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Posts posted by mvi

  1. Hopefully this won't appear as a double post. CroScorpion, the Ozone hole is caused by CFCs not Cigarettes and not smoke, simply chlorine gasses in the atmosphere. However Cigarette smoke does explain why my coat stinks after being down the pub.

  2. Well put Chrisman. DareDevilX that first sentence made no sense, if you're saying that we can't know what's outside space because we haven't seen it then how did we develop the nuclear bomb - I'm pretty sure no one can see an individual atom. The point is it's all based on science, extrapolating information on what you know.

  3. The edge of the universe is simply where matter ceases to be, the universe is full of matter, outside the universe there is no matter. So as the universe expands out, so does this matter so if you leave the universe, you're essentially in nothingness, beyond a vacuum. What's outside the universe (other than nothingness) no one knows since we can't actually see something outside our universe, if ten million stars appeared outside the universe spelling out "Jack Thompson is a twat," you wouldn't see it for 15 billion years (ish) by which time humans will be long dead.

    "Nothingness" as you put it...is what? Empty space, correct? Well space is mainly, as you so blatantly put it, nothingness. The universe is made up of empty space and matter, but the question is, what is at the ends of the universe? Most likely more empty space, but where does it end? I just can't get through my head how the universe could be continuous in all directions with no ends...boggles my mind…It’s basically like San Andreas, if you keep flying further and further out over the ocean…you just keep going and going…like the energizer bunny.

    Space is not nothingness, it contains matter therefore it contains something. The fundamental difference between ordinary space inside the universe and outside is on average about 3 particles. It's a fundamental difference, space isn't empty, it's what's outside the universe (and thus outside space) which is empty. The end of the universe is merely the edge of matter, as light travels (and other matter) outwards, its very prescence is expanding the universe. You may want to imagine the universe as a gas spreading out in vacuum, the end of the gas is spreading out, and outside the gas is nothing, therefore as the gas spreads out, what can be construed as the gas is essentially expanding. Hope this clears things up

  4. The edge of the universe is simply where matter ceases to be, the universe is full of matter, outside the universe there is no matter. So as the universe expands out, so does this matter so if you leave the universe, you're essentially in nothingness, beyond a vacuum. What's outside the universe (other than nothingness) no one knows since we can't actually see something outside our universe, if ten million stars appeared outside the universe spelling out "Jack Thompson is a twat," you wouldn't see it for 15 billion years (ish) by which time humans will be long dead.

  5. *fights temptation to call him ^ an idiot*

    You do realise that Gtaforums is around 20 times the size of of tgtap in terms of members and posts, in fact theres more members at gtaf than posts at tgtap. Gaining 2 and a half million posts in a year would be a massive achievement for spammers alone.

  6. It's fair point, if you have all the fancy bits of Vista turned on you can hardly expect it to run on that old computer you've had for ages, realistically Vista should have good tech requirements - it's the natural order of things, we're going to be stuck with that OS for a while (that is not a prompt for Mac/Nix users to jump in and start converting people) and the computer industry is moving fast. My laptop is twice as good as my desktop, and my desktop is only a few years old. So if you're looking to run a high end copy of Vista on full features on a crap PC think again, because realistically you shouldn't be able to. Upgrade your machine and use Vista or use a different OS, simple as. Just stop complaining about it, afterall there are plenty of other options, many good ones of which are free.

  7. If you truly really want a left nav, it wouldn't be too hard to use, dare I say it, frames to do everything you wanted. That is unless Chris actually wants to incorporate such a feature into the design, I doubt it would be that time consuming to work in an option in the User CP to toggle it on or off either.

  8. The author sent me a free copy back when it came out, (this was in the days of running gtaprojects.com,) I read a fair amount but I didn't find it inspirational. Just mainly about how he thinks of his life as a game. View it as a way to spice up your life, or a way to be more of a gta geek. Either fits

  9. Go here and hit download, once downloaded run the file and follow the on screen instructions. That is all you need to start playing SA-MP. In order to play Sa-mp you need a network connection, i.e. Internet to play with people from around the world, LAN to play with your mate at your home network. Also if you can't see any servers listed in the internet list (and you do have internet) you need to allow SA-MP.exe to have access to the internet (firewall exceptions list.) Any problems give us a shout.

  10. Vice City Stories is a good game, but not a fantastic game. Unlike GTA -> GTA: San Andreas, the Stories series aren't the main series GTA games, they're more revisiting a great game on a different platform. The PSP isn't the perfect platform for GTA which hampers game play substantially (mainly the lack of a right thumb pad,) but that doesn't change the fact it's a good game. It has the city, the storyline, the differences and the new features, making it fun to play. If you're looking for the next great GTA game, you should be waiting for GTA IV, if you're looking for something to keep you happy until then, VCS is the game. So stop bitching that it isn't a port of GTA: Vice City, because only a twat would want to play another version of an old GTA game they've clocked half a dozen times when there's a fresh new game to be played.

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