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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Hell yeah, I remember as soon as Lance or I shot one of Diaz's gang members in the hip, blood started spurting from his leg during the cutscene where Diaz came out of his room.
  2. I'd personally not prefer playing as an 18-year-old after seeing how good he trailer was. We don't even know if he's 40 years old. Plus, the game might be New York based again but that doesn't mean the sales will drop. Come on, this is GTA IV. It's supposed to be another revolutionary GTA.
  3. I honestly think another one won't come out for a couple months.
  4. Maybe cause you post here every 50 posts lol. I just now started to do that when I crossed 2,650, I think.
  5. I'm a dozen posts past 2,750.
  6. No, I don't think that's a big clue that Australia could be in the game. It's already seen to be in Liberty City already.
  7. Rockstar would be insane to not include swimming in GTA IV but it wouldn't make sense, IMO, since there was really no where to swim on the original Liberty City but this Liberty City is different.
  8. For a little break on the GTA IV hype, I'm going to play Madden 2007.
  9. It's modern-day Liberty City so it could be around that time. @bigpimpininda818: Thanks, man.
  10. Did you see the post above you? Don't post like that, please. Anyway, tell me how much seconds that it in the video, I probably missed that part.
  11. Eastern european you mean Though, the western part of Russia is in Europe, is it? He could be Russian but we don't know for sure yet.
  12. oh contrare my friend, it also said "LIBERTY FERRY TERMINAL" IT IS in Liberty, and dont even try proving anyone here wrong. I wasn't trying to. I was just telling what I saw. I was probably looking at a different part of the trailer than you and chris82. chris82 posted the screenshot and saw that it is indeed in Liberty City.
  13. It IS in Liberty City. There's familiar buildings and look at my second screenshot. It clearly says "Liberty Tree" on the left of the screen. Oh crap, I never saw that. It looks amazing how Liberty City has changed.
  14. Hell no, the game's going to be released in October. The trailer was great and many might be crazy when I say this but it wasn't as good, IMO as some of the past trailers considering we only see one main character.
  15. I'm not convinced it's in Liberty City. Where the trailer sites looks nothing like the Liberty City we know. It doesn't say "Liberty Tree" on that building, it says "Libertee" which isn't enough proof for me. Edit: It could just be in New York, though.
  16. The site still isn't working. Only 1 minute left.
  17. One last obvious wish before the trailer. I want a long trailer. I only expect 45-90 seconds but I want Rockstar to surprise me.
  18. I'd be mad as hell but I'd watch the trailer over and over again non-stop until I die.
  19. Just closing in on 10 minutes to go for the biggest momest in GTA history to date.
  20. The problem with that is that it's 3 days until April. 23 minutes left to go.
  21. Well, that's since there are over 2,000 members/guests on that forum now so of course their server would end up being slow.
  22. I spoke too soon, it's broken now. With the amount of members that'll potentially join and log in for this moment, the amount of members online total for one day won't be broken ever... or at least until the release of GTA IV.
  23. With all this hype, I'm surprised that the most members online in one day hasn't been broken yet.
  24. Though no trailer has ever been that long. I expect 45-90 seconds.
  25. I'm so happy I live in this timezone right now. Can't wait until 6:00 (EST).
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