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Posts posted by mvi

  1. Renderring is the process of taking data (not neccesarily 3d) and presenting it visually (generally in 2d.) When you play a game you don't see anything in 3d, you see a 2d image which has been renderred based on the 3d data, similiarly 2d images when saved are also renderred.

  2. If you increase the speed of the car radically you'll also have to increase the mass since, like the guy that strapped a Jet Assist Engine to the top of his car if you start going very fast your car leaves the ground. (thus why F1 cars have their engine mounted upside down.) If you make the car heavier, increase acceleration (since otherwise it'll take a fair time to get up to top speed under the new weight) and use your new top speed it should be fine.

  3. What's happening there is a DirectX related problem, the renderring engine isn't effectively clearing the backbuffer between frames which gives it that repeated pattern effect, with on screen items remaining on top (as they're the latest renderred feature.) Unless you happen to have been hex editing your exe the chances are it's to do with your graphics card drivers. Make sure your drivers are up to date, also does this happen for any other games?

  4. By 2100 two permanent bases will have been established by NASA and China respectively at the rim of Shackleton Crater and Oceanus Procellarum. Several expeditions will have been launched to Mars, one of which is currently involved in a semi permanent colony. Back home, strict measures have been called into place to stop over population, and polution is now strictly regulated following the mass extinction of several species of wildlife such as polar bears which now only live in zoos, with sea level's rise of over a meter causing significant problems in many parts of the world. Parts of the world are no longer safe for human life following a series of terrorist attacks using dirty nuclear weapons which has since resulted in minor mutations in many people in affected countries. The divide between the "first world" and poverty striken countries has grown larger with much more of a sense of an elite section to society, this has contributed to a large amount of resentment and disillusionment to the so called "west." Much of Europe has also felt the weight of the worlds poor, with the USA and UK taking a hard line approach on immigrants following significant work force problems leading up to the 2020 resolutions. Though booming at the start of the 21st century, the pace of inovation in regard to technology has slowed down signficantly with many concerned about where the next meal is coming from rather than the latest technological "marvel." Energy consumption is relying on many dirty methods such as poorly maintained power stations and segments of society have moved to a "stay inside" approach, relying on air purification systems rather than face the dust heavy boiling heat outside.

    A grim vision of a century down the line.

  5. Unsubstantiated claims and stories, a recent reliable report concluded that of the several thousand investigation only one was unconfirmed as a natural or man made phenomena. The idea that aliens have been visiting backwater towns in the United States (an it always is the United States isn't it) can be largely attributed to the psyche of the nation as a whole - particularly the more central states. In all honesty, there is no reason why an alien race intelligent enough to build space craft capable of easily getting through the inter stellar gulf of space would exhibit a particular interest in hill billies in Texas, especially while there are much more interesting and dynamic places such as the very urban cities.

  6. The probability that life doesn\'t exist on other planets considering it\'s prescece in such diversity and abundance on our one planet, why then should it be alone in a universe that spans billions perhaps trillions of light-years. And how have we tried to detect life? Looked in a couple of rocks on an essentially dead planet in places which it would be effectively impossible for life, while places such as the oceans of Europa (the most likely candidated for ET life in the solar system) remains unexplored. Oh and let\'s not mention SETI, the chances of that finding intellgient life leaking communication signals in the way that we know is practically zero. Thus no results

  7. In theory, outside the universe there's nothing, so nothingness for infinity basically. Complete absence of everything, zero kelvin, zero light, zero particles per cubic metre. Nothing, until the universe expands into the void of nothingness and each metre at a time becomes something. All it takes is for one ray of light or one stray particle and that area is no longer nothingness because it has been touched by matter and thus is something. So everything is nothingness until the universe reaches it, thus the universe is expanding because light (and particles being propelled outward from the Big Bang) expands outwards from the universe into the void where it becomes more universe. In effect, if I threw a baseball out the universe (ignoring FTL physics and the like here for practicality,) the path the baseball takes and the area the baseball takes up becomes more universe.

  8. You\'re right OGTAM, everything does have to have an end and it does. I\'ve already said where that is, as Chrisman pointed out that\'s not true of nothing which by its very nature doesn\'t require an end. Oh and CroScorpion, if you go straight forward you\'d leave Earth at a tangent and go out the galazy then resultantly out the universe into nothing. If however you go in a circle round the earth then of course you\'ll come back to the same point (you went in a circle!) And according to your logic GTAPlayer, the human race would still be cowering in fear in caves from all the predators outside.

    You\'re right OGTAM, everything does have to have an end and it does. I\'ve already said where that is, as Chrisman pointed out that\'s not true of nothing which by its very nature doesn\'t require an end. Oh and CroScorpion, if you go straight forward you\'d leave Earth at a tangent and go out the galazy then resultantly out the universe into nothing. If however you go in a circle round the earth then of course you\'ll come back to the same point (you went in a circle!) And according to your logic GTAPlayer, the human race would still be cowering in fear in caves from all the predators outside.

  9. Thank you Chrisman, thus my point is proved. The only place nothingness ends is at the end of the universe, therefore your two questions are actually the same OGTAM. And I said in order to accurately find out the size of an object. And technically we don't know the size of the universe, and even if we did it would be inaccurate the moment you read the figure as the universe (and thus galaxies) are expanding.

  10. Yes actually it does, there is no definite barrier or wall at the end of the universe, it's just particles and waves spreading on outwards filling the void beyond the universe. The edge of the universe is simply the point at which there no longer is matter or vice versa. Pragmatically the exact position of the edge of the universe is unknown since it's so far away that we can't gain accurate readings and also by the very nature of finding accurately how big something is, you need to be outside it. My example of expanding gas is probably the best way to think of it. It might be of interest to you to know that many gas giants such as Jupiter don't actually have a definite boundary of the core, they go in a gradient from vacuum to gas to liquid to solid as the gravity and pressure increases.

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