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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. SA-MP is so inactive today but not CrazyBob's server of course.
  2. How could y'all let this slip to 7th on the page? Seriously.
  3. Oh yeah, I forgot I just can't stand listening to this station.
  4. Just cleaning the shit. Post 15,000 is up for grabs!
  5. Toni: You know how much ass I get in snakeskin pants?
  6. Listen to V-Rock and The Scorpions Rock You Like a Hurricane.
  7. Cousin Ed: That's some great sponsorship we have there, Ammu-Nation. Lazlow: Yeah, it's great knowing everyone's armed to the teeth. Cousin Ed: Exactly. I have a 12-shooter on each hip and a 6-shooter between my legs. God, I love my country right now. Football! Beer! Freedom! Lazlow: [interrupting] Reagan! Cousin Ed: V-Rock!
  8. it's an electronic music device... D'oh!
  9. Well, let me list them just in case. We've got: Victor, Lance, Diaz, Gonzalez, Umberto, Alberto, Phil, Toni, Cousin Ed, Lazlow, Maurice Chavez, Jonathan Freeloader, Michelle Montanious, Adam First, Fernando Martinez and Jeremy Robard. I might have missed a few but I counted 16.
  10. Mary-Jo Cassidy. I could keep on going with this. Well, since there seems to be no conformation system with this, I'll ask a question. Which radio station had the most songs (Expect more radio station questions out of me)?
  11. Why isn't anybody caaaaaaallin'?! You don't have to answer! Gloria Oh, Gloriaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Gloria.
  12. [shoots Pedobear-Looking Jack Thompson With A Shotgun In The Head]
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