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Posts posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. Got my interview for my Graphic Design degree admission on Friday. Brickin' it. Also has job, knackered as hell 24/7 but the pay isn't half bad, so in a few months I should have a nice rig set up ready for a lazy ass summer (when infact my holidays officially start 19th May). Gotta go in a couple of times to college though since it's tradition that all art students hold a personal exhibition of their cumulative work.

  2. Yeah the story did suck quite a bit. The oblivion one was alot better imo. Oh yeah, and bollocks to cutting the game off if I didn't get the GoTY edition. Oh and whateveritscalled lane can fuck off too, that was stupid. Tranquillity. Didn't see the relevance of that on the story, seemed a bit worked in if you ask me.

    Also more stuff to use as weapons. If you're gonna give me dumb shit like detergent, plungers and cans, let me pick them up PROPERLY and throw them PROPERLY. Also chainsaws.

  3. Yeah, character responses is a much better system... Like... 'you've gained karma' - have i? It's not gonna stop me turning round and blowing Moriarty's head off now is it? Karma should become apparent based on what kinds of a people trust you, want to co-operate with you and i think it's be pretty good if items responded to karma. For example if you use a stimpak on someone else, high karma makes it more effective, low karma less. And vice versa with guns, etc.

    ITT me and Ivan bitch about Fallout3

  4. Yeah, an improvement would be like a karma heatmap... obviously in the world of fallout everyone knows everyone. Could also make it more plausible by employing the Black & White 2 thing where your appearance changes with your karma if they insist upon keeping it ona general level. That'd be sweet.

    Oh.. and am i the only person who thinks VATS is a massive heap of shit? Like, not even the way bethesda did id. Just... the general idea is stupid. Yes it's the future, yes you've got some computer thing strapped to your arm but come on... Where's the challenge?

    Oh and the inventory system needs changing imo. MGS3's was kickass IIRC. Where you have like an X and Y system you navigate whilst keeping full game view, etc. Or did I imagine that?

  5. Yeah. Posted here last night but net fuxxed. I hope there's a bit more smoothness and a greater sense of...comfort in both of the ways you can play. i.e. RPG or FPS. The FPS side needs to be a bit more self assured; like if you compare the way half life 2 plays as an FPS and Fallout does... there's some niggling little difference that makes HL2 so much more convincing. Not sure what it is,maybe even if they remove a degree of open endedness to the story mode, i dunno.. maybe that's it? Discuss.

    Hardcore mode also sounds awesome... you have to drink plus ammo costs weight points. Suits my play style really.

  6. Not being dev'd by Bethesda IIRC, it's by..obsidian..or someone, something like that. Wonder what they'll do with the engine, it's a bit of a dog as far as fluidity is concerned, so I'm hoping they make the best of it's better features.

    Shows promise, otherwise. Oh, and as long as we get trenchcoats back.. IDC. Screw tesla armour, I prefer Trenchcoats and fedoras.

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