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Everything posted by TM™

  1. We do, It's Da Community Thread.
  2. I'm currently starting my website again, basically, I suck when I upload IPB Boards, but yeah, I guess it's quiet hard to do, especially when most of the Free Web hosts don't allow you to upload most of the files, meh. I guess I'm gonna have to find a solution or else I might not get my site done!
  3. I wanna ask you a Question... Are You A Boy OR A Girl?!

    Please reply, lawl. :-)

  4. Bitches love me cuz they know I can ROCK. - TM™
  5. There is something called lardy. Not lawly.
  6. Your name isn't Victor Vagina Unless your User Name says it.
  7. TM™ walks into the Bar and asks for a Drink of Pepsi. He drinks the Pepsi Can and asks for another. After a while Jace comes in and asks for a can of Coke and some of his friends from the /B/Random topic come to have a drink of Coke too. TM™: "I need another can of Pepsi, can you get me another can?" TM™ Later looks Jace and watches him drink his can of coke, after a while, he burps. TM™: "You fucking Moron, you need to cover your mouth up, or you're gonna die!" Jace looks at TM™ and puts his can of Coke down. He looks at what TM™ Is wearing and laughs at him. He then makes a comment and shouts it out to so everyone in the bar listen to him. After making the comment, TM™ looks at Jace. TM™: "Damn you Jace, watch what I'm gonna do to ya". TM™ looks at Jace, eye to eye and then bangs his head leading TM™ to fall onto the Ground. He later gets up and decides it's time to start a little fight with Jace. TM™: "Hehe, I own" As Jace runs into TM™, he makes a Portal leading to /B/Random topic and see's Jace screaming his ass off. Jace: "Ahhh, I can't believe I got owned!" Jace ends up in the portal and then it later disappears. TM™: "Bitches Love me cuz they know I can ROCK." TM™ Walks out of the bar waving his middle finger at everyone. He later see's Sky and accidentally points his finger at him, leading Sky to use the Mod Stick. TM™: "Ahh! No!" Sky then bans TM™ From the bar. Sky: "I'm da Mod. Respect me". ----- Damn, I'll be back someday!
  8. Yep, It was. It's actually a few months old, so yeah, it's actually old news.
  9. It's basically Illegal to give you a link to download GTA3. Why not buy it? It's actually gone really, really cheap now. You should buy it atleast, it's not like anyone's going to give you a full version of GTA3 for free, are they?
  10. Welcome, Usopp. Basically Artsweet told you how to post a topic, so yeah, that's covered. Well, all I can say is read the rules and enjoy your stay!
  11. Hmm, I don't know, but meh, I didn't look.
  12. Nay, it sucks. But if it sucks, then why does it suck? Meh, I get confused whenever I say this sentence...
  13. Vice City Stories isn't out on PC, but it's out on PS2 and PSP only. I'm not sure, but you should choose the PSP version, that's if you like to play Multiplayer, but if not, play the PS2 Version, it fixes the draw distance.
  14. I'm not king... I'm just a member, like you.
  15. I'd say PC. My PS2 sucks whenever I run San Andreas, it could be the disk, or it could be my PS2, I don't know. On PC, you can Mod, play Online Mods, and even make your own Mods which is interesting enough to do.
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