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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Nicest Member Dumbest Member Most Underrated Member Overly/Under-Respected Member I'll probably get more soon.
  2. 你爽我爽??!! Let me ask you a simple question. Is the Sea Sparrow or Hunter a car?
  3. No problem. Help out as much as you'd like. Edit: Though, err, the current way the gang info is right now would to me look better without table codes.
  4. The only reason Eli Manning is starting for the New York Giants is because his last name is Manning. Otherwise, who knows where he could be! P.S. No offense Eli. You're a great player.
  5. I want to see the awards come back. *Cough*EspeciallyhowInevergotnomintedforanything*Cough*
  6. The USA makes it seem like they have the best country in the world [Gagging]. Ha, I'm not biased. I live there! [Laughing]
  7. All I've got to say is wow. Now he's never going to stop playing that game but it shows how games have a good side besides entertainment and hand-eye coordination.
  8. Let's go hail some grits, Jethro.
  9. ESPN's Mike Greenberg hosts the six night event >Duel<. Starts Monday night at 8/7c on ABC.
  10. dumbass <_< dont going off topic please He said that because this topic is about... ...or basically vehicles that drive on land not aircraft.
  11. Don't hate on the NFL. We don' go talkin' shit on Footy.
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