Maurice: Shut up!
Robard: Hey, you, dark guy, I'll give you 20 bucks to put the hecks on Chavez.
Konstantinos: [Jenny Laughing Psychotically] Dark forces, I summon you to meeee. Banish these weaklings and other inferior ones from my presence. [Jenny Stops Laughing]
Maurice: Shut up!
Robard: No, you [indistinct]. Your shoes got lifts, buster, I can tell.
Maurice: Hey, lift this hairspray! [slap]
[Robard Falls To Ground]
Robard: Oh, my nose!
Jenny: Daddy, stop bleeding!
Robard: This cost a lot of money! I'll sue you into jail, asshole!
Maurice: Who you gonna tell? You think you so good from the gutter now, eh, my friend? You think you can screw with me? With Maurice Chavez? What you thinking, asshole!?
Robard: I'm sorry. I, I love your show.