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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. I'm suing you both for copyright infragement.
  2. Rashon's Random Classics - August 2nd, 2007 No comment.
  3. GTA I - GTA II - Z-Type FTW GTA III - Yakuza Stinger GTA VC - Oceanic o.o GTA SA - Rancher GTA LCS - Leone Sentinel GTA VCS - Sentinel XS
  4. So basically if the game were as realistic as people say, then Niko should be able to brush his teeth, use the bathroom, and that crap. Rockstar wants the game to be realistic but not as realistic as possible. It's only a game.
  5. Sean.'s right, plus I found the feature a bit annoying.
  6. I predict we make the 20,000th post in July.
  7. Humpty Dumpty busted his ass... literally
  8. I'm starting a new segment called: MMORPG Players Don't Use Proper Grammar (and/or spelling) Exhibits Don't worry everyone that misses my classics, they'll come whenever I feel like. Exhibit A Lool
  9. Frank Caliendo on Mike and Mike In The Morning.
  10. I got the glitch where Hilary could fall through the unloaded texture and plummet into... well... who knows who? I saw him with my own eyes falling with his Sabre Turbo through the bridge in Washington Beach leading to Screw This. It was the only reason I won and it was a rare time where I actually was impressed by my crappy computer.
  11. See you soon, man. Always remember this place.
  12. I say probably keep them how they are at the size they're at until next year since four medals seems to be the borderline... or eliminate all awards on display from 2006 but I bet some wouldn't like that to go away.
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