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Everything posted by Bear

  1. I saw him in Extra's which was funny but otherwise I can't stand the bloke.
  2. I stole loads of Biff and Chip books. Who can forget the classic Biff and Chip and the magic key.
  3. I prefer the slim PS consoles. They can't be put away and are generally not an eyesore. This one looks lovely. I may buy it when my PS3 dies but I'm not sure. I wish it could play PS2 games.
  4. I couldn't stand the UK version so I doubt I would like the US show. It just wasn't funny. Also I can't stand the lead actor in the UK one, I can't not remember his name though.
  5. Games 1. The Sims 2 Series 2. GTA SA 3. Dogs Life 4. Smugglers Run 5. Hercules Movies 1. Corpse Bride 2. Beauty and the Beast 3. Hunchback of Notre Dame 4. The Mummy 5. Emma
  6. I heard most things at Christmas are stolen from the Pagans. I think it was the church trying to get rid of them, don't quote me on that its something I am trying to remember. Jehovah Witness' believe Jesus was born in October.
  7. Spaz= super hardcore rebel. I am terrible with library books, so I put reminders on my phone. The most I have got is 10p.
  8. Dont really get that comment, Im not Christian by the way. My comment was meant to say you bond with your family on other days there does not have to be a specific day where you do this like Christmas (although I do understand people see distant family during Christmas). Its like Valentines day you shouldn't just be extra nice to your partner because of this day. And stuff like Fathers and Mothers day, where you should be extra nice on these days, Im just saying this should happen on ALL days (or near enough to all days). We don't celebrate Mothers or Fathers day. We just think its a pointless holiday and you should show love to your parents every day. I don't celebrate Fathers day because my Dad doesn't deserve it.
  9. I argue back when they make stupid comments and that isn't liked. I'm sorry but saying Greece is in Asia is just stupid.
  10. Am I the only one who doesn't want to bond and spend time with my family? I love Christmas with my Mum and we have a great day. Last year was with my family and it was awful. Then again I am lower then a snakes belly in the eyes of my grandparents so no shock there why it wasn't fun.
  11. I do agree to some extent. The bonding with the family would be nice even though I get all arsey when I have to do it with mine.
  12. I can't stand whats happening to Christmas now. Last year they interviewed children to ask them about what Christmas is about. Most had no idea "Santa" and "Presents" where the main answers. One stupid child said it was the day Jesus died. Its just so superficial now and has none of the original meaning. Its all about getting things.
  13. I look like crap but it was 6 in the morning and we were going on a game drive but look at cute elephants. This is Tsavo East Game Reserve Kenya.
  14. I think everyone just needs to respect everyone's beliefs. If your an Atheist thats fine but again there is no need to try and convert and same for religious people. I'm sure the world would still be full of wars even without religon, thats the human race I'm afraid.
  15. I'm not upset, I just didn't find it funny.
  16. Library fines = hardcore rebel. I refused to meet my ex's family for dinner because they scared me and they were so racist it pissed me off.
  17. I have to admit I didn't find it that funny.
  18. We had R.E. every few weeks after we finished Finance or Sex Ed. But my R.E. class was full of stoners and my teacher would go on about how he won't let his kids listen to Greenday and then puts on the Terminator 2 because its "religous". It was quite worrying he says he is going to put on the most religous film he has seen, we excpect Passion of the Christ but then Terminator comes on. Very strange. So my class wasn't really religous anyway so we never had any problems.
  19. Thanks for the support guys, its annoying being told that your doing something when you haven't. Not really, I went to a BBQ with my friends church group and they were lovely and really fun. They knew I wasn't religious and they didn't mind at all. Its probably the hardcore ones that do that. My Grandma was like that.
  20. I still stand by that I wasn't stereotyping. That would be stupid to say every woman does that.
  21. Happy Birthday! Sorry I was late just got back from Kenya.
  22. That was Order of the Phoniex and it was cut out, like most things. In HBP Fluer, Bill, Dobby and Kreacher are cut out of the film aswell.
  23. I have heard of a goat being taken to court for robbing a bank.
  24. I would love to know what the obsession is with naked pixels.
  25. Has anyone read War and Peace? I have it on my bookshelf but I have so many books to read it may take a while. It looks very good though.
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