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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Heh, I knew this would be a hard question. Edit: Well, uh, the border of Viceport extended from where the Viceport empire is to the south tip of Sunshine Autos and Little Havana's south border went from the Viceport empire north to where Stonewall J's is. Anyone can ask a question now.
  2. Little Havana and Viceport (What I think you're trying to say by Vice Docks) are correct but which got bigger and which got smaller in comparison to the original Vice City?
  3. Vice Point stayed the same size. You're getting closer when you said the airport.
  4. Well, I'll treat that as Los Santos as a whole. It has a few Ammu-Nations.
  5. Downtown and Leaf Links stayed the same size.
  6. Well, no, by one of the eight parts of SA, I mean San Fierro, Tierra Robada, etc.
  7. Well the trailer park isn't really a section of the city. Starfish Island stayed the same size.
  8. I definitely wouldn't mind. I actually liked the gangsta theme. As long as the WHOLE storyline focuses on the 'hood unlike San Andreas' storyline where it was all over the place. 2/3 of the storyline wasn't even focused on Grove Street. Plus, there needs to be a better protagonist. More badass than CJ. Edit: And, yeah, a Hispanic theme wouldn't be bad, either.
  9. No, that was just an example I was making. When I mean parts of Vice City, I mean the things that pop up at the bottom right of the screen.
  10. The cities and the parts of the countryside and desert. All I can say.
  11. Part of what makes Fresh 105 a great station. Which part of Vice City in Vice City Stories had its borders extend and another part get smaller in comparison to Vice City? Example: Vinewood gets bigger in San Andreas Stories compared to San Andreas and Mulholland gets smaller in San Andreas Stories compared to San Andreas and they both border each other.
  12. Out of the 8 parts of San Andreas, which one doesn't have an Ammu-Nation?
  13. I guess this is the last automatic song question. What song on Fresh 105 FM was the station automatically set to in Jive Drive?
  14. The Random Post Topic was like cocaine. You can't get off it and it soothes you... eh, not like I've ever taken it, um DON'T TRY IT AT HOME, KIDS.
  15. Yeah, look: www.sa-mp.com Well, it seems again just like when SA-MP announced they stop developing, the Internet and Official Tabs aren't working and you'll have to save the server under Favorites. It's highly immature for this Jacob guy to join a hacking group and mess around with SA-MP. Unlike last time, they CAN'T actually do anything unless Jacob and his group agree to stop messing around with SA-MP. Might not be appropriate, but nice SA reference in that sentence.
  16. I wonder if this is going to be permitted again...
  17. In the mission Farewell To Arms, which V-Rock song was the station automatically set to?
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