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Posts posted by Dmac

  1. This is seriously worth watching.

    Dylan Pattyn *, who is currently writing an article for Time Magazine on the issue, has official confirmation from sources within Bell Canada and is interviewing a marketing representative from TELUS who confirms the story and states that TELUS has already started blocking all websites that aren't in the subscription package for mobile Internet access. They could not confirm whether it would happen in 2012 because both stated it may actually happen sooner (as early as 2010). Interviews with these sources, more confirmation from other sources and more in-depth information on the issue is set to be published in Time Magazine soon.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Do you think this will mean the end of the internet?

  2. This was a dream I had at the age of 4 or 5, it has been forever in my memory, I dreamed I was on a boat,holding to a rope my parents were holding, and they would drop it and I would fall and die, it was very short.

    I had a dream like 2 nights ago, where I seen the first girl i dated (and pretty much the only one lol) in a hot tub. etc etc. ;)

    I like dreams tbh, waking up from them, it's like going into fantasy land and back, it's awesome.

    Wet dreams ftw.

  3. ...read the second sentence you quoted. I suggested we have one each. That's equal, just separate. Loads of you want an NSFW thread or total porn subforum or whatever, so I say why not.

    I assumed we'd use the already existent Hot Babes thread.

    I think he means more full on type of stuff.

  4. Dude, your stuff is the bomb! I have gotten at leat 50 times the value from Penis. Very easy to use.

    --Susan Phillip

    I am really satisfied with my Pubic Hair. The very best. Man, this thing's getting better and better as I learn more about it.

    --Julie Turner

    Might go out and buy some of that ''Pubic Hair'' after hearing that.

  5. As some of you may know from my PS3 topic, My house was robbed. Basically, I came home and i saw lights on. I unlocked the door to see the room was a mess. I thought my brother was home untill i saw the back door was pulled off. Walked in the hall way to find the bedrooms a complete mess! Thing is, No Computers or Laptop were taken.

    A list of stolen things:

    PS3 And about 11 Games

    2 PSP's and Games


    3 Phones

    2 Chargers

    Police Scanner

    Portable DVD Player

    Heart Medication

    Other Pills/Medication

    Anti-Virus CD

    School Bag?

    Was insured. Should be getting new items soon!

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