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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Jack Thompson has tried and tried but right now, all he can talk about is how bad he thinks the GTA series is and it won't make a difference.
  2. Derek Anderson isn't looking so hot against the Patriots.
  3. The Sanchez was already confirmed last month in the October Gamepro Magazine.
  4. [Chuckling] I might just have a deal. I'm trading my Backyard Football for San Andreas with this 10-year old kid. If this deal happens, isn't it a good one?
  5. [Chuckles] Heh, heh, yes. Good for you, nice story. Next time backup the files when replacing them so that you can replace them back with the originals when you mess up.
  6. Why would shops be pinned, anyway? If a shop was pinned, then everyone would probably ask how to get their shops pinned, too. They're all made to help members and make money.
  7. From what you're saying, you'll have to wait until the guy who has your disk or whoever owns the disk to come back so you can reinstall the game.
  8. Dontzig: What do I have to do, Stewart? Get down on my knees? [Crowd Laughing]
  9. Maddie: My sister didn't move out. Mr. Moseby: That's odd. I distinctly remember you shouting in the lobby saying: [singing and Dancing] My sister got a groom, now I have my room. What!
  10. Welcome to TGTAP. Stay active because most of the new members that post here hardly stay.
  11. I mostly agree with you on that one. Driving would get a little complicated in a game if it were like real life to me. so what? are you guys only see the negative side? manual drivings can be fun, it might be annoying at first because we couldn't know which car is automatic, but we'll learn, we always learn. don't you guys remember SA? where there's a bicycle and new planes that we have to get used to ??? besides, it's not that hard remembering which car is auto and manual If there are 100+ vehicles, it would take time to remember which cars are manual and automatic. You could only remember a few at a time. The bicycles were different because they don't function entirely like cars. All you have to do is push on the pedals and your off. There was just only some extra features on it like faster acceleration pedaling and bunny hops and whatever I didn't say.
  12. CJ only got respect from his homies but Tommy practically took over all of Vice City.
  13. I mostly agree with you on that one. Driving would get a little complicated in a game if it were like real life to me.
  14. Yes, I understand that. I'm just saying it can be pronounced two different ways.
  15. His name never really changed, it just can be pronounced two different ways. To add on to what you're saying, Johnny Sindacco also pronounced Salvatore's last name with a long "e" sound. Toni's last name pronunciation changed a bit, too since in the mission The Pick-Up in GTA III, Claude was reading Toni's note, Toni was narrating and at the end, he pronounced his last name like "Kipriani" but in LCS, everyone said "Cipriani".
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