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Everything posted by sandlercd_22

  1. Yeh i know it may be a little late but i wanted to show my cars off and my CJ off.
  2. couldnt u just get enough stars for the FBI to come after you than take one of theyre SUV`s
  3. No but i sometimes skip a meal for a cig soooo... hmm its lates o Dr.pepper/nothing
  4. most likely its at Prolaps.
  5. Yeh one car i havnt seen in the game but in the book was the infamous Streetsweeper...
  6. I say we should find the crappiest car you can think of and mod it to the fullest extent and post wut it looks like. THE DORKATHON BEGINS!
  7. I figured that the whole pull over thing would kinda kill the whole GTAness of the game. Cause thats the fun of punching a cop...than the chase is on .
  8. Yeh i just figured i was wrong anyway.I do think that Tommy V is dead is GTA3 though because if my memory is correct you have to do something with a vercetti in a mission. something about a dead body so im not sure. If anyone knows tell me cause im at a loss.
  9. Nirvana-lithium, Crossfade-cold, Papa Roach-scars, Rammstein-Amerika
  10. Maybe we should be thinking of caracters that may link the games together and maybe there will be a link to the next game somewhere. I was pondering what 8-ball from GTA3`s real name is. I was think maybe thats CJ in liberty city. i meen he DID come from liberty city. I may be wrong and most likly am.
  11. Yeh the locks always did annoy me because there is a really nice car in the San fierro air port but i cant get in it....BECAUSE ITS LOCKED!!! and no matter how much i pound into the door it will not open or even fall off. I dont know if it would be cool or not but i think it would be funny to stand on the sidewalk and randomly shoot people with a stun gun. a double barell long shotgun would be cool even though there is already a sawn off shotgun. I still think the gun case idea is a good one because than if you die, you have guns stashed away and dont have to worry about losing them. And about the trunk, now you dont have to use that big clunky moving van and that would meen that you can choose whatever vehical you want but you sacrifice for space if you have a car as apposed to a large truck or a van. Eather a hatchet or a small axe would be cool. And i think that you should have the cops pull you over instead of just chase you than if you have a gun on you or in the trunk they will find it and chase you. I dont know though, sounds complicated.
  12. how did u mod a Hummer. i tried and it said it couldnt be modded at transfender.
  13. I had a question and sorry if its already somewhere answered. How do you make money?
  14. So this forum can stay? Another reason about the trunk thing would be in a mission if you had a hit on someone you could pop the trunk and drop a bomb inside. And also sorry if its off topic but i think that if there is a car thats locked, you should be able to pick it.
  15. I thought i1d make this forum and im sorry if its already there. And if its not worth having just tell me and i wont post here anymore. Just basically post ur ideas about anything that has to do with the weapons in the game. I think that you should accually be able to see the guns he is carrying and you have to hide them from cops and stuff like buy a coat or a trenchcoat or something. And for the type of gun they have i think that you should be able to stock up on gun in ur house like in a gun case or something. And i think that you should be able to stash stuff in the trunk like dead bodies or guns.
  16. PS2!!!! Star-Wars or Lord of the rings...
  17. I sooped up a Sabre and added Hydro just to lower it a bit and added import wheels. its got full Nos and i painted it black. I also have a sooped up Rancher and one of those crappy cars with all off colored parts. Its got pretty much the same as the sabre except for it has a spoiler.
  18. Can somone explain the whole buying weapons and stuff to me because im a n00b. Why do i need to buy stuff and is this a rpg like game or is this for mods on the pc version of vc?
  19. The only problem with getting the packedges as you gois that you forget wich ones you picked up when you are looking at a list. So you might assume when you dont find one that you just picked it up and you accually didnt, and you never get it. That is why on VC i only have 97 of em. I say if you see one, leave it till you accually have the time and have finished everything else .
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