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Posts posted by mvi

  1. Define global warming. Are you talking in terms of there being general climate change (in this case the world is getting warmer as opposed to an ice age) or about the view that we as a civilisation are directly contributing towards climate change?

  2. Not too impressed tbh, never have been a fan of cheating in stunts, I'm far more die hard unmodded. (With the exception of map mods such as GTALC and Myriad and also MP mods - but then again having five people flip a bullet through 360 all landing perfectly is so very cool!) It's also obvious in places that stunts haven't been landed properly from the way they've been cut short. *is half tempted to dig out his old VC and SAMP stunt tapes. *

    All I can say is good god:


    In this section of the video Godfather falls off a building on his PCJ, falls off the bike then magically reappears back on it.

    Half of it looks unintentional and merely benefits from an invincible mod since a rolling infernus never looks fine after it's smashed the ground a dozen times. Well that's the entire stunt crew that hate me now :D

  3. Try and read what I said mate - "The fact is that the Earth is changing, always has been, always will be until it's finally vaporised in the dying breath of our sun." My point was that the planet changes, i.e. climate change and will continue to do so until it's gone. No, the Earth won't get vaporised by global warming, then again I never said it was. Let me put it another way, climate change will exist on Earth for as long as there is an Earth.

    Again with the reading carefully. I did not say you worked for C4, what I said was that in relation to your post it is possible for someone to think you work for C4 based on your insistance on telling posters to read the C4 link.

  4. First post? Welcome to the forums, even if I think that's reading too much into it.

    It's obvious IV will present a very big step, it's what we've come to expect and it's what R* are burdened with. But the purpose of saying "Things Will Be Different" while true is purely to get people posting in topics such as these. It's to get people excited despite the fact they don't actually know anything more.

  5. Which we are, in effect.

    Some dinosaurs evolved. They evolved into birds.

    While that is true you might also point to the most obvious living descendents of dinosaurs, (and I don't mean my neighbours,) which happens to be crocodiles and alligators.

  6. ^Someone would think he works for C4.

    SO don't you tell me that the earth is going to get vapourised.

    Why not? Stars die. And our star will die by going into a red giant engulfing most of the inner solar system (including us folks) and last time I checked a planet can't survive being engulfed by the outer layers of a star which happen to be at several million celsius. And for reference, our planet turns into a liquid at under a thousand celsisus (thus lava/magma.)

  7. OMG have you even read the link I put up, read that and then make up your own conclusion.

    Clearly you know nothing so stop your bullshit about people having to read that link before posting here, in fact it doesn't seem like you read it that well either:

    I remmeber they said that plants release more dioxide than cars and factories and stuff like this, guys I will try to get a link for you.

    So which bit of biology did you miss out on when you were 10, was it the bit where they taught you that plants remove CO2 not produce it? Try and read what it actually says: "Volcanic emissions and carbon dioxide from animals, bacteria, decaying vegetation and the ocean outweigh our own production several times over." Yeah, now that's a little different to what you said.

    The fact is that the Earth is changing, always has been, always will be until it's finally vaporised in the dying breath of our sun. The human race has lived through so many climate changes and we'll live through more. However, that is not to say that the current warming of the Earth is not to do with us, it most definately is. Want to know another interesting thing? The ozone layer has nothing to do with CO2. Guess what that is? Chlorine, produced by none other than our factories and human operations pumping it up into the atmosphere. So even if you stop CO2, they'll still be that big (and getting bigger) ozone hole lying above your head with all those gamma rays pouring in.

  8. That's certainly part of it, if you notice where they are split at Turkey, that is not far from Constantinople (ahem fall of the last Roman city to the muslims.) The rest is just a convinent line between the two types of civilisations. The classic european, heavily roman based on the left and the asian on the right. The point is it clearly defines two different types of cultures, and fairly accurately too. Omg, it's the same landmass! Well done, but it still is very different from East to West.

  9. What's your point? The only thing seperating France from Germany is also an imaginary line, I'm not gonna start up an entire new topic on it with a diagram that is ridiculously bad.

    The real map: Asia in Green, Europe in Red.


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