interactive Sci-Fi action game [untitled] Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Unknown Realms WarDevil Enigma Warhawk Way of the Samurai 3 White Knight Story Wipeout Pulse [Working TItle] Zipper Interactive PS3 Project - SOCOM 4 [Rumored Title] Zone of the Enders 3 Released Games - 19 Titles (As of April 26, 2007) Blast Factor Cash Guns Chaos DLX Flow Formula One Championship Edition Full Auto 2: Battlelines Genji: Days of the Blade Go! Sudoku Gran Turismo HD GripShift Lemmings Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire MotorStorm NBA 07 Resistance Fall Of Man Ridge Racer 7 Tekken: Dark Resurrection The Godfather: The Don's Edition Untold Legends Dark Kingdom Virtua Fighter 5 (For Now) Source
  14. I'm scared to death of dieing, but it's inevitable and we're all gonna have to face it some day...I just hope it's later in life. I want to die at an old age. I guess I can't really say I'm scared of death...just dieing at a young age because at this point in my life I have so much to live for...you know...GTAIV.
  15. Where did you play the PS3? Remember, L.A. Noire is exclusive to the PS3. GET A PS3!!!
  16. You don't have [/img] at the end of the image's URL.
  17. What do you mean backgrounds? Just make your own in Photoshop. Be original. LV, when are you going to edit my little section of the Userbar post? I just added another userbar so here's the new coding for my section. Orignal GTA Master's Userbars [center][table][tr][td][color=black][size=6][font=Pricedown]Orignal GTA Master's[/font][/size][/color] [color=#FFD700][size=7][font=Edwardian Script ITC]Userbars[/font][/size][/color][/td][/tr][/table][/center] [center][table][tr][th][img=http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/492/futureivplayerzi2.png][/th][/tr][/table][/center] [center][table][tr][th][url=http://www.gtarealestate.co.nr][img=http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2536/blankbluegtarealestatecopyyr1.png][/url] [img=http://img478.imageshack.us/img478/3610/vcf2ha9.png] [img=http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/9915/gtarealestatevercetticrem6.png] [img=http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/733/greasychopperbikersmg0.png] [img=http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/7980/leoneku4.png] [img=http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/7922/bloodfeathertriadig4.png] [img=http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/6793/ogfuserbarcopyqa3.png] [img=http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/7086/haitianuserbarzo4.png][/th][/tr][/table][/center]
  18. Because it's not a Userbar it's a Dazzabar...DUH!
  19. We don't have a reason for polluting the earth. I think we would find out a more sufficiant way of living that didn't cause pollution by the time we needed or had the ability to go to "Earth II". Colonizing the Moon wouldn't help us out much if the Earth got destoryed, the moon orbits the Earth. If a meteor could wipe out life on earth or Planet X were able to knock the Earth out of orbit, I don't think plexiglass would help us out much on the moon if one of those were to hit us. Well we'll be at the stage of no return by the year 1212. There really isn't much more known about Gliese 581c than what was already discussed in this topic.
  20. Why would we have to pollute "Earth II"? That's a bad thing.
  21. When they get new people to make the games the games end up turning out like shit. Look what happened to State of Emergency 2.
  22. Actually we would have to worry because if it was as close to us as the moon is our move from Earth to "Earth II" would be pointless when the safe zone moves past earth it would take a short amount of time until it would hit us on Earth II...if it were to be as close to us as the moon is.
  23. What makes you say that? Oh oh, you know there is this thing called a pause button. You should try it out some time.
  24. It seems like there are a lot of people making GIF images left and right ever since I posted that tut. Well good job on your first GIF image. Keep up the good work.
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