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Everything posted by WarAngel

  1. * It's true what they say "Pimping ain't easy." * Hoes and Johns = Supply and Demand
  2. "Smoking kills, unless you kill first." "It's time to smoke the smokers." "It's a revolution out there and frankly it's time to start chopping off some heads. I'd rather be dead than ignorant. Learn from me. I know what I'm talking about." -Sage "It ain't work'n, beat it with a wrench." - Random GTA: SA voice "Ain't this what they mean by car pool?" - CJ while car jacking in the rain "Now I got to steal another car." - The guy who just got car jacked "Can't you see I'm busy be'n high!?" - Some guy after bumping into him "I realized after my third child I hate kids!" -Radio comercial
  3. I jacked the truck then ran over a group of gang members. He fell into the back. Right after I took the picture the pigs arrested me...totally worth it.
  4. I learned the following: * It's really hard to get a nice car (once you've found one) back to your home. They just get smashed up or explode. The pigs really aren't helping either. * A dead body makes an amusing hood ornament. * A brutha's got ta protect his 'hood. Sounds like fun. On of my favorite activities of the original is getting the uncontrollable urge to kill and then doing so until I'm dead from running one to many road blocks or just Busted.
  5. I started playing San Andreas yesterday. So far I found one from a radio comercial. "The world's bi-polar! So am I!"
  6. I know I'm late to the party on this but I was looking at some GTA 4 and San Andreas videos on YouTube today and I found one that was a CSPAN clip. It was our own government talking about San Andreas! That's right. Instead of dealing with REAL issues like Health Care, National Security, Gun Laws or anything else useful to the nation they had their knickers in a bunch over GTA SA. Specifically were things hidden from the ESRB to avoid an adults only rating. WTF!? People have sex. It's represented in media such as tv, movies, and video games. It's like just because these stuffy old crackpots aren't getting any, they think no one should so much as see sex. Or because of their own misguided moral hangups and since GTA isn't to their tastes no one should enjoy it. It made sense when I realized this was an old clip from the Bush Admistration.
  7. Uhm...HELLZ YEAH! That would rock. All the violence, language, and sex scenes. Put Method Man in it. He did a job job in The Wire. The story would need a corrupt cop as well. Have Tricia Helfer be the sexy hard driving, skin showing type and we'd have a great movie. The story could an original. Wouldn't be hard to do. Just start with a rough draft crime movie and have alot of car stealing. Like Gone in 60 Seconds with trigger happy characters.
  8. The original. I say that because I'm having problems getting San Andreas and GT4 to work on my PC so I play other games instead. But the lure of murder and mayhem won't stay satified for long so I once again pick up my PS1 controller and mow them suckas down. Often in a car "donated" by the pig I just pancaked back on the road behind me. If I'm not doing that I'm using a tanker to play bumper cars.
  9. What's everyone's favorite Vehicle to do their crimes in. Mostly this is about running people over. But also about jobs that don't require a specific vehicle. Mine depend on my mood. If my targets are people then the Squad Car. Something about turning a law enforcement car on the public is great. NOT serving and NOT protecting. If it's vehicles I'm after then it's the Tanker. Sturdy and can take alot of damage. Especially on the road blocks the pigs set up. So what are anyone else's?
  10. I do. I've been playing the original for the past couple of weeks. I got GTA4 and since I'm horbibly behind on comp tech (especially since my laptop died) I've become addicted to GTA 1. Years ago I used to mainly drive around and listen to the music. Then go on killing rampages until I was Busted or Wasted. Now I'm trying to get through the missions. But I'm getting a new comp today from family connections. So if all goes well The SA will be feeling my gangsta wrath. Good to know. Thanks for putting the word out for a newbie like me.
  11. Hello all! Didn't see an introduction forum. So I'll use this as that. I love boosting a usable vehicle and going amok. Running people over with my car or shooting up the area with hot lead from a weapon. I prefer the machine gun as it sprays alot of ammo and is common. Recently I started making a list of things I'd done that were so in the spirit of GTA that I felt they should be written down. It's the usual kill anything in sight until I'm Busted or Wasted list. - Stole an Ambulance then a Jugernaught and ramed into the amubulance to blow it up. But instead ended up squishing someone with the Ambulance. - Rammed two cop cars together and killed both cops. - Boosted a Hotrod and took it to a crane. Then boosted another Hotrod but realized it was the same time as the one I'd just sold. So I decided to go on a rampage. Hit people until the cops came after me. Killed one and took his car. Then killed other cops and shot up their cars with machine guns until they exploded. Cop shot at my car. Blew me up but caught himself on fire also. So that having been said anyone want some flame coked pig for dinner?
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