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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Maurice: Shut up! Robard: Hey, you, dark guy, I'll give you 20 bucks to put the hecks on Chavez. Konstantinos: [Jenny Laughing Psychotically] Dark forces, I summon you to meeee. Banish these weaklings and other inferior ones from my presence. [Jenny Stops Laughing] Maurice: Shut up! Robard: No, you [indistinct]. Your shoes got lifts, buster, I can tell. Maurice: Hey, lift this hairspray! [slap] [Robard Falls To Ground] Robard: Oh, my nose! Jenny: Daddy, stop bleeding! Robard: This cost a lot of money! I'll sue you into jail, asshole! Maurice: Who you gonna tell? You think you so good from the gutter now, eh, my friend? You think you can screw with me? With Maurice Chavez? What you thinking, asshole!? Robard: I'm sorry. I, I love your show.
  2. Who were you on GTAF, claude_luigi? (Edit: Oh, I found out.) The moderation is corrupt at GTAF but when flaming comes around, just don't bring it to the level where you can get banned for it. The moderators hardly give anyone a chance there and some can get banned at their first warning when they didn't even make a harsh offense. Though, I consider here and there has both my forum homes. I usually go there when TGTAP gets inactive sometimes.
  3. I'll give someone two days worth of my interest (about $4,500) to a person that gets the 200,000 post milestone in a screenshot. If multiple members get the screenshot, then I'll divide the money by the number of members that submit it.
  4. It's been exactly a month since I passed 3,500. Now I'm at 3,600.
  5. Heh, nice, I did miss that. I wonder how it crossed my mind.
  6. Come on, come on, people. We need to hustle.
  7. *Gets in Sentinel and drives away*
  8. Vice City. I want to finish the Assassination missions.
  9. Reminds me of the "Spam to 0" phase of this topic.
  10. 790, people. 790 to go. We've got 4 days.
  11. Yeah, it's nice to see that the Vance Crime Family is an American gang that is diverse just like the Street Wannabes from Vice City.
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