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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Just like this topic but it's fun!
  2. It's weird because most people complain about the attacks.
  3. Rashon's Random Classics - September 12, 2007 Josh: [Gasps] You tease!
  4. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep]
  5. It's not entirely right. They hardly are ever seen roaming their original turfs. The most you ever see a gang in their turf (except for Cholos) are them riding in their gang cars.
  6. Rashon's Random Classics - April 18, 2007 1,000th post in this topic!!!1!!!one!!!
  7. Cholo Sabres can spawn rarely in Little Haiti where Cholos' turf used to be. You more often see the gang members spawn than the gang cars. A Biker Angel spawns in the garage next to Lance's Infernus at his house. The only place you might see Bikers riding Biker Angels is across the street from the Empire at the southern tip of Downtown near that construction site.
  8. My mouse is too crappy to get a classic through.
  9. My mouse is sucking some serious ass. Anyone get any tips so fix this?
  10. Ooh, I just now saw that. I'll see if I can get the pic back. @TM: He said I accidentally put the Triad Fish Van picture as a gang car for the Leones.
  11. Sometimes, I do over Empire missions. Sometimes, I just drive around places that I feel like. I can't really recall because I can't play it like that since all the data on my memory stick corrupted.
  12. Rashon's Random Classics - January 25, 2007 You're both wrong. Sprite pwns all.
  13. I'm too lazy for classics right now.
  14. Inducted into the Spam Hall of Fame.
  15. Rashon's Random Classics (Featuring Jace) August 20, 2007 Now for real, the person making post 10 000 will win a fairly high amount of cash. And I won't make it, promis.
  16. Alright, I finally got a poll in there.
  17. You've earned yourself a spot into the Spam Hall of Fame.
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