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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Conquer is an aggravating and demanding game made by a money greedy MMORPG game company.
  2. I'm tired of his motherfucking memory stick in this motherfucking PSP.
  3. You don't want to see what I do when I get angry.
  4. My life, my life, my life, my life in the sunshine.
  5. Most Knowledgeable (GTA3): Most Knowledgeable (GTAVC): Urbanoutlaw, Original GTA Master Most Knowledgeable (GTASA): Jace Most Knowledgeable (GTALCS): Urbanoutlaw, gta player #69 (I would've said me but that takes up space ) Most Knowledgeable (GTAVCS): GTAPlayer (He disappeared), Urbanoutlaw Best Stunter (San Andreas): Best Stunter (Vice City): Most Respected Member: Spaz The Great Most Respected Mod/Super Mod: Sky Most Helpful Member: TM Most Improved Member: TM Best New Member: Urbanoutlaw Most Intelligent Member: Gerard Funniest Member: TEC 9 Most Original Username: Biggest geek: Most Random Member: Slyde, Alucardo Most unique member: MrLlamaLlama Best Avatar: Alucardo Best Signature: Best Graphics maker: MrLlamaLlama Best Writing (creativity forum): Best Topic Starter: Jace, Red Devil Medal of Honor: YellowJacket, TEC 9 Userbar Whore: Gycu Brun Weirdest Looks:
  6. Footy fans. You know that PK in Soccer is Penalty Kick. What does PK mean in Hockey and American Football?
  7. Who would throw a catfish on the ice?
  8. [imitating Corner Store Clerk] That'll be a dollar-five.
  9. One: Don't diss my topic. Post some better criticism instead of talking crap. If you can do better, make one yourself. Two: Don't bump old topics, especially when you have a reply like that. A small part of Harwood near Capital Autos is where they can be seen. I'm not talking about near the Ferry Dock. Also, some parts of the city have shared turfs regardless of gangs "at war". I admit that there are some wrong parts in the guide that I've really played the game more since last year so I'll change that but don't bust out like that again. Edit: I will, however, in the future to revise the descriptions in the guide since most of them are from my personal opinion when they probably aren't supposed to be. I'll try to make it a little like my VCS Gang Guide.
  10. [As A Hippie] Whatever you say, man.
  11. There's a way to stop that from happening but since this topic isn't about that, I won't get into it.
  12. Alright, then I'm not sure about the Most Controversial Topic since that's not given really to a member. It just concerns a topic. Also probably Best Mod Submitted since that's not really concerning a member, either.
  13. Rashon.


    Get on members' good sides this time. Then there won't be trouble.
  14. What about me? What about me?! Speak, bitch!
  15. Yeah, but I think of the Best Writing award as best stories or fan fics in the Writer's Pad part of the forum.
  16. Punk, I don't love you so you have to go have to go home tonight.
  17. I've got advice for you... stay in school. Know the difference between a car and a plane or helicopter.
  18. Honorable Mention Award: Someone who never got nominated for any award but does well around the forum. It would be difficult since you'd have to wait until the nominations for the previous awards are done before doing this one. Just a little thought. Also how about best posts. The ones that are the most meaningful and have the most meat in them. Still thinking of more.
  19. They can be seen in Ricardo Diaz's missions I don't really have much info on them to put them on the list. The weren't seen as much as the Mendez gang goons.
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