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Everything posted by Dmac

  1. Now i understand i find this extremely interesting.
  2. Excellent work! I was going to say its a bit like the BNW Chronicle ( Here ) but then i read at the bottom its from mvi. 10/10!
  3. Melbourne, Australia its 3:27PM. 15 Degress Celsius and cloudy.
  4. I never heard of the Balkans, Where abouts is that? I also heard a recording of the quote he says in the trailer but by someone with a Russian accent and it doesn't sound the same as in the trailer.
  5. Ok i'm a bit slow but i think i understand it now! The story is hints to what happens or what you can do in GTA IV?
  6. Here is my desktop. Yes its real Vista.
  7. The thing i find disturbing is in his play list of supposed sample tracks of GTAIV is some of the songs are in French. Sample Playlist.
  8. Argh a Joke! Why didn't i think!
  9. He asked me before he made his shop and i said I'm cool with it.
  10. Taken from: MTASA.com
  11. Didn't you watch the trailer?
  12. I cant remember this mission but if you got any pics from it of the Russian mafia have a look and see if any guys look like the guy from the trailer.
  13. I posted it at first because i saw it posted on GTAnet and thought it was real (yes, i was fooled!) and quickly posted it here then later after watching the video i quickly had to change the topic before other people fell for it!
  14. Note: This is a joke from Jordan at PlanetGTA.com but it is very well done! Google Video: Click Here.
  15. It depends if the petrol lasted you 1 hour - real time, I can't see a problem maybe they could sort it like this Excelent cars - Cheetah, Infernus last 35 minutes Sentinel - last 45 minutes Crappy cars last 60 minutes, I don't think may people will drive a car for more than 35 minutes so it should be OK this way. I like that idea.
  16. If you want a GF go to the Bar or something, Chat a chick up and then you got the GF. Or something like that which means if you didn't want a GF in the game you don't need to.
  17. I agree, And the road looks great as well.
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