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Posts posted by Dmac

  1. I uploaded a video on Youtube, Not exactly a fight but a case of a smart ass getting what he deserves. This guy was being a smart ass on msn and the next day he got what was coming to him.


    I was camera man! :P

    Ontopic: I bet that guy would be getting bagged pretty bad at School for the video!

  2. People who live in Australia will understand this, People who live outside of Australia might think this topic is useless. Everyone or most people in Australia either likes Holden or Ford. Basically, I would like to hear what your guys favorite is out of these 2.

    Also, For people in other Countries, I guess that Chev can fall under the Holden category.

    My fav is Holden.

  3. Anyone tried Gizoogle? Basically, It translates pages into Gangster type writing. Heres an example of what it did to TheGTAPlace's little welcome message:

    Welcome ta The GTA Place . Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. One of tha mizzle visited Grand Thizzay Auto fansites on tha web. Our current main focus is of course on Grand Thizzay Auto IV . know what im sayin?. Chizneck bizzle often fo` all tha latest news, screenshots, 411 n more, or subscribe ta our RSS feed ta receive news updates as soon as we pizzost T-H-to-tha-izzem on tha website.

    It appears you is not a pimp of our communizzles check out our forumswhere new playa join everyday straight trippin' fo` a friendly n helpful community ta be a pizzay of . Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. For questions, answa, support fo` all tha GTA games, n jizzay general discussion, regista now!

    Find a good webpage, And try for yourself!

  4. You guys are mibors compared to me....I got a 4 week suspension(2 weeks at home and 2 weeks inschool) for fighting and smoking best 4 weeks of my life doing nothing and just watching the day go by it was awesome.

    Private or Public School?

    A normal fight and smoking couldn't get you 4 weeks suspension in a public school.

  5. Out off all the photos i took on the holiday, Those 4 pictures are the only ones like that.

    That smokey haze only happened twice, I tried it again and i couldn't get it again.

    The orbs, They happen in lots of photos but none of my other photos either had orbs, Or if they did it was not as much as that.

  6. Here is some photos i took in a old Church down in Swan Hill (for anyone living in Australia who knows the place).

    Some Orbs, Which i believe in some cases are dust, And in others cases can be Ghost related.



    Then some pictures i took on a balcony of a Hotel, No one was smoking at the time and there was no smoke around either.



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